makingqueerhistory:[Image Description: a light blue brush textured background with a stylized post o
makingqueerhistory:[Image Description: a light blue brush textured background with a stylized post office box with a letter in it]We get messages and emails fairly regularly asking how to support our project and share queer history, so this post is a list of things that help us out the most!Support Making Queer History financially:This is the best way to support the project, and is what makes all of this possiblePatreonOne-time DonationShopFree ways to support Making Queer History:Follow us on social mediaIn the numbers game of social media following us and interacting with our posts (especially sharing them) makes a huge differenceFacebookInstagramTwitterPintrestEmail us at queerhistorypatreon@gmail.comGetting emails from y’all make Dean and I so happy, and really reminds us that people are out there and the things we do make a difference -- source link