vamoose-sob:thelittlethingsgiveyouaway:takingbackourculture:there were a lot more tweets like this…
vamoose-sob:thelittlethingsgiveyouaway:takingbackourculture:there were a lot more tweets like this… and from what I’ve seen, they were all written by white people. smhWatch them make a god awful and downgraded honky version of Diwali like they did with Holi.- JessWhite people will appropriate Bindis, appropriate henna, and disregard the sacred cultural aspect of Holi and turn it into “the color run” but are pissed about seeing Diwali on snapchat. I’m fucking done.Haha. Ok. Excuse me while I go ham. Warning: You have unleashed the cracken.I am not surprised at all that more often than not, these charming tweets were manifested at the hands of White people. Strictly speaking, racism is a White man’s ‘invention’. People with White skin have historically considered themselves superior to those with darker skintones, and, having strategically taken over nearly all of the planet at some point and set up institutions that privilege them at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity, don’t tell me otherwise.Having occupied our country, stolen our land and resources, invented a mass-scale slave trade, ruined virtually everything you ever fucking touched o the point of making all the country’s descendants wanting to migrate out and live in what they perceive to be “safer” places, what the fuck gives you the right to comment on ONE DAY of celebration, the most auspicious time of the year in the Hindu religion? I’m fucking tired of this shit man. Fucking Columbus comes through and discovers places that have ALREADY BEEN DISCOVERED, and then calls it “India” because his puny ass brain HAS to believe that the first place he touches has to be exactly what he wanted to touch, which leads me to tell everyone that I am “Indian from India” for there rest of my damn life. You take the Kohinoor from us, ruin all of our country’s prosperity, divide our people up into lands that are easier for you to control, leave us in dusts and ruins, then sit back in disgust when we have a few fireworks, while remaining so dense-headed that you can’t even credit the ownership of iPhones to 100 of the country’s 1.21 billion population? AFTER ALL OF THIS, you have the fucking audacity to walk around adorning OUR TRADITIONAL EMBLEMS bearing SIGNIFICANT cultural meaning, for the sake of “fashion” and “looking exotic” (don’t get me started with that word). THIS IS THE EXACT REASON WHY YOU ARE NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, PERMITTED TO APPROPRIATE OUR BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF CULTURES.9/11 happens and even though India has nothing to do with this shit, because we look similar to people who did it (who themselves are not representative of the larger group AT ALL), now we have to cower around and deal with your racist taunts? Fuck this shit. When I was younger, my father told me not to tell any of my friends what he did for a living. Because his business involved dealing with precious stones and large sums of money, he wanted to keep our family safe. But of course this automatically led the ignorant masses to deem him a terrorist, right? Fuck you, too.FUCK trying to reason with these bitches and telling them your family isn’t full of terrorists, or that your food smells fine, and the oil in your hair is a tradition, and that your skin is brown because it hails from the Holy Ganges. Let them say whatever the fuck they want to, because American nationalism and White supremacy is something that CANNOT be reasoned with. You would have to reach down to this level of ignorance if you want to fight it, and there’s no doing so. Denigrating a person because they are not White, have an accent, practice a religion different from the majority of Americans, and maybe even wear different clothes IS NOT A REASON TO TORMENT THEM. LET. THEM. FUCKING. LIVE.I was watching a YouTube video yesterday of this beautiful woman voicing some of her political viewpoints. Some comment of a guy named “Bob Marley” read “she has annoying voice and accent… because she is an immigrant… from India”. This woman was an Indian from India, but she never left. If she never emigrated, how is she an immigrant? SHE NEVER LEFT. SHE IS HAPPILY RESIDING IN HER COUNTRY OF BIRTH, YOU DUMBFUCK. NOT WHITE DOES NOT EQUAL IMMIGRANT. THE ENTIRE WHITE POPULATION IS AN EMIGRANT POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES. HOW CAN YOU FORGET THAT?!FUCK THE IGNORANTS. I am SO tired of Western society teaching Indian women that they are less. Their skin is too dark, their name is too foreign; they don’t belong here. “Aren’t you going to have an arranged marriage? Did you ride to school on an elephant? What does the red dot mean and why don’t you wear it? Why is your hair so oily? You’re so hairy. I hate your food. Did your family cause 9/11?” They’re taking your jobs; they’re ruining your Aryan society. Oh, wait. Hey, did you know that the term Caucasian includes people of Indian descent? And, hey, while we’re at it, interestingly enough, SO DOES ARYAN. I’m tired of the fucking school lunches that were ridiculed for smelling a certain way. I’m tired of our most auspicious holiday of the year being ridiculed because ignorant motherfuckers can’t JUST LET THE WORLD BE. I’m tired of your Indophobia, the Anti-India sentiments, the haughty, condescending, arrogant and patronizing tones. Shove them up your ass. Here’s my middle finger: sit on it and rotate.This shit happened just last year when the reigned Miss America happened to be of Indian descent. India had the Taj Mahal made before America even existed as a nation. One out of every six human beings is Indian. The number system is largely believed to have been invented in India—0 definitely was. WE ARE THE SINGLE WEALTHIEST GROUP OF PEOPLE IN AMERICA, AND THE MOST EDUCATED. We never invaded anyone because WE ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING. Chess, the button, wireless communication, complex hydraulic engineering, FLUSHING TOILETS AND THE FIRST EVER SOPHISTICATED SEWAGE SYSTEM, STEEL, DEMOCRACY. ALL US, ALL INDIA. AND YOGA, AND ELEVATING CRICKET INTO A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR SPORT, AND MAKING FOOD SO FUCKING AMAZING THAT YOU SAILED ACROSS THE FUCKING WORLD TO STEAL IT FROM US (and don’t even use it on your own damn food, smh), COTTON CULTIVATION (LOOK DOWN AT YOUR SHIRT PLEASE, YOU’RE WELCOME), INDIGO DYE, SUGAR REFINEMENT, SHAMPOO, BITCH. I’M SORRY, BUT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO AVOID US. WE ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. AND YOU’RE WELCOME FOR THE SHIT WE INVENTED THAT YOU’RE USING RIGHT NOW.SO EXCUSE ME. WHILE YOU SIT HERE ENJOYING EVERYTHING WE GAVE TO THE WORLD, WE WOULD LIKE TO CELEBRATE THE MOST AUSPICIOUS HOLIDAY OF OUR YEAR WITHOUT YOUR USELESS WORD VOMIT.I’m fucking proud to be Indian, and if I worked for Snapchat, I would make sure the Diwali Snapchat stayed on every one’s feed for every day of their life. Because that shit’s fucking awesome. In fact, I’d like to add stories of important events from every non-Western culture and leave it there every day of the year, and put a block on these racists’ entire Snapchat accounts, refusing to let them continue using it until they watch every single story at least five times. I sincerely hope you hate it.xo, the rest of the world (which actually exists, by the way) -- source link
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