Since a bunch of people around these parts were posting redesigns of Godzilla and company I decided
Since a bunch of people around these parts were posting redesigns of Godzilla and company I decided to get started on my own takes on the bunch, since I’ve been meaning to do that for some time now and I absolutely loved KOTM. I know a lot of these were for a contest on @grimchild and I’d have subbed this to said contest if I had the time, but sadly I missed the deadline. :( Anyway, I’m working on more of these things as well and hopefully I should be able to post a Godzilla-verse of my own on dA like a fair few other artists are doing these days; gotta take the time to sketch and color everyone first though, so it’ll be a while… ;u;My Godzilla design has a mix of Showa and Legendary traits going on overall with the plates of the Millennium version (but gray like Showa rather than purple as in Millennium). His having reptilian traits but also gills made taxonomic placement a bit difficult, since he definitely looks most like a terrestrial crocodilian if you take the gills away. Ultimately though I decided to make him a temnospondyl a la Prionosuchus, but so heavily derived that he hardly resembles an amphibian and looks more convergently reptilian. Temnospondyls did have osteoderms after all, they lived before the dinosaurs, and many grew enormous - and at least one species even had a dorsal sail that could be mutated to something like his back spikes. To this end the head combines traits of not only the Legendary and Showa versions but also Shin Godzilla too, which is somewhat salamander-like, and the overall look is akin to Japanese giant salamanders and a bit of large predatory frogs. Just for the funsies, I like to call him Kerojira (Frogzilla). :PAnguirus is a sebecid, since I needed something with the right mix of a long tail, scaly armored skin, four plantigrade legs, and that long toothy snout. A terrestrial crocodile fit the bill quite nicely, and with those fangs and the armored shell I decided to specifically reference Kaprosuchus and Armadillosuchus as inspiration. He has a new power here, the ability to shed the spikes on his tail (modified scales) and fling them like HTTYD’s Deadly Nadder, but otherwise he’s the same tough and gruff but protective beastie he’s always been. And yes, he does the rolling attack from Final Wars, too. ;)More on the way! I have plans for Rodan and Mothra, and then I’ll take it from there. :DGodzilla and Anguirus © Toho -- source link
#skarmorys art#godzilla#anguirus