Felipe and Letizia retrospective: May 5th2005: 30th Anniversary of the ICEX Grants Program2009: 18th
Felipe and Letizia retrospective: May 5th2005: 30th Anniversary of the ICEX Grants Program2009: 18th National Design Awards2014: Meeting of the Delegate Commission of the Prince of Girona Foundation2015: Event commemorating the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)2016: Dinner on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of “El País” and presentation of the Ortega y Gasset Awards for Journalism 2016 (1, 2)2017: 70th anniversary of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Accessories, Components and Tools in Donostia-San Sebastián & “La memoria recobrada. Huellas en la historia de los Estados Unidos” exhibition in Bilbao (1, 2)2020: Videoconferences: BBVA Microfinance Foundation; Municipal Transport Company of Madrid & Cercle d'Economía2021: Inaugurated the Foro Romano Molinete Museum & Event celebrating “World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 2021”. F&L Through the Years: 751/?? -- source link
#king felipe#queen letizia