stevenbasic: “So…who wants a job?” Melissa asked with a smile, her eyes glittering as she watched for reactions from Amelia and Josie. Omigod this is so fun!!! “Are you serious?!?” Amelia laughed, pushing her long, platinum hair away from her face. “Us?!?” gushed Josie, “For real?!?” “Come work for y-…I mean, for him?” Amelia’s smile widened as the wheels began to turn. She may have looked the ditzy blonde but Amelia was no dumb cookie. She knew this could be a sweet deal. Randi, for her part, was staying quiet. Acting cool but secretly excited to see change happening so quickly. She also enjoyed watching her friend Missy riding this new wave, rising to new responsibilities, glowing with pride in being allowed to take charge and handle this challenge. To start to reshape the office… Josie spoke up next. “He’s letting you hire…whoever you want?” she asked, half incredulous but already planning how to best humiliate her jerk-off new supervisor at the dealership on her way out the door. “Yep…It’s my thing, totally,” Melissa beamed, with obvious pride, “he’s given me free rein.” She couldn’t help but smile, or keep the strange, electric buzz she felt building inside her from gleaming in her eyes. What was it, this energy? Even more than the cocktails, it was making her feel funny, good. It had actually been building in her these past two days, and it made her feel…big. Was it the thrill of success? Whatever it was, it was hard to contain, keep fettered…so she looked down, stirred at her drink. Randi was watching her, smiling darkly. “So, uh, what… jobs…would we do?” Amelia asked, smiling wryly. “I dunno . Do you want to be…medical assistants?” Melissa answered. ”Haha sure!” Josie laughed, “but, you do know neither one of us has-” “…worked, at all, in anything like a doctor’s office?” Amelia finished. “Oh, pffft…” Melissa replied, waving off the concerns, “I mean, how hard can it be? What do they do…take blood pressures? Ask some questions? Fill out some paperwork..? The other girls can teach you.” Amelia smiled, nodding, impressed with where this was going. She looked across the table at her co-worker Josie, who was already nodding. “We can do that. Right, Joze..?” =============== Jesus christ. There had been hair everywhere. There had been tits everywhere. There had been her everywhere. Just five minutes ago, I had been seated at my desk with that ass on my lap, and here I was now sitting in the dark parking lot outside my office, with the handful of tissues I’d known I’d need. What the hell was happening to me?!? And what’s wrong with this car seat? It’s slipped back again? Fuck it. Deal with it later. Oh my god, I marveled to myself in half-confusion, as without even a second thought I unzipped my pants, she had my head held to her chest, I was swimming in her perfume. There was no room between us. Her breathing boobs, I groaned too loud, I know it. Skittishly I looked around, over my back, ensuring I was still alone. I had to come - right there, right then. Otherwise I’d fucking die. ==== “But…Why us?” Amelia asked, returning to the topic as the mousy little waiter appeared, struggling with a round of water, nachos for the table and Missy’s salad. “Yeah we don’t have any experience…” began Josie. ”…and we’re honestly not even that good at the jobs we do now,” finished Amelia. “Oh don’t say that!” Melissa laughed, watching as her salad was placed in front of her, “You did fine learning everything you needed for, like, the phones and stuff at Wellspring, remember?” Melissa had been the supervisor of the scheduling department, such as it was, at the local Honda dealership before taking her new position. “And besides - happy hours are just so fun with you guys! If you come work for my office we can do these all the time…Girls’ meetings!” Laughs all around, glasses clinking, the waiter hovering nervously behind Melissa. “No seriously it’ll be great to have more friends in the office,” said Melissa, while the other girls all reached for a chip, “Right, Randi?” “Once we get enough people in there, we can do whatever we want,” Randi stated to the table, but then turned her attention to the server, who for some reason wasn’t gone yet. “Hey, keep your eyes off my friend’s chest, you little rodent.” More laughs as, without a word, he turned and fled. Fun things happen when Melissa starts to succeed, Randi thought to herself, sitting back and sipping water through her straw (fuck the turtles, I’m wearing gloss). This was power Melissa had, making decisions on new hires for the office, being able to slowly shape the personnel to their liking. They’d gotten rid of some of the old bitties, the complainers. These new girls were a good first step… ====================== She had been taller than me, sitting on my lap… my eyes clamped shut in the dark car Her voice, her perfume… sad handful of tissues ready And she had no trouble giving me a little kiss on the top of my head, after I groaned under all the weight, my legs nearly numb because she’d cut off my circulation. She got back up, looked down at me with a smile that told me she wasn’t above reminding a guy that he was right to hire her. I’d made the smart decision, right? A-and to the victor…go…nnngh…the…unnh…spoils. I’m gunna come I opened my eyes, mouth gaping. God what the hell? Why does my cock look so huge in my hand? ============================= “So…who else are you going to hire?” Amelia asked, “Besides us?’ ”I was thinking Stephanie - y’know, from sales at Wellspring. She’s so nice,” Melissa replied, “And my friend Julia from the DMV.” ”Ooo I like Julia! She came out with us last month, right?” Josie exclaimed. “So…that’d be…four of us,” Amelia figured, “And you got rid of six of them. Who else are you hiring?” “Well,” Melissa began, suddenly interested in poking the chicken around in her salad, “There are these three girls from the drug company where Abby works…” “That’d make seven…” Amelia noted, with another wry smile. “Right, seven,” Melissa answered plainly. “Evolution? That place where you go for those studies?” Josie asked, right over Amelia’s laugh. Though they weren’t super-close friends, Josie knew that there was something about Missy that this drug company was interested in, some sort of condition she had, something hormonal or genetic or something. “Yeah…I got to meet them last week,” Melissa said, “when I went in for my appointment.” ”I like Abby and all but that place sounds weird,” Randi said suddenly, sitting forward again, “I’d be careful, Miss…” The other girls, quiet for the moment, both nodded thoughtfully. They seemed a bit taken aback, surprised by Randi’s sudden show of concern; empathy was not usually one of her strong points. ”Oh, no, the girls we’re getting are all so great,” Melissa countered, with breezy confidence, “there’s one girl, Kathy, who can really help in the accounting office…” Excited talk continued, and Randi was thinking of grabbing the waiter again as he walked by. But, she had noticed the girls had stopped drinking a while ago, and just let him pass. They were discussing business now… ====================== Oh god, oh jesus, that was big… My breath came in rattling gasps as I recovered. Christ, I nearly almost passed out…I’m all shaky… My handful of kleenex was full, sodden. And…what the fuck…? Did my shoe fall off?? I dropped the pile of tissues, already disgusted with myself, onto the passenger’s seat and began to zip myself back up. Another quick glance around the lot and I was confident, again, that I was still alone. My rapid breathing slowly returning to normal, I gripped the wheel…it felt oddly large in my hands…and began to beat myself up. What the fuck are you doing, you idiot?!? Jerking off in a parking lot like some horny kid?!? What if someone sees?? I groaned to myself, loudly, and hit the wheel. What was my life coming to? Why would I allow her, Melissa, my new Office Manager, to sit in my lap, breathe on me, nearly mash her huge tits into my face? I honestly - you may not believe this - didn’t think she was actively trying to seduce me or whatever. I just think that was her way of…being friendly, supportive. She was innocently concerned about me, the office and…and she wanted to do a good job… I have to be careful!! This would not play well with Sheryl, no way. And there was no way I could let it go any further. I felt guilty, of course, a little…like this was already being unfaithful to my wife. And I could see this easily slipping into something worse. That would have been bad, I knew…very bad. Sheryl could, with the agreement she had me sign after my affair with Rina, make life awful for me if I strayed. I had to remind myself of that. I had to keep reminding myself of that…I’d lose nearly everything… ====== ”I’m so excited!” Josie squealed, having more and more trouble containing herself as talks of their new jobs continued, “How much are we going to make?” ”I dunno,” Melissa replied, honestly thoughtful, “The girls that left were making $19 an hour, and you guys are so good, so…how ‘bout $24?” Silly! She hadn’t thought about it before. The practice could handle that, right? More payroll? “Oh my god that’s so much more than we make now, right Amelia?” Josie beamed. Amused by their friend’s enthusiasm, Amelia was having a hard time not getting excited herself. ”Yeah bitch that works!” “Oh good!” Melissa clapped eagerly, taking a second to snap her bra strap back into place, “I can’t wait to see it…he’ll be so proud of me when you all walk in on your first day…do you need to give notice at Wellspring?” “To that fucker no way,” Josie answered, the spite in her voice palpable, “nah.” “We can start right away,” Amelia stated. ”Wear that grey skirt of yours Josie,” Randi said, nodding at her friend, remembering their last trip out shopping, “And those new heels.….” “Randiii…” warned Melissa, with a bemused smile. ”Yeah Joze that ass has been looking fine these days…” said Amelia. “..With something tight on top, show off those d-cups,“ Randi finished. “Haha okay!” Josie agreed, laughing. She’d been used to always being the cute little friend, overshadowed by Missy’s bodaciousness. It was nice to get called out for her own nothing-to-sneeze-at figure once in a while, thank you very much. “Maybe even stuff a little…” Randi added. ”Randi stop, no!” Melissa laughed. ”And I’ll wear my white tube dress…” offered Amelia, a wry smile curling on her lips, “the one I stole from you…” “Oh, my god, you people are terrible!” Melissa laughed, slapping her statuesque blonde friend on the arm, “Fine, but you have to put a jacket over it!” Ever since Amelia’s surgery last year, she hadn’t been shy in showing off her new 600cc additions. And Melissa knew the white dress Amelia was talking about…she’d taken it from her own closet of old clothes, stuff she’d outgrown years ago. “His eyes are gonna pop,” Randi said, picturing the little turd’s reaction as a gaggle of pretty new girls swarmed into the office, converged on him. “I can’t wait to meet this guy, show him what we can do,” Amelia offered. Her hands ran down over her own not-insignificant assets “I could be a good Office Mommy for him too, don’t you think?“ “Hey That’s Missy‘s job!” Josie laughed. “Yeah I think it’s basically in her job description now,” Randi joked. “Awwww…” Amelia cooed, “Can’t we all share..?” ———————————————————– thanks to @morphsbymig for the original morph, which I’ve tweaked, and to all my contributors who’ve helped me with the copy & edits- @carouselbegins @joshua67blog @ankle4u and all the others -- source link
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