orangeorc: uncheckedbreastjealousy: Moms envyJuicy Breasts Jealousy “Gotta tell ya,” sai
orangeorc: uncheckedbreastjealousy: Moms envyJuicy Breasts Jealousy “Gotta tell ya,” said Dr. Engorgio, setting up his tripod-mounted growth ray, “I don’t do a lot of birthday parties.” “Well, my daughter is 21, and she’s been a C-cup long enough!” said Mrs. Zeling. “It’s true!” laughed Jackie. “Ever since high school, all my friends ask me why I don’t have a rack as awesome as my mom’s!” “It’s been rough sweetie, I know!” said Mrs. Zeling, who was a bit tipsy, and stumbled in to grope her daughter. “But we’re gonna plump this starter breasts up! Make my daughter a natural F-cup, and not one size smaller!” Jackie seemed to wince slightly. “This thing can actually go quite a bit bigger than-“ “An F-cup is good for Jackie. She’s young, she doesn’t need to get ahead of herself.” Mrs. Zeling was wobbly, but when she straightened up, Dr. Engorgio made a guess. “Hey, Jackie, what cup size does your mother-“ “Natural G-cups.” “Gotcha. And she hired me to make you an F-cup, which is still smaller than-“ “Yep,” said Jackie, with a painfully forced smile. Dr. Engorgio read almost a decade of repressed jealousy and anger in Jackie’s expression, which was exactly the opening he’d been hoping for. “The enlarger’s fully charged,” he said. “If everyone could kindly step away from the birthday girl, please?” Mrs. Zeling and the other guests backed away. Jackie straightened up and arched her back. Dr. Engorgio’s growth ray locked onto her breasts. “And just to confirm one last time, we’re doing F-cups?” he said. Jackie’s mouth seemed to water, but she forced herself to hold back. “My mom’s paying for me to be an F-cup,” she said. Dr. Engorgio slapped his forehead and remembered that when Mrs. Zeling had called, he’d haggled a fee. “Oh, I always end up doing all my enlargements pro bono. The whole sliding pay-scale thing is just a way to figure out how badly someone wants to be bigger.” Jackie’s pupil’s dilated in excitement, but she wouldn’t come out and say it with her mother standing right there. “Jackie, I’ll make you as big as you want. I’ll make you bigger than your mom. No charge, no take-backs.” “Bigger! Make me bigger than her!” she shouted suddenly, like Dr. Engorgio would rescind the offer if she didn’t accept quickly enough. “Make me twice as big as her! Three times! Make me as big as you possibly can, and then make me bigger than that! Please!” Everyone except Dr. Engorgio was staring at Jackie with their jaws open, utterly stunned by the urgency of her desire to grow. “God, I’m great at picking them,” he said, spinning the dial all as far as it would go, and pulling the trigger. Jackie shuddered as a twinned green bolt hit her in the chest, making her glow green for several seconds, and stumble back against the wall. “Oof!” she said, hugging her chest and contorting her face in pain. “My chest… it hurts!”!” She doubled over in pain, squeezing her chest. “You selfish little brat!” said Mrs. Zeling, stomping forward and wagging a finger at Jackie. “I go through all this trouble to help you feel like an actual woman, and you have the never to ask to be bigger than me? Your own mother?” She kept raising her hand like she was contemplating smacking Jackie. Jackie was still bent forward, though, and seemed like she was in pain. “Mommy! My chest… it really… hurts!” whined Jackie. Mrs. Zeling rolled her eyes. “Of course it does!” said Mrs. Zeling, grabbing Jackie’s hair and pulling Jackie upright. “You asked to be bigger than mommy! What did you think would happen?” Jackie let out a whine as she grabbed at her own head, finally uncovering chest. A collective gasped filled the room, followed immediately by the sound of seams popping on Jackie’s stretched out top. Jackie had blown up as