evildeadnews:Bruce Campbell’s one-take thriller “RUNNING TIME” is dashing onto S
evildeadnews: Bruce Campbell’s one-take thriller “RUNNING TIME” is dashing onto Synapse Films Blu-ray; details & art - rue-morgue.com Synapse Films has announced RUNNING TIME as its first Blu-ray release (as well as DVD) through distributor MVD Entertainment Group, streeting March 16, 2021. Written and directed by Josh Becker and made (without computer assist) in 1997, the film has been out of print for over a decade, and will now be available in an all-new 2K scan and restoration of the original film negative, presented in hi-def in the original 1.37:1 aspect ratio, with the original theatrical stereo sound mix for the first time (DTS-MA 2.0 on the Blu-ray, Dolby Digital 2.0 on the DVD). -- source link