tartar-tots: “It seems the integration of my new communications system has been successful, bu
tartar-tots: “It seems the integration of my new communications system has been successful, but unfortunately the radio waves only seem to be over-saturated with a bunch of chart-topping pop songs that I’d rather not be hearing right now. Wait, can someone hear me? I only just made this private channel! Don’t know how anyone could get into it so soon but if that’s the case then perhaps you can help with testing it? Hit me up with some conversation or something. Anything is better than hearing the shouting of the Pearl inkling.” [ASK BOX OPEN] So I went ahead and made an ask blog for my goopy octophone person! Follow or send questions to Tartar if you like!It seemed like a fun idea to me with a good opportunity to practice some writing, art, and characterization while I’m at it. -- source link