Speculative biology of Eversong Lynxes because I am really just a great, big nerd. Lynxes start
Speculative biology of Eversong Lynxes because I am really just a great, big nerd. Lynxes start grey and patternless before shedding into a golden adolescent coat. These gold-red juveniles are the most commonly seen of the Eversong Lynxes, as it is in this stage of their life that they are seeking a territory… or a friend. Like many creatures of the wood, they have a symbiotic relationship with the Elves, and will frequently hunt and grow up alongside them.As adults, the lynxes’ coats become darker. Matriarchs and ‘Ghostclaw’ lynxes sport this russet fur. Old ranger’s tales tell that the oldest cats; sometimes over a thousand years old themselves, may be jet black… but since the destruction of Thas’alah and the sacking of Quel’thalas, none of these elusive, shadowy elder cats have been seen. -- source link
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