spiritsdancinginthenight:Archaeologists excavating a palace in the ancient city of Avaris dug up f
spiritsdancinginthenight: Archaeologists excavating a palace in the ancient city of Avaris dug up four pits containing 16 large right hands believed to have been sliced from the arms of vanquished enemies. Two of the pits discovered are situated in front of what is thought to be a throne room and contained one hand each. All the hands found in the Nile Delta northeast of Cairo are right hands.Manfred Bietak, project and field director of the excavations, said: ‘Most of the hands are quite large and some of them are very large.’ The finds are from a period when the Hyksos, thought to be from northern Canaan, established the heart of their kingdom at Avaris today known as Tell el-Daba. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2186810/Discovery-16-buried-hands-Egypt-provides-physical-evidence-gruesome-practice-used-ancient-warriors.html -- source link