A commission for ph0220. It’s another Prednant Judy story! Yay! This one takes place right
A commission for ph0220. It’s another Prednant Judy story! Yay! This one takes place right after “Indulging Aftermath,” and I mean right after.Loose Ends “Alright, here we go. One… two… three!” Judy braced her hand against the door and pushed hard with the foot she had managed to get up onto the lip of metal. Nick had his arms wrapped around her belly, and Finnick was perched underneath it, and between the three of them, they were able to heave Judy’s huge gut into the back of Finnick’s van. Judy, of course, followed with it, almost stumbling, but Nick was right alongside her, helping her keep her balance. Nick took her hand and helped lower her into a sitting position. “There,” Finnick said, clapping his hands together in a swiping motion. “Now you get all settled, and I’ll have you home in a jiff.” “Thanks again for this, Finnick,” Nick said. “I owe you one.” “Hey, just don’t eat me and we’re good.” Judy answered that with a grin. “Just so long as you don’t tell anyone about this.” Finnick looked at her for a good couple of seconds before looking back to Nick. “Has anyone told you that your girlfriend is scary?” Then he shut the back door and starting making his way back to the front of the van so he could climb up into the driver’s seat. Judy looked across the van at Nick, who had also sat down cross-legged on the bed of the vehicle. “Was this all really necessary?” She asked. “I mean, we had to tell Finnick about…” “We can trust Finnick,” Nick said. “And yeah. I know our place is only a block away, but it’s still better if we minimize the chances of anyone seeing you… you know… like this.” “Y-yeah.” Judy couldn’t argue. Her stomach was absolutely enormous, and it continued to writhe and kick. The occasional muffled sob or plea could be heard from inside, though Judy couldn’t make out any words. “So… what happened?” Nick asked. “I mean, I’ve never seen you eat anything bigger than a mouse! I was really surprised when you called to tell me that you had eaten a bunny.” Judy sighed. “I… I don’t know. I saw this bunny on the train – the same one I told you about before? The one that first made me start having the cravings?” “Yeah, I remember.” “And the kits just… wanted her,” Judy continued, “and she gave me her seat and started talking to me. Then she asked if she could walk me home, and I led her into the alley and…” “And you pounced.” Nick said, a small smirk on his face. “Uh-huh. I don’t know what came over me, but before I knew it I was cramming her down my throat. It was… it was easier than I expected,” Judy admitted. “I mean, it wasn’t easy, I actually got stuck on her hips for a bit, but it didn’t take that long before she was in my stomach.” “And?” Nick gestured with one hand. “How do you feel?” “Bloated. Like I ate way too much. But also…” Judy felt her cheeks flush. “I… I feel great. And I feel terrible. I ate a bunny, Nick! I can’t believe it! She was struggling and screaming, and I still shoved her down my throat. I’m the predator my parents warned me and my sisters about.” She swallowed hard. “Are you mad?” “Mad?” Nick moved forward, rolling onto his hands and knees. He leaned over Judy’s massive belly, bracing himself against it with one hand, as he brought his muzzles to hers in a kiss. “I’m proud of you, carrots. This is impressive. I’ve never heard of a bunny eating another bunny. Of course if anyone could do it, it’d be you. Besides…” He gives her belly a squeeze with his paw, eliciting a round of squirms. “I mentioned on the phone, but… this is kind of hot.” Judy’s face flushed even brighter, but before she could answer, Finnick growled from the front seat. “Alright, you two lovebirds, if you’re gonna act gross wait until you get home. Speaking of which, we’re here.” The van slowed to a stop in front of Nick and Judy’s apartment. Maneuvering into the apartment building was tricky, but doable. Nick scouted ahead first, and they used a blanked to cover Judy’s stomach – someone who didn’t look too hard might think the pair were carrying something between them other than a huge bunny gut. They managed to make their way into the building and back to their place without being noticed. “I can’t believe that worked,” Judy said as she settled onto the couch, happy to finally have somewhere soft to sit. The front door of the apartment opened directly into the “living room” area, so at least it wasn’t a long walk. Nick finished thanking Finnick again before shutting the door. “The trick is to pretend nothing’s wrong. Confidence is the key. No one will look twice at you if you’re not acting shifty.” “Well, I suppose you would be the expert,” Judy said. Nick laughed, then raised an eyebrow. “You sure you’re okay? Like, physically. Nothing broken?” Judy shook her head. “Yeah. I mean, yes, I’m okay. Everything seems to have stretched fine. Like I said, I feel really bloated, maybe a bit gassy, but nothing feels painful or