bingdingfing: She cocks her hips and you watch the kind of wobble you’d only ever dared dream
bingdingfing: She cocks her hips and you watch the kind of wobble you’d only ever dared dream about happen right before your eyes in the mirror behind her. Catching you looking, she looks over her shoulder and grins back at you. “See something you like?” “Just my girlfriend,” you say, because you’re a smart man. “Not that I’m complaining but shouldn’t we get to work? You’re the one who wanted to come together.” Usually she stuck to cardio and light lifts, but recently that’d changed. Ever since she started lifting more, she’d been getting bigger and stronger at a ridiculous pace. “Well, why don’t you show me what you usually do,” she says, grabbing her shaker bottle that she’d brought out with her. “I’m still getting used to all this. I’ll follow along and keep pace with my shorty boyfriend.” “I’m not short,” you grumble. “You’re just freakishly taller. Somehow.” “Sure thing,” she agrees. “And you didn’t tap out last night when I was on top because you couldn’t handle it anymore.” She makes a pose in the mirror and you choke. It’s almost like you can see the spandex stretch before your eyes. Tying her hair up, she takes a quick swig from her shaker bottle, letting out with a satisfied sigh afterwards that sounds distinctly sexual. “Gotta’ fuel up,” she says, winking. “Wouldn’t want to waste the special boost.” She pauses, and then a wicked gleam enters her eye. She offers the bottle, shaking it tantalizingly. “Want some?” You hesitate. It’s true that compared to last week you are now the ‘short’ one in the relationship, and something had to account for your girlfriend’s freakish growth and gains. The other day you saw her sit down on a chair and have it just crash with her, and she’d laughed it off like she expected it. (And she calls you a wimp for tapping out after last night?) Still, her offering the drink seemed too easy. Too simple. “Well?” She gives the bottle a shake. “It’s just to help with the workout, honey. My own special mix.” You swallow and hesitate just a second longer before grabbing the bottle and taking a big gulp from it. You immediately feel the tingle, a surge of something in your body. “Good boy,” she purrs, and the sound dropkicks the residual worry out of your system. “Now, why don’t you show me your usual tricks around here. I want to see how much you bench.” You show her your usual spot and take a couple minutes moving the weighted slabs onto the appropriate ends. You look around the gym, noting the freakishly early morning lull. “I’ll spot you,” your girlfriend says. There’s a curve to her lips that implies so much you can’t unpack it just yet. Right now, she looks like she could bench you. You grip the bar with both hands, breathe in and out on the exhale you push and…nothing. You don’t move it one iota. You try once more, using every bit of strength you have, and still fail to budge it. You blink up at the bar. That’s not right. You were definitely able to do this just the other day. A face climbs into view. Your girlfriend, looking a mountain peak away from your position on the bench, seems amused. “You okay there, babe? Not too heavy for you?” Your vision swirls. It almost looks like she’s getting farther away from you. “Just-just give me a sec,” you say, psyching yourself up. She is throwing you off, just by being there. Her growth over the week was one thing, but to have her wave that ass in your face earlier like that, she’s a walking talking distraction and you can’t help but wonder if this was such a good idea. “Okay,” she says, trailing off, before offering, “We can do something else? I’m sure you - snrk - have to work your way up to this. It looks pretty heavy for a little guy like you. Kinda’ like me now that I think about it.” You stop trying to raise the bar and sit up, waspish words on your tongue. “God, Mia, could you just drop it with last nigh-” This time, you do choke: Mia’s top, which had been tucked into her pants, is now dangling above her midriff; her hips, already wide enough to earn their own traffic lane on a sidewalk, are massive now, blocking any view you have of yourself in the mirror behind her; her boobs, formerly respectable cantaloupes, were filling out like live water balloons in her shirt, bouncy and nipples obviously hard. She isn’t wearing a bra, you can’t help but notice. There’s a lot of her to notice. “What’s up little guy?” she says, stepping closer. You can’t help the flinch. It’s an instinctive reaction. “You don’t like what you see?” Like? Like? There isn’t a word that accurately describes your bodies visceral reaction to seeing your girlfriend topping eight and a half feet, casually just lifting a fifty pound dumbbell like it were a Coke can. Your cock is signaling for attention but all you can do as gawk at the Amazon Mia’s turned into. “Ooooh, that’s so cute!” she says, seeing you adjust yourself. “You are enjoying this. You like seeing your big, strong girlfriend getting bigger and stronger than you don’t you?” “No,” you deny. “Mia, what the fuck was in that drink, why am I-” you stumble, unwilling to say, but spit it out. “Why am I getting weaker?” “Weaker?” She licks her lips, grabs one last swig from her shaker bottle before dropping both it and the dumbbell she’d been toying with. “Really?” she says, “I don’t see how that’s a problem. That little bulge you got going on is pretty apparent, even with how much smaller you are now.” “Smaller? Mia, I can’t be-” She stands directly in front of you. Sitting on the bench, all you can suddenly see is the thin, strained fabric of her yoga pants, practically crying for salvation. You smell her arousal, this close to her pussy, but you realize quite viciously that her cunt actually towers over you in this position. “No,” you say, heart thundering. “Yes.” She reaches down, grabs the back of your head and slowly but surely pulls you closer. You try to fight it but you’re not even sure you want to. “You’re shrinking sweetie. A little special concoction of my own brewing by the way. It makes you smaller and weaker, and makes me, well, a fucking sexy gal, wouldn’t you say?” “You- you can’t do this!” you say, into her thigh. You push and punch, but there’s no denying Mia now. She’s immense and you can tell, judging by how your leg is sliding along the bench, that the difference between the two of you isn’t getting any smaller. “You’re enjoying this,” she reiterates, and god you can feel her practically rise in place. Your arms are barely enough to wrap around one tree-trunk thick thigh anymore. “You like getting smaller, while I get bigger and bigger. You know all those weights you were having trouble with? I bet I could do it all one handed now.” You grip her legs tight, your body clenching intent and with excitement at her words. “I don’t want to be small,” you muster out, breathing heavy. Your head is feeling foggy, stuffed with cotton. “I- I want…” “You want to be a good boy and let me take care of you,” she finishes for you, even if it wasn’t what you were going to say. “You want to be smaller. To be so small even one of these-” she cups one enormous tit, “-is a better workout than anything this puny gym can offer. Small and shrunken enough my ass could just swallow you whole.” You bite your lip. Shit, she was already so big compared to you. Would you even be able to handle being even smaller than this? “Don’t worry,” she says. She backs away, turns around and bends down, and whatever protests that’d formed left you at the sight of that ass. “I’ll make sure to give you the best workout of your life. Again and again and - mmmf, shrink for me, babe - and….again.” ________________ A submission request made by @oloshadow ; had a bit of fun with this one! Wow, Bing! This is so GOOD! -- source link
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