thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where

thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where
thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where
thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where
thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where
thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where
thehumming6ird:Josh Horowitz: ‘The very first line of [Crimson Peak] is ‘Ghost’s are real’, so where