Kadokawa, Sammy Establish New Anime Studio ‘Engi’Kadokawa established a new anim
Kadokawa, Sammy Establish New Anime Studio ‘Engi’Kadokawa established a new animation studio named “Engi” on April 4, and it began operations on Friday.Engi has a capital stock of 100 million yen (about US$913,000), of which Kadokawa invested 53%. Pachinko and pachislot game machine maker Sammy invested 40%, and anime holding company Ultra Super Pictures (USP) invested 5%. The company is located at Integral Tower in Tokyo, like USP group companies (which include Sanzigen, Ordet, Studio Trigger, LIDEN FILMS, and Galaxy Graphics).Engi will work with all three companies to create animation for television and theatrical anime, pachinko or pachislot machines, and game promotional videos. -- source link