the-fault-in-our-wifi:silentstep:hadhodrim:Boromir cuddling Hobbits because why not.#i ask only for
the-fault-in-our-wifi:silentstep:hadhodrim:Boromir cuddling Hobbits because why not.#i ask only for the strength to defend my people #and #y’know #everyone else who comes within 50 feet of me (via goodshipophelia)boromir’s character makes me so sad, because honestly, he was one of the most caring in the fellowship. he understood their mission and wanted to get it done as successfully as possible, but he wanted what was best for everyone with them as well. he felt the need to care for all the hobbits, not just frodo. and when he made a mistake, it destroyed him. he saw that he was weak and that he nearly ruined everything. and he died trying to make that right. boromir is the best. -- source link