merganfm:180hugs:[ image description:A facebook post by Tiffany PittsThe text reads: An Argument In
merganfm:180hugs:[ image description:A facebook post by Tiffany PittsThe text reads: An Argument In Favor of Video GamesFrom a Quarantined Mother#Quaranteens #WTFparentingMy 15 yo son has spent every second ofhis free time during this pandemic hangingout online, playing video games with hisfriends. He started by ranking up to theelite tiers of Apex Legends.I am told this is quite a feat. Honestly, Ibelieve it because it took him and hisfriend 6 hours a day for a week to rank thathigh.After that came Sea of Thieves. He joinedup with more friends and sailed the digitaloceans until piracy lost it’s shine. Also,when two friends started arguing in game.2 nights ago they made a plan to meet upas a big group on Fortnight. None of themreally play Fortnight much anymorebecause the crowd is a little younger. Butthey didn’t want to work too hard atplaying, they just wanted to hang out.Last night, six of them met up again onFortnight to hang out and play. They weregoofing off, doing stupid teenager stuff,when they met a solo player namedJamMaster.Sometimes if they meet solo players thatare pretty chill, they’ll join forces.JamMaster seemed pretty young but hewas by himself and they were having funshowing him what they knew about thegame. They invited him to join their crew.Pretty soon they discovered that their firstimpressions were correct. JamMasterWAS much younger than they were - only10 years old. They also discovered that itwas his birthday in the morning.The boys realized that JamMaster hadbeen hanging out by himself all night, onthe eve of his 1 Ith birthday- which hewould be spending by himself inquarantine.CLEARLY SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE.Y'ALL, THEY THREW HIM AN 11THBIRTHDAY PARTYThey took him on a bunch of adventures,gave him all the loot they could, helpedhim win a few battles, and made his stayup until midnight so they could all singhappy birthday to him.This morning, as my son told me abouttheir adventures and all the fun they had, Istarted to cry. I was trying to saysomething like “Oh that’s so nice” but tearsjust started spilling down my cheeks. Hecould not understand why.But…but…CAN YOU IMAGINE? The disappointmentof being quarantined for your 1 Ith birthdayonly to be met by a random six-pack ofteenage gamers who decide you’reawesome and want to throw you a birthdayparty?What a roller coaster. What an experience.What an incredible thing to do for a younggamer.In conclusion: video games, hell yeah.End image description]I think this woman is also a quality mom, because how many moms listen enough to what their kid is interested in to know what game they’re playing and how much time they’ve invested, and to listen to them talk about their game enough to hear a story like this? maybe it’s more common than i expect but this is the kind of engagement with my interests i craved as a kid -- source link
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