big as mother, and then bigger. Her breasts were bulging out of her top, nearly up to her choker. Sideboob bulged out the side. The top itself was stretched so tight it was nearly transparent. They were so compressed and smooshed it was hard to tell, but Jackie had rocketed all the way to an O-cup, and showed no sign of slowing. Her breasts already looked each as big as her head. “Mommy! My top is too… small! It hurts!” she whined. Mrs. Zeling stared at Jackie’s chest in disgust, still holding her daughter’s hair. “Your top isn’t too small, your ridiculous breasts are too fat! God… you look a cow, you little idiot! You look like a hormone fed freak!” Jackie let out a little whine as the straps of her top appeared to dig deeper into her top, and bust expanded in diameter one inch after the other. “They aren’t…. stopping!” Mrs. Zeling turned around to look for the doctor. “Mr. Engorgie? If you return my daughter’s rack to a reasonable size right now, I’ll consider an informal agreement instead of calling my-“ Dr. Engorgio had already packed up his growth ray and slammed the door. “That little… fucker!” said Mrs. Zeling, ignoring Jackie’s rising wail of pain. “See what happens? Now you’re stuck growing this, you bloated-“ “Mommy, please stop it!” said Jackie, just as her top exploded. Her breasts had grown so heavy and huge they made an audible ba-wong noise as they burst free and bounced Mrs. Zeling in the chest. “Oof!” said Mrs. Zeling, stepping back partially from the force of Jackie’s boobs-plosion, but mainly just from the shock of how big her daughter was. Jackie’s breasts had grown right off the alphabet scale, and were still growing. Without the compression, they now looked as big as basketballs. They heaved and jiggled heavily as a furious-looking Jackie caught her breath. “Holy shit…” said Mrs. Zeling, who couldn’t look away from her daughter’s expanding abundance. “Jackie… you’re… you’re…” “Bigger!” said Jackie, stepping forward and boob-bumping her mother in anger. “Bigger than you!” “Oof!” said, Mrs. Zeling. “Jackie, I’m sorry! It’s just you made a terrible decision, and- oof!” Jackie boob-bumped her mother again, and kept pushing forward. “I made the best decision of my life!” said Jackie, who didn’t seem to be struggling with the weight of her breasts at all. “Now you can’t belittle me anymore!” “Oof!” “Now you’re the little girl!” “Oof! Jackie, please, you’re growing-“ “Now you have to do what I say!” “Jackie, please!” As Jackie ranted, she pushed her mom across the room, one boob-bump at a time. Every time, her bust was blowing up, bigger and heavier. The first bumps hit Mrs. Zeling in the chest, but soon they were smacking her in the clavicle… the neck… the chin… Mrs. Zeling was hit in the mouth by Jackie’s double marshmallow strike when she realized she was staring straight ahead at Jackie’s sternum. While Jackie’s boobs had grown as big as beach balls, Jackie herself had grown as big as an amazon. Her already tight clothes were pulled impossibly short and taut. She was more than six feet tall, looming over Mrs. Zeling. “Jackie! Look at how big you are! It’s just your boobs! You’re- oof!” “Good!” said Jackie, as her curvacesous hips burst of her skirt, and she stretched another six inches taller. “Now I can make you feel even smaller!” Jackie’s body grew with a rubbery stretching noise, and Mrs. Zeling’s back hit the wall. Jackie stood in place for a second, looming bigger and bigger, until she was nearly eight feet tall, and her breasts looked like marshmallows as big as bean bag chairs. “Honeybunch… sweetie… mommy’s little angel…” “Stop calling me little!” screamed Jackie, smooshing her massiveness into Mrs. Zeling and completely enveloping her mother’s head. “Now I’m bigger! Now you have to call me mommy!” cackled Jackie, grinding two giant