jimrichardsonng: Scotland Fix of the Day: Finally, travel to Scotland this year is making a strong c
jimrichardsonng: Scotland Fix of the Day: Finally, travel to Scotland this year is making a strong comeback. And most everybody will have Skye on their bucket list. But remember that out beyond is another realm: the Outer Hebrides. And it’s loaded. Harris has incredible beaches like Luskentyre, and Lewis has both the Callanish Stones (summer solstice, anyone?) and just down the road is Carloway Broch that I caught on a misty evening. Besides missing a lot of the crowds you’ll also be helping remote islands that really struggled during Covid. I’m sure some of you here have wonderful Outer Hebrides tales – and I hope you’ll share them. #scotland #hebrides #lewisandharris #outerhebrides — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/1L4FuYr -- source link