NO IT IS I WHO HAVE FOUND YOU, or rather, we have found each other– and we are now together, l
NO IT IS I WHO HAVE FOUND YOU, or rather, we have found each other– and we are now together, like two hummingbirds who are also together! I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Sad Trombone ♥ Though, I’m loath to use the past tense there, because I still harbor dreams of one day breaking free of this swamp of schoolwork and dissertation-writing to surface into the past where I could spend literally 15 hours a day doing nothing but drawing dumb pictures in the most inefficient ways possible. Right now I’m only able to spend a much smaller span of time drawing dumb pictures in very slightly less inefficient ways! But seriously, thank you for being kind to the Sad Trombone blog, I wouldn’t be here right now otherwise (…running a different bad blog, that is, I mean… I would still be alive… I didn’t intend for that to come across like…) AS USUAL, I SHOULD PROBABLY PUT AN END TO THIS PARAGRAPH BEFORE I DISINTEGRATE INTO COMPLETE INCOHERENCE (the point being, thank you so much!) As you can see, embarrassingly enough, your emoticons have perished en route to my inbox :( But thank you for the sweet message! All the art is under the sketch tag– unfortunately there’s no specific tag for multi-panel comics, alas. I think most stuff there is fandom-specific, but there are a couple that aren’t! At any rate, I haven’t made any other mythology comics yet. I did have a notebook with a bunch of potential ideas for comics about the Iliad that I wanted to draw, but that was in 2001 so… I have no idea where that notebook went! I do recall that it involved a painful conceit where Homer is a world-weary hipster who is composing epic poetry to get over a bad break-up and Odysseus keeps writing self-insert porn about himself and Athena HEY LOOK IT WAS 14 YEARS AGO, I NEVER CLAIMED THAT THESE IDEAS WERE ANY GOOD. The Cassandra comic is the only one I really remember! Well, that one and the whole… subplot about Odysseus and his pornography career fkld;ghld AREN’T THEY GREAT?! ANON AREN’T THE APOSTLES GREAT??!?!?! :DDDDD GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. LET’S TALK ABOUT THEM ALL THE TIME! Though, occasionally I do talk about them to people in real life and I realize that the way I think of them has become so confusingly entwined with all the headcanon I’ve woven around them that I just end up sounding like a deranged maniac. I’m like “hahaha oh that Nathanael, what a joker, right?” and the other person is like “…that… who? …Bartholomew? Why is he… why are you talking about him like you know him personally” and then I have to throw pocket sand in their face as I make a hasty getaway. But you’ll hear me out, right?! YOU’LL TALK ABOUT THE APOSTLES WITH ME? Let’s just take a moment to think about Peter, James, and John waking up in the Garden of Gethsemane to find themselves surrounded by torches. Judas standing in the firelight like a ghost, dwarfed by the forest of spears behind him. UGH I’M SO INTO THEM ANON It’s a very pretty name and I would be phonetically fond of it even without the mythological connections, but I hope the people who named you had your best interests at heart…! Thank you very much for the messages :’)“I’M NAMED AFTER A PRIESTESS WHO HAD 49 SIBLINGS AND A GENERALLY TERRIBLE LIFE AND THEN GOT BRUTALLY SLAUGHTERED BY THE WIFE OF THE DUDE WHO TOOK HER AS A WAR CAPTIVE!” Nomen-omen is no joking matter, man. WAIT WHERE IS COURFEYRAC BECAUSE I’D LIKE TO ASK HIM THAT SECOND QUESTION MYSELF, oh for god’s sake that’s one of the top three questions that will HAUNT ME TO MY DEATH (the other two being “what is the chirality of Krogans?” and “what’s the deal with Iago?”) I’m going to be on a hospital bed wheezing and motioning for a pad of paper and a pen and with the last remaining vestiges of my strength I’m going to scrawl AZELMA?????? and then just die. That’s how I’m going to die. I have a sinking suspicion that if we were actually personality twins you’d actually hate English literature and also not be all that gung-ho about me either SO JOKE’S ON YOU, ANON– no but thank you very much, I appreciate you greatly also! TWIN HIGH-FIVES!That having been said, I’m really pretty sure that you love English a LOT more than I do, which means that you should consider giving up on all your hopes and dreams and applying to grad school when the time is right. In fact, start giving up on all your hopes and dreams now! Get an early start! Haha I’m kidding, grad school is great (………………….for a given value of “great”) Hiya! By “sporting culture” I’m going to guess you meant that reference to the races– because I think the only other sport I’ve talked about here is tennis, and you can tell I’m not a Brit when I talk about tennis because I stan Novak Djokovic JESUS CHRIST I HATE WIMBLEDON!!!! That aside… I’m in the US and have never lived anywhere in the UK for any extended period of time. You’re right, it’s probably fair to say broadly that I study BritLit, even though national / cultural boundaries are drawn differently in the Middle Ages and I think I’d probably call my area something like… insular medieval? But I’m not from the UK! Ah anon, to answer this question I must tell you a tale of romance, of furtive disrobings and biological stains. One fine day in the late 80s, my parents were strolling down the sunlit streets of Paris when they chanced upon the Vintage Bar at 16 rue de la Verrerie. Curious enough for a detour, they entered the shop; but before long, this veritable treasure trove of high-end finds proved to be dangerously irresistible to those of such youthful persuasions. Overcome by the allure of past seasons’ furs, quilted leather bags, and the racks on racks on racks of shoes, they clutched to each other as they stumbled into the dressing room, the air too hot in their lungs. Velvet curtains were tugged haphazardly closed; a wooden hanger clattered to the floor. You see, anon, 16 rue de la Verrerie is where I was conceived.The other answer is that it’s a Les Miserables reference– it’s where Courfeyrac and Marius’s den of iniquity is located. So, you know, not all that different from the first answer, fundamentally… Oh god I hope that I’m not enough of an asshole to call someone else’s fic a “piece of shit”!!!!! Thankfully I am weatherfront and she is me, so I will pass on your very generous message and respond with nine parts gratitude and one part horrified disapproval. Thank you :’) ANON THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER ACCIDENTALLY DONE TO ANYONE EVER, I AM SO SORRY but also, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU THAT YOU WERE SUSCEPTIBLE TO THIS IDIOT??!??! Every time he posts something I bury my face in my hands and despair for humanity. THAT KAYAKING VIDEO. Who decided that this human being would be a valuable addition to the world??? He is such an embarrassing dad, how did he even live this long without spontaneously generating a kid just to fulfill his embarrassing dad potential? I feel so bad for Stefan. I haven’t been this worried for a child since Zach Emanuel. WHY DOES HE EXIST INDEEDWHAT AN AWFUL NOTE TO GO OUT ON, GODDAMMIT NOLE -- source link
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