craters into the wall. She didn’t pull back, so her mother couldn’t possibly respond for lack of air. Jackie’s breasts grew, pushing Mrs. Zeling into the wall as they grew to envelope and cover her whole body… and then the entire wall. Jackie barely noticed her head brush the ceiling, but fell to her knees to keep her breasts about level. But then her head brushed the ceiling again, and no matter how far she bent forward there just wasn’t enough room… Jackie realized she’d grown to fill the entire living room, and the walls were falling apart as they failed to contained her. “Huh…” she said, realizing she must be a giantess now. “Cool!” The wall burst, and Jackie’s jugs sent Mrs. Zeling rolling across the lawn with a loud bwoing. Mrs. Zeling gasped for breath, and struggled to her feet. Jackie was grunting and wriggling, and Mrs. Zeling could see her house bent and shake awkwardly. Suddenly, Jackie exploded from the roof, standing more than 50 feet tall, with tits as big as Sedan’s. “Hey, where are you all going?” she shouted down at her screaming, fleeing friends. “I’ve got epic jugs now! I’m supposed to be Miss Popular! Come back and worship me!” The fled the monster. Jackie’s eyes locked onto Mrs. Zeling. “This is your fault!” boomed Jackie, rising to 60 feet tall and smashing through the remains of the house. “I’m finally the biggest… and you drive everyone away! I’ll smoosh you for this, mommy! I’m smoosh you right between my tits!” Mrs. Zeling managed to start the car, swerve just past Jackie’s giant hand, and screech into traffic. Jackie let out a shriek and stomped after her, but she was top-heavy and off-balance. Mrs. Zeling sighed in relief as Jackie started to shrink into the distance. Then, Jackie grew bigger and suddenly seemed to close in. Mrs. Zeling hit the gas and swerved around other cars, making Jackie shrink again… but then Jackie grew taller and was right on her tail again. “MOMMY!” boomed Jackie, 120 feet tall and growing. “GET BACK HERE!” “How big is that little slut going to get?” said Mrs. Zeling, coasting into the city. Mrs. Zeling took several sharp turns, and Jackie disappeared behind a skyscraper. Mrs. Zeling thought she’d lost her… only for a 200-foot tall Jackie to step into traffic in front of her, stomping on cars and blocking her path. “HELLO, LITTLE-BITTY MOMMY!” bellowed Jackie, closing quickly. “WIDDLE JACKIE’S GETTING NICE AND BIG… WHY DON’T YOU COME UP HERE AND TAKE A LOOK?” Jackie’s breasts had grown almost as big as hot air balloons, and were still expanding. Mrs. Zeling got out of the car to run, hoping Jackie wouldn’t be able to pick her out from the crowd. “NOT SO FAST, MOMMY!” laughed Jackie, closing in to snatch her mother. “I… SEE… OOF!” Jackie stopped suddenly in place. “COME… HERE!” she grunted, reaching forward and trying to move, but staying in place. “WHAT THE…” Jackie looked from side to side, and realized as her breasts had continued to inflate her bust had grown wider than the street. She wriggled and writhed, but she also continued to grow… meaning she continued to get more stuck. “OH… NO!” she whined. “STUPID BUILDINGS! ERF… COME BACK HERE, MOMMY! LITTLE JACKIE NEEDS TO CRUSH YOU… JUST AS SOON… AS SHE… CAN… MOVE!” Jackie let out a Godzilla-bellow of irritation, but seemed to be seriously stuck for the moment. Mortal terror temporarily on pause, Mrs. Zeling laughed at her giant monster-daughter. “That overgrown idiot…” she chuckled. “She can’t move! Her boobs actually got too big!” “Too big?” said Dr. Engorgio, charging up the growth-ray, which was back on it’s tripod. “Don’t ever say that.” “Jesus Christ, it’s you,” said Mrs. Zeling. “What the hell are you doing? Are you going to return my Chest-zilla daughter to a reasonable size?” “Hell no…” said Dr. Engorgio, leveling the growth ray. “I was going to