You’re so sweet, anon! And, you have no idea how much I love that trope, omg.Hope you enjoy
You’re so sweet, anon! And, you have no idea how much I love that trope, omg. Hope you enjoy this and my stupid sense of humor. //////////////////////////////////////// It’s been a quiet few days. Not that you didn’t want them to be, in fact, you were more than happy to get a break. And you were spending it doing something you’ve wanted to do for a while. Nothing. You half lay, half sit in the leisure room on your phone, taking up most of the couch. The room itself was relatively empty in terms of patrons, and you preferred it that way. As much as you loved your teammates, they could be really loud sometimes, making it hard to listen to music or watch videos or whatever else you had decided to do. Which, at the moment happened to be looking at memes. Genji tinkered with is wrist carefully, moving the screwdriver like instrument with practiced skill inside the confined area of his arm. A tiny blink at the corner of his eye notified him of a message, and he sets the device aside, giving the inside of his visor his full attention. This message is from you? But, you two rarely ever talk, and you’re barely on the other side of the room, maybe ten feet away. Why would you send him a message? Setting that aside, he opens it, the image taking up most of his vision. What. The. Hell. He snorts, you had such a strange sense of humor, what even was this? He looks at it closer, it looks kinda like Garfield, yep definitely Garfield, dressed as a samurai, completely tinted red, with crazy motion blur and white glinted eyes. What a picture. He moves it out of his sight, turning behind him in search of his phone, completely ignoring his half functioning hand. While his visor could receive picture, it wasn’t very good at scouring the internet for memes. He finds it, fumbling sightly at the quick speed that he was moving at. He chuckles to himself quietly, remembering a fun video of a cat that he thought you might enjoy. D.Va watches the both of you acting exceedingly giddy, over her laptop with a raised brow. “Look out!” Lúcio warns, snapping her back to the game she was playing. “He’s here, look out!” He points at the man on the screen, shambling over to her avatar. She effortlessly dodges and retreats, pausing the game once she makes it a safe distance away. “Hey, wh-“ “Shh!” She deftly cuts him off in a hushed tone. “What’s going on with those two?” He glances past his friend, “Oh them.” He watches them with a tired gaze. “That’s just their thing for each other.” “Their thing?” “Yeah.” He turns to her, noticing her confused expression. “You seriously didn’t notice?” “No!” She raises her voice slightly, quickly checking to see if she had disturbed them, continuing when she realized that she hadn’t. “No. I didn’t notice.” Lúcio leans back in his seat, scratching at his cheek for a brief moment, “It’s honestly kinda painful to watch sometimes.” They both glance at you two for a moment longer before Mercy enters, letting out a thoughtful sigh. She steps beside Genji, eyes locked on his exposed wrist. “Genji,” her voice warns. He immediately stops goofing around and shoves his phone away, embarrassed. Her eyes follow it, noticing a picture of a dog wearing sunglasses. “Good afternoon, Angela.” He starts. “I think you might be forgetting something, Genji.” She rotates her wrist, punctually, and realization hits him. “I was……just about to come to you, and get it looked over.” She exhales loudly, turning her head slightly, glancing at you behind where she stood. You duck quickly into your phone, face red from getting caught eavesdropping. “Of course. Now we should get moving.” She steps aside as he rises, collecting his things. They begin to leave, when she makes an abrupt turn to you. “Is there any chance that you would like to join us?” “I- wha- me?” She nods. “Well, I, uh, I don’t wanna to be a burden.” “Oh, you definitely would never be a burden. Isn’t that right?” You both wait for Genji to respond, but he doesn’t. He just stands there stiffly. Angela elbows him, and he jolts slightly. “Err……you……uh…..yes?” He watches you become confused and raises his hands in defense. “NO! I mean……what was the question?” You sit, feeling a little hurt. It really seemed like he didn’t want you there and was trying, and failing, to be nice about it. “It’s alright, y’know. I don’t care either way.” You bring your focus back to your phone, ending the conversation. His shoulders and arms droop, as the two leave, Angela patting his back sympathetically, shaking her head like a mother would. “Wow.” D.Va comments. “You weren’t kidding.” “It’s pretty bad, huh?” He crosses his arms. “It’s incredible how oblivious a person can be.” She sits silently for a second, before opening up the existing chat they had on her phone. Picking up on this, Lúcio does the same on his phone. The Cool Crew™: D-dog: heeeeeeyyyy Coolio: How you doin over there? Sleep Machine: Ok? You guys need something? Sleep Machine: Unless we’ve got some top secret developments Sleep Machine: In which case I’m all in. Coolio: It’s only a secret if you want it to be, man. Sleep Machine: Wow. Ok, vague and mildly off putting. Sleep Machine: I’m gonna need some context. D-dog: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sleep Machine: Not helping. Coolio: She’s just trying to torture you. Ignore her. D-dog: we’re here about you know who Sleep Machine: I don’t. Sleep Machine: I don’t know who. Coolio: Genji D-dog: we know you have a thing for him Sleep Machine: pff! Sleep Machine: No! Sleep Machine: You guys are crazy. Coolio: I can see you blushing from here. Coolio: Sorry, dude, you’re not fooling anyone. D-dog: we just wanna help D-dog: you know, give you two a little push! Sleep Machine has left the conversation. You didn’t need to be embarrassed anymore today. Before they even realized what was going on, you were halfway out the door, heading to the training grounds in search of your more nonchalant friend, Fareeha. She was normally there at this time anyway. You turn the hall, catching a glimpse of platinum blonde hair, and decide that maybe you shouldn’t go that way. “Ah, hello!” Aaaaaand, caught. You awkwardly move closer to the doctor. “Hey. You finished already?” She hums in confirmation, showing a sweet smile. “Are you heading to the training grounds?” You nod. “I have a favor to ask of you, then.” You shuffle on your heels, “What’s the favor?” “I need you to take notes of Genji training, paying special attention to his wrists,” she shoved a clipboard at you, “it is very important that you keep a very close eye on him, do you understand?” You nod, wordless, and timidly confused. But before you could ask her anything she was off with a wave and a smile, jogging just around the corner to fist-bump a sly Fareeha. -- source link
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