Do you know that my story is your story? They call it history, but it’s OURstory. Don’t
Do you know that my story is your story? They call it history, but it’s OURstory. Don’t wait for them to tell you who you are… kNOW who you are!☀️ • The island of Santiago is 1 of the 10 islands that make Cabo Verde. These islands on the western coast of Afraka are often forgotten but you’d be surprised at how important these humble islands are to us as ascendents of Afraka • Praia, the capital of CV, is in Santiago… Cidade Velha, a world heritage sight, is also one of the last places many of our ancestors who were enslaved stepped after being tortured… they were forced back onto boats and shipped in the most inhumane conditions to many of the places we call “home” today. Even lesser known is the story of Somada, the town that birthed the resistance. Legend has it that many people who were attempted to be enslaved fought to escape and settled in this particular valley which of course turned out to play a vital role in the eventual rebellion against Portuguese colonialism, and independence from Portugal • Lastly —for now— there is literally a concentration camp that most people have no clue about which is in Tarrafal, a beach city that has become an extremely popular tourist attraction. Not sure how many of them actually visit the concentration camp that was established by Salazar, the Portuguese dictator, for political prisoners who were against his regime. Many people who are from Cabo Verde don’t even know this story because the shame and neocolonialism (yes, most of the continent is still colonized just in more subtle but significant ways)… this is just scratching the surface of the POWER of these islands✨ As we kNOW ourselves we heal ourselves to FREE ourselves! FREEDOM is day 9 of the #KheperaChallenge . . . #HightopsandHeels #HTxH #healinghealers #CaboVerde #CapeVerde #cidadevelha #praia #santiago #somada #assomada #revolutionary #ourstory #blackhistory #ancestry #ancestral #geneticmemory #tarrafal #freedom #khepera #streetart #islandlife #forthechildren #blackpower #shestoodeep -- source link
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