make you bigger than her so you could reign her back in.” “Oh, fuck. That’s even better.” “You guys are actually a lot alike,” said Dr. Engorgio, pulling the trigger. *** Jackie hadn’t noticed the doctor arrive, and had remained stuck as she expanded to steadily past 300 feet. However, as she kept growing bigger and her breasts kept expanding, she could feel her mega-bust starting to push the buildings over. “C’MON… BIGGER!” she boomed, as the buildings finally started to give. “BIGGER… BIGGER… YES!” she bellowed, standing up and swinging her building-sized tits from side to side. She rose to 400 feet tall, a head taller than the skyline. Her boobs finally grew big enough to push over the buildings on either side of the street. “THAT’S BETTER!” she boomed, admiring the wreckage she’d made just by glowing in place. “BACK TO WORK… MOMMY! THANKS FOR WAITING!” Mrs. Zeling was waving up at her daughter. Jackie bent down to snatch her mother up in one hand. “WELL, MOMMY?” teased Jackie, staring at her bug-sized mother in the palm of her hand. “READY TO GET CRUSHED BY A PAIR OF REAL TITTIES?” “Oh, you think those are tits?” said Mrs. Zeling, in voice Jackie could barely hear. “Those are tits. Sweetie, great effort, but I’ll show you tits.” Mrs. Zeling grunted in effort, and her boobs burst out of her sweater. Jackie’s eyes widened. “Hold, on Jackie dear, just a second,” said Mrs. Zeling, bursting out of her clothes and doubling in size. “NO!” screamed Jackie, setting her mother down and back away slowly. “Don’t go anywhere, honey, Mommy’s still getting bigger,” said Jackie, stretching her back and shooting up to 50 feet tall. “Just another moment while Mommy gets big. Wait right there…” Mrs. Zeling grew to 100 feet tall, and then 200 feet. Jackie backed away slowly in terror. “GOD, THESE BUILDINGS ARE SO PINCHY…” boomed Mrs. Zeling, growing to 300 feet and grinding her widening bust against buildings on either side of the street. “JUST ONE MORE SECOND…” She rocketed up to 500 feet tall, looming over Jackie and covering Jackie with her shadow. “OKAY… JUST A LITTLE BIGGER NOW!” She inflated to 600 feet, and her bust grew forward, boob-bumping Jackie and pushing Jackie ass-first into another skyscraper. Mrs. Zeling laughed heavily. “HONEY, WHY ARE YOU SCARED? THEY’RE JUST BOOBS BIG ENOUGH TO CRUSH YOU!” laughed Mrs. Zeling, sauntering over her daughter. “HERE… GET A CLOSER LOOK…” She loomed over Jackie, getting ready to tit crush her, but Jackie snarled and stood up… and up… and up! “YOU’RE NOT GETTING BIGGER THAN ME, MOMMY!” screamed Jackie, suddenly 800 feet tall and pushing her mother back. “NO ONE GETS TO BE BIGGER THAN ME!” Jackie pushed forward, trying to crush her mother, but suddenly stopped moving forward as she was pushing futilely against twin orbs nearly as big as she was. “M-MOMMY?” said Jackie, looking up slowly. Mrs. Zeling was laying down, and nearly 3000 feet long. Her feet kicking playfully in the air behind her, and her breasts were plumped between her chest and ground, forming the marshmallow barrier Jackie couldn’t surpass. “OH, HONEY! I FORGOT YOU WERE DOWN THERE!” chuckled Mrs. Zeling, drinking in her daughter’s terror. “HOW’S IT FEEL TO FINALLY SEE A REAL BIG GIRL’S RACK?” Mrs. Zeling savored her superiority for about a second before it was suddenly night. Jackie had grown so big so quickly her tits formed a canopy over the whole city, casting them in shadow. Mrs. Zeling reacted in time, and soon mother and daughter were wrestling chest-to-chest, crushing their entire state in an escalating contest of curves. “It’s how some people are just too alike each other to get along…” sighed Dr. Engorgio, checking his watch and driving for the next major city. “On to my next house call!” -- source link
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