andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin

andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin
andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin
andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin
andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin
andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin
andorjyny:cassian, who had betrayed her.when had she figured it out? during the race from the landin