Ryu Kokki—————————————
Ryu Kokki————————————————At the end of the Damage Step, if this card battled a Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster: Destroy that monster.————————————————Can Be Found In: Structure Deck: Zombie Madness (SD2-EN008), Invasion of Chaos (IOC-EN090), Dark Revelation Volume 2 (DR2-EN091), Zombie World Structure Deck (SDZW-EN011), Gold Series: Haunted Mine (GLD5-EN013), Legendary Collection 4: Joey’s World Mega Pack (LCJW-EN194)While is preferable to work along monsters providing their effects for further advantages, is not as necessary as might look. Often seen in Normal Monsters, just the many supporting options involving a card might suffice to obtain a strong performance. Therefore, even if the monster(s) we’re playing with might not be as effective as alternative choices, the many options to summon it as well achieve all sorts of goals will be enough to become a popular choice in various Decks.“Ryu Kokki” is a monster originated from the Japan-only game Getsu Fuma Den (Obviously same goes for the card “Getsu Fuhma”), although veteran players will know it more for its staple position in various Zombie Decks at the time of its debut. In battle, “Ryu Kokki” will automatically destroy any Warrior or Spellcaster at the end of the Damage Step, covering two of the most prevalent Types in the game even if “Ryu Kokki” might be defeated to take down enemies in the process. However, while “Ryu Kokki” has a decent ability and solid stats for its Level, its reputation grew due the many Zombie cards that can keep it a constant pressence during a Duel.Zombies are known for its strong options involving the Graveyard, allowing “Ryu Kokki” and others to be on the field one turn after other for any purpose required. Back on its debutting years “Ryu Kokki” became a serious threat thanks to “Pyramid Turtle”, allowing it to summon this creature from inside our Deck once defeated in battle. But no matter if is summoned during a Battle Phase right in our first turns or we must Tribute Summon it, once in the Graveyard “Ryu Kokki” and any other Zombies will keep a prevalent pressence on the board thanks to the Type’s many revival options. If copies of “Book of Life” aren’t summoning “Ryu Kokki” while banishing opponent’s cards, a “Mezuki” in the Graveyard will do so by banishing itself. With also cards like “Gozuki” and “Uni-Zombie” disposing of monsters to the Graveyard for their respective abilities, “Ryu Kokki” won’t have it as difficult as any other creature of its Type.As pointed out, “Ryu Kokki” had a brief moment of glory thanks to the supporting effects of its era. From its famous combo with “Pyramid Turtle” to follow with constant revival effects, “Ryu Kokki” has no need to depend on its effect to become a powerful attacker and even material of other summons. However, given Warriors and Spellcasters have a recurring pressence in many Decks, the effect of “Ryu Kokki” is not as situational as might look. From countering entire Decks like Gravekeepers or Noble Knights among many others, to dealing with recurring cards like “Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning” even if is defeated in the process, “Ryu Kokki” covers more matches than might apparent. With the additional help of cards like “Zombie Necronize” and “Zombie Power Struggle” as well other commonly used cards in most Decks, if “Ryu Kokki” isn’t dominating two popular Types in the whole game it has the options to keep a strong position on the field.“Ryu Kokki” might have lost its status as soon Zombies gained more options over the years as well the change of the Fusion Deck into the Extra Deck. But even if its effect won’t become available in every fight or Deck we’re fighting against, “Ryu Kokki” is far from a helpless monster in its current position. Back in the day it mainly relied on “Pyramid Turtle” to suddenly pressure the opponent in the middle of any Battle Phase, but nowadays “Ryu Kokki” will keep pestering the board no matter if is using its high stats in battle or working as material of other summons. Although far from a recommended choice when compared to other Zombies, “Ryu Kokki” obtains a solid performance even if we’re playing it for nostalgia.Personal Rating: B+ Destroys any Warrior or Spellcaster that battles against at the end of the Damage Step+ Solid stats+ Great support from its Type from early to late game- Situational effect despite covering popular Types in the game- Overshadowed by many other alternatives arround Zombies -- source link
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