wrong.” “That’s great,” Nick said, letting out a sigh of relief. “Because the last thing I want is…”Knock knock knock. Judy watched Nick nearly jump out of his fur at the sound. “Wh-who do you think that is?” Judy asked. Nick took a deep breath. “Probably just a solicitor. Just… stay there, okay?” He straightened his shirt and went back to the door. Nick turned the knob and opened the door just a crack, making sure to position himself in front of it so whoever was on the other side could see in. “Can I help you?” “Um, hi.” The voice on the other side of the door surprised Judy – it was high-pitched and female, and seemed vaguely familiar. “Look, we’re not buying Bunny Scout cookies,” Nick said. “If you could…” “No! Um, no, it’s not that. It’s just…” A small moment of hesitation. “It’s just, I was here in the city to meet my sister, and I swear I saw her walk into an alley with another bunny.” Judy’s heart skipped a beat. They’d been seen after all! “I assumed she just walked through and was on the other side, but when I went around the building she wasn’t there. So I went back to the alley and I saw this van leaving, and I, um, kind of followed you. I saw you and that other bunny come in here.” Judy swore. What the hell were the going to do now!? How could they possibly talk their way out of this!? “Y-you’re those cops, right? The famous ones? Did you see where she went?” The voice asked. Judy heard Nick sigh, and she could see his tail swish back and forth. “Actually, miss, we’ve got your sister right in here. Would you mind coming in?” What? Why was Nick inviting her in!? Nick stepped aside to let their guest into the apartment, and Nick shut the door behind her – and locked it.Oh. That was why. The bunny looks very similar to the one currently squirming in Judy’s stomach. Not exactly the same – she was a little more petite, and a bit more busty. If Judy had to guess, she probably was from the next litter younger. The bunny had a smile on her face as she walked into the room – until her eyes fell on Judy. “W-wha…?” Nick came up behind the bunny and pushed her. She stumbled forward in surprise, right into Judy. She caught herself on Judy’s stomach, then looked down at the shifting orb beneath her hands, heard the muffled cries from inside. Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh… it… it can’t be…!” Her weight pressing against Judy’s belly had shifted something. She felt a rumble start deep in her body before moving up towards her throat. The bunny looked up at Judy’s face, their noses just inches apart, right as it happened. “BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!” The belch was loud, long, and messy. The bunny wrinkled her nose, tears forming in her as she squinted against the hot breath washing over her. She cringed backwards – and bumped right into Nick’s abdomen, now bare, as he had slipped off his shirt and tossed it aside. Nick’s hands came down on the surprised bunny’s shoulders. “Nice one, Carrots,” he said. “Now, just give me a second to tie up this loose end.” “L-Loose end!?” The bunny swallowed hard. “Y-you can’t m-mean that… mmmph! Mmmrmpph!” Judy watched as the bunny’s paws were lifted into the air and her head disappeared into Nick’s throat. The bunny screamed and squirmed, but she couldn’t stop the larger, stronger fox from gobbling her up, pushing her small figure into his mouth and throat, his teeth handlng her body on the way down. Soon her kicking legs were vanishing into his mouth, and then she was gone, nothing but a bulge in the fox’s midsection. Nick licked his lips, then turned and sat down heavily next to Judy on the couch. “Urp! Excuse me,” he said, patting his chest with a fist. Judy realized she was blushing again. With him sitting next to her like this, their two bunny-filled bellies were pressing against each other, and she could feel the squirms from his pressing against her own. “Don’t worry,” Nick said. “I’m sure we’re good now. If anyone else had seen, they would have gotten here by now, too.” “Y-yeah,” Judy responded, still staring at Nick’s gut. “I’m, um, sorry you had to do that.” “Don’t be!” Nick said, grinning. “If anything, I’m kind of happy I got to be part of the moment. Our first bunny meal together!” He looked over their two stomachs. “Ha, and I think yours is bigger, Carrots. Of course you’d outdo me even at…” Nick trailed off as he brought his gaze up to meet hers and saw her blushing face. Judy stared at the pair of bellies. She could feel the bunny she had eaten squirm and kick and fight. She could hear the muffled screams from both of them – and occasionally make out a plea for help or mercy. “Our ‘first’ bunny meal together,” Judy whispered, her cheeks flushing even brighter. “And, um… maybe not our last?” Nick grinned broadly. He scooted even closer, their hips touching, their bellies grinding against each other. “Not even close,” Nick said, as he pulled her into a kiss. -- source link
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