paddedlittleparadise: “I can do this,” the girl murmured inaudibly, her reddening cheeks
paddedlittleparadise: “I can do this,” the girl murmured inaudibly, her reddening cheeks pressed against the cool leather of the sofa. “Get it together, Roseanne. Just… breathe…” Shifting, she winced as she heard once more the telltale crinkle from between her bare legs. First dates were always stressful, sure. And certainly when you’re a woman - what with all the assholes and weirdos and potential axe murderers out there. But when you were dealing with these sort of issues…? Definitely some heart-pounding stuff. “You’re a strong, independent, smart young lady,” she reminded herself aloud, forcing herself up onto her elbows. “You’re a kind person - not to mention a sexy-ass treat that any guy would be lucky to have.” She took a shaky breath and went on, feeling her courage slowly trickling back. “You’re in control of this situation, Roseanne. Yeah. You’ve got this…” Only then did she realize that once again, there was another sort of trickling going on: a fresh trickle of warm urine streaming quietly out into the protective padding of her diaper. “Fuuucckkk,” she groaned, desperately squeezing her bare thighs together to stanch the flow. But of course her exertions only made the spurts of pee quicken, and after a few seconds she gave up in exasperation. “Dammit! And I just changed, too…” She flopped despondently down onto the sofa, the leather squeaking comfortingly beneath her diaper-clad frame. What the hell to do now? Well, nothing for it but to put on that skirt and head out anyway, she reflected dismally after a few moments’ reflection. Yeah. She’d do it. She’d show up on time - play the game - talk the small talk and drink the drinks and do everything as expected. She didn’t have to sleep with a guy to have a nice night, right? For sex was completely off the table, naturally. After all, she couldn’t let anyone know what an incontinent, pissy-pants loser she really was… No, no, she corrected herself, her cheek still pressed against the satiny leather. No more of that. She might be incontinent, sure - as incontinent as a day-old infant. But she was still smart and good-looking, and she deserved happiness as much as anyone. So what if her underwear was a bit thicker and more crinkly than average? There had to be some guys out there who didn’t mind, right? Maybe a few oddballs who might even find it… attractive? She stifled a derisive snort. Yeah, like that was ever gonna happen. But, hey - a girl could always dream, right? Even a diapered girl? Image Credit: Please don’t remove my caption or accreditation! If you do, may squirrels dig up and eat all those fall flower bulbs you just planted. I’m definitely in the mood to go on a date with this kind of girl. What can I say, I feel like being a mommy. Though diaper girls are super rare, and lesbian ones… well, I’m sure they exist, but I have no idea where to find them -- source link
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