OOPSMARK by Grace García1. How did your idea come up? The idea came us kind of as
OOPSMARK by Grace García 1. How did your idea come up? The idea came us kind of as a joke. I was working on other projects, and had been making custom leather accessories for years. I saw a beer 6-pack holder for a bike, and thought it was a good idea to make a wine rack for a bike. I put it up on Etsy, and everyone seemed to love it! I’ve been making them for 3 years now. 2. Why this name “Oopsmark”? The name came from something my said to me once while we were working together. I was making something and made a mistake, and I was annoyed and swore. She said that I didn’t make a mistake; rather, I hit the “oopsmark.” It came to mean something unexpected that happened that ended up being better than the original idea, or a mistake that you just have to work with until the end. 3. Why bikes accessories? I love biking. Montreal is the most bike friendly city in North America (according to the Copenhagen index), and it is so great to see people biking instead using cars. I try to design products that are unique, and something that I would like to use. 4. Where are you based and why? I live in Montreal, Canada. I’ve lived in a few cities in Canada and the US, and Montreal is my favourite. I love the lifestyle, the European influence, and the biking culture! 5. Which bike do you ride? I ride a 1944 Raleigh Rescue that I found in the garbage and fixed up. 6. Any future project? So many! Right now we are finishing up on a great indoor garden system. http://www.oopsmark.ca/ -- source link