emmastudies: I’ve finally had a chance to create this highly requested post! Since I’m c
emmastudies: I’ve finally had a chance to create this highly requested post! Since I’m constantly updating my Instagram/studygram, I often get asked what I do to edit my photos. I’m not a fan of long and complicated editing routines so mine is super basic and simple. Probably slightly disappointing in a way but saves time if you’re wanting to copy my feed! Just to clarify, I currently use an iPhone 6! Here are my couple of steps:Step one: My desk is generally in quite a dark spot, so for photos I have to open the shutters of my window. Due to this, I installed a light bulb that is ‘cool white’ rather than ‘warm white’ to add a little bit more natural light in the room on dark days. Generally I won’t turn it on if it is bright outside but on cloudy days I probably will. It does create a bit of shadow but that doesn’t bother me too much! Step two:I will usually set my camera to square since it is easiest to see how it will look on my Instagram. Whilst the below photo isn’t in focus, I’ll tap the screen to focus the camera to the middle of the picture!Step three:I’ll then move over to Instagram and begin editing. Depending on the whiteness and brightness of the original photos, I will pick out of three filters - either Lark, Clarendon or Juno. I will usually pick the one which will make the photo the whitest but without being to overly washed-out. Since I don’t want to over filter the photos I will turn the filter setting to around 20-50%, but again depending on the photos original brightness. Here is an example of the change between the original photo versus it with the Juno filter at 45%. It is only a slight change but it just brightens up the page and my desk (which is ‘antique white’). Step four:If the photo is still a little dark, I will up the brightness just a tad. Again, I don’t want to over filter my photos so I will only do it a little bit - usually between 5-10%.Step five: I’m already done, woo! Like I said at the beginning, I can never be bothered to use loads of different editing apps just to post a photo. I tried doing lengthy editing processes when I was starting out with Instagram but it took so long, I ended up never posting because I couldn’t be faffing with it all! Remember it doesn’t matter if your Instagram feed isn’t ‘perfect’ or totally matching. Once I realised that my followers didn’t mind natural looking photos I just stuck with a simple routine which produces photos I like! Below is a side by side of the original and the edited photo. Like I said there is not much difference between the two but I like to keep it natural with just an added bit of brightness. (Apologies for the poor quality of this - photos saved from Instagram are never fantastic!).I hope that helps! Remember to follow my Instagram @emmastudiess! -- source link