flyandfamousblackgirls: We Are Intersex: Mother & DaughterIntersex people are not all ster
flyandfamousblackgirls: We Are Intersex: Mother & Daughter Intersex people are not all sterile, infertile or whatever you would like to call it. The point of this video is to show you the misconceptions of intersex people and that all of our bodily functions don’t work or are inactive. In the case of my mom (and other intersex mothers/fathers out there) If we weren’t always operated on (STOP IGM) we could have ways to make our intersex bodies function but a lot of the times our ovaries/testis are labeled (cancerous, nonfunctional, sterile, deformed, etc) which aren’t always right and true. The surgeries are inhumane and often times cause the child depression, anxiety, no sexual feelings, confusion and trauma cause the surgeries or surgery in general is irreversible and the victim is left scarred for the rest of their life. Me and my mom were unaware of our intersex condition until almost a year for me and a year for my mom. My mother found out when she was going to get a hysterectomy and through MRIs, X-Rays and the whole pre surgery test found testis and ovaries (gonads), as well as XY and XX chrosomes (me and my moms genes are unknown as of right now, an update will be coming soon, and genitals we aren’t ready to get into yet) Anyways, the doctor said the surgery was minor and will only be a small incision, to my mom catching the doctor explain to other doctors she was going to cut her all the way open and take away everything. The doctor even claimed it was cancerous and allowed my mom to grow a tumor instead of giving her hormone pills, so she could lead to surgery. My mom is an adult without even being asked consent for this surgery, so imagine children that really don’t have a choice and zero consent. Now me on the other hand, I had a hormone imbalance just like my mom constantly feeling sick and moody, with the same (Prolactin diagnosis) my mom got by the same doctor, and switched doctors that told me my hormones are leveled again but I explained to him I did not get a sign of my period until 18 and haven’t had it in a year but was dismissed. So my mom reached out to a specialist for me to then discover I was also intersex with XY/XX chromosomes and Ovaries and Testis. (I also experienced some early signs since young that made me lean to believing I was intersex) Now testis are both internal/external for men. I will explain. Testis are inside of a mans balls, so that does make them internal as we cannot see testis, but external because balls do hang outside of the mans body. Testis is what holds sperm. Now ovaries are internal and they hold the eggs. So me and my mom have testis and ovaries, our ovaries sit perfectly within our female/male reproductive system (at least we were told, I do not know the biology/science behind this sorry) allowing/enabling us to have periods (every few months to a year) Does our testis have sperm? That is something we do not know. But my moms ovaries had eggs to have three children (including me) and Intersex is hereditary so it passed along to me, and I also may be able to have children (hopefully) and pass my intersex gene down to my child. Intersex people in the past had more penis/vulvas and now it isn’t as common, but it still occurs in some intersex people, but it is a misconception that, that is what every intersex person has, (hey maybe the future we will) but anyway. I hope this made you all understand our bodies better (Yes it was hard and difficult for my mom to have children, took her 2 years for one child at the age of 18 and she had to see a specialist) but it is possible, we aren’t the only ones. Intersexual people are apart of other things. Animals, nature (plants) and other things. We are special, we are rare but we are certainly beautiful. -- source link