briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a

briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a
briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a
briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a
briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a
briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a
briefs6335: Got a 3 pack of vintage JC Penney briefs. Kept one pair and shared the other two with a