mysubmissionjournal: Being made to spend extended periods of time inside a dog crate is both humilia
mysubmissionjournal: Being made to spend extended periods of time inside a dog crate is both humiliating and degrading at first, but a great way to give a submissive time to calm themselves, think about, and reconsider their actions. “Time outs”, as my Dom and I call them, were one of the hardest things for me to adjust to and learn how to participate in correctly. I am the type of person that over-thinks and dissects almost everything. It’s a function that’s served me well in school and at my job but when it comes to stressing myself out and being a focused submissive, it’s something I’ve had to work at constantly. My Dom noticed this quality about me right away, he would always ask me what I was thinking about and where my mind was at when he could tell my train of thought had taken me miles away. Early on it was mostly me processing social interactions (drama) and stress from work but he’s been able to mostly eradicate my worries over the distracting social bullshit. When he first started putting me in time outs they were often before training sessions because he wanted my mind cleared of my workday’s stresses and so I would be focused and ready to go. I wasn’t a fan of them at first, he would have me kneel in a corner naked, collared, knees apart, usually a plug in my ass, back arched, chin up and hands behind my head. He would make it clear that I needed to get my head on straight and usually give me a topic to think about, for example was what I was worrying about that important? Is worry about this making my life better or strengthening our relationship? Or he would give me a hint what our training session was going to focus on and have me prepare my mind and body for that. As a young adult that felt like they’d accomplished a thing or two, part of me resented being treated like this and relegated to a childish punishment. It would take a few minutes to let those feeling runs their course but I would always eventually calm down and be able to get myself focused properly. On occasions my Dom can tell I am having trouble focusing and needed a little help he often adds a gag or when it’s really serious, nipple clamps. I have very sensitive nipples that are hard what feels like 90% of the time, nipple clamps are brutal for me. He knows this and takes full advantage of the benefits this information gives him when he need to punish me or make me focus. I have grown to actually enjoy and appreciate my time outs now. Trying to unlearn the way your mind has worked for your entire life isn’t going to be easy at all but my Dom and my time outs have helped me change a lot. When you take away the D/s aspect of it, it’s really just meditation. I’m maintaining a position, clearing my mind, focusing on my breathing, reminding myself what’s important. When you’re a submissive and you finally discover the hidden and intended benefits of your Dom’s training and strictness it’s like an awakening. All of the time you struggled with it, even resented it at times makes you feel so stupid for not realizing it all sooner. It’s a great reinforcement of why you submit to them and how they give to you just as much, if not more than you do to them. As for the dog crate, my Dom and I discussed getting one and had looked at pictures of them online. As I always do, I researched them as much as I could, and the images and reading seduced me. I’ll admit I was skeptical of it at first as I often am. I’m not sure if I will ever accept humiliation with out any hesitation at all. When we went to the pet store to get my crate I felt so paranoid that the people who worked there would just know we didn’t actually have a dog and that they would figure out what our intended purpose really was. I had made sure I knew what size we wanted, that a cushioned pad in the right size was available, I even had made up a fake dog, breed, name, and all so I felt we could pull off being actual dog owners. I even put on this lovey-dovey silly girlfriend act to show my excitement about getting it for our imaginary dog, ugh, it was pitiful. See what I mean about over-thinking things? My Dom got a real kick out of it and was merciless with giving me shit for my embarrassing act, as I clearly deserved. When we got it home he had me strip, gagged, collared, and assume my time out position facing him while he put it together. Once he was done the anticipation was intense. He stood up, looked at the crate now in the corner of his bedroom, looked at me on my knees, snapped his fingers and pointed at the cage. I was breathing so heavy, crawling on all fours into the cage for him turned me on so much. It was a lot tighter of a fit than I had imagined, I had crawled in head first and turning myself around was really hard in such a confined space. I could tell he was thoroughly amused watching me attempt it. Making eye contact with him as he clicked the master lock we had purchased at Home Depot on the way home shut was intense. He then told me he was going to go make himself lunch and come back to check on me in a little bit. It was humiliating and I was turned on by it completely. I was naked, gag and collars both locked on, locked inside of a dog crate in my Dom’s bedroom. No matter how you look at it, it forces you to humble yourself, calm down, and use that time the most productive way you can. The crate is used largely in part for punishment now. My normal time outs are still spent in the corner in my time out position. If I find myself spending the night or a couple hours in the crate now, I’m always aware of what I did to get myself there and I deserve it. I know I was lazy, rude, selfish, or unfocused and that I’m in there so I figure out how to stop myself from doing it again. One of his favorite punishments that have me ending up in the crate is if I get lazy, lose my enthusiasm, or am become unfocused while servicing him. He will usually jerk himself off onto me while in the cage because I clearly didn’t earn or deserve to make him cum. Watching him jerk himself off from inside the crate makes me feel so ashamed and embarrassed. I hate it. He deserves better and I know I’ve let him down. I know crates might not be for everyone but I can say it has worked for my Dom and me. Lovely & thought provoking. Using D/s to help a woman turn her brain off & focus. -- source link
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