sweettea-and-honeybutter:futureblackwakandan:mixed-apocalyptic:virtuheaux:sindels-scream:ourqueenfelinefatale:quietinthechaos:ourqueenfelinefatale:yelnatszeroni:biomerge:i’mabout to lose my fucking MIND AT THIS COMMENTLupita’s a Latina but y’all staying silent about herQuick question: Why didn’t yall care about getting your own “Captain America”, “Iron Man”, “Superman”, “Wonder Woman”, “Batman”, “Thor”, “Avengers”, I CAN GO ONQuick answer FOR FOREVER the same as Asian people. We’ve all been waiting for our people to be seen as more than side kicks, to be able to be seen as love interests and not exotic foreign woman that gets with hero white male. Or not just be the Asian male who can only tell jokes and will never be seen as a romantic lead. People can wonder when they will achieve a success and opportunity like Black Panther. But sure say how others haven’t stood behind you all. How everyone is riding your “coat tails” bitch you should want other minorities to succeed. You should want them to be able to attain opportunities. Not say fuck everyone else stay the fuck down and shut up. Yet you only start talking about it when black people finally get something. That’s the only time these damn convos come up. Just like every February when it’s Black History Month, “why ain’t there such and such month” when Google is two clicks away from showing you that that shit been there. And when I say “riding our coattails” I mean yall expect us to do all the work for you and when we put our issues first you get all pissy and outraged. But newsflash, we ain’t your mules and our success in one thing doesn’t make us equivalent to white ppl. I ain’t saying fuck everyone else, but fuck you if you think we should lift you up even over our own selves. Coco and Ferdinand came out and we didnt come out our face talkin about “whoa whoa aint we about due for an animated nigerian movie??” every Black person i follow on this site gets excited af whenever ANY non-white racial group gets good representation and WE always call out erasure of other non-white groups when we see it BUT WE ARE NOT YOUR GODDAMN WORK MULES non-black poc are so fucking obnoxious, STOP EXPECTING ALL YOUR SHIT TO COME OFF THE BACK OF OUR HARD WORK we only hear yall run your mouth when you see black people making progress, its not our fault you assholes dont fight for shit until you see us with something you think yall should just get automatically bc how dare Black people get it first when we’ve been fighting for it since day one^And y'all don’t say shit when black people in your ethnic groups get left out.Y'all want Latinx representation, but no Afro-latinx representation. Y'all want Asian representation, but not Afro-Asian/Black Asian representation. In fact, Black Panther released in East Asia and people are complaining that there are too many black people and it’s boring/irritating/making them drowsy.Let’s also not forget that Black people have fought for Latinx and Asian rights despite a history of both communities engaging in anti-blackness or trying to be classified as white in many cases.Black people, women specifically, coined intersectionality and the term People of Color to include non-black people in struggles against discrimination, the lack of representation, and so much more and still expect black people to do the rest of the work for them, as well.If you want representation, fucking fight for it and create your own movements and on your own time, not just because Black people finally have something that represents them. We will still continue to support y'all but we not supporting this shit. If y'all want representation, fight for it but don’t try to fight for it by overshadowing and overreaching because we finally have some.^^^^ all of this but intersectionality is for Black women ONLY.There’s nothing to add to this post, my sisters shut that shit down perfectly ❤️ -- source link
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