oh-adam: Sigh. We will never see the likes of five-Adam-Driver-films-and-a-Broadway-play 2019 again?
oh-adam: Sigh. We will never see the likes of five-Adam-Driver-films-and-a-Broadway-play 2019 again? Let us take a moment to appreciate that we were alive in this halcyon year. Yes, everything else on planet earth turned to shit but we had lorge tol boy Adam Driver to gently guide us through the hellscape, every step of the way. Whether he was tango-dancing, Sondheim-singing, tiny-robe-wearing, paper-shuffling, lightsaber-grabbing or killing zombies with a machete, Driver was HERE FOR US this year. He will surely take the whole of 2020 off for a nice lie-down and it is well-deserved. full article at: JumpCut’s Person of the Year 2019 -- source link
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#adam driver