orangeorc: girlswithproteinshakes: Ainsley Chaluk Brad had already started checking out the cute sam
orangeorc: girlswithproteinshakes: Ainsley Chaluk Brad had already started checking out the cute sample girl at the vitamin shop, so he couldn’t pretend he didn’t see her when she turned out to be his ex. “Holy shit… Allison?” said Brad, looking her up and down. Allison’s face lit up, as she saw Brad taking her in. “Were you… always this… this…” said Brad, scratching his head. They’d barely broken up a month ago… she’d been so scrawny… “Ripped?” said Allison, looking down at her muscle-laden body. “Oh, I just started working out a couple weeks ago, really… kind of a baby gym… I mean, look how scrawny my widdle arm still is!” “Jesus- little!? Your arm is bigger than mine!” said Brad, catching himself a bit too late. “Oh yeah, I guess it is…” said Allison. “I mean… I’m not that much stronger than you… you’re still a man, for crissakes. What do you curl? 35 lb? 40?” “I curl… 25…” said Brad, sheepishly. “Or at least I will. When I go up a set… in a couple… weeks…” “25?” said Allison, so loudly all the gym bunnies and muscle heads in the store could hear her. “I thought those were there for children!” She laughed until she snorted. “But seriously, I’m sorry… it sounds like you really need help on the basics. I’m only gaining this quickly because I use protein shakes- I actually get them for free, because I’m a sales rep now!” “I drink protein shakes!” said Brad, defensively. And he did. He drank several a day. “I’m just a hard gainer…” “Oh, come on! This stuff works great!” said Allison. “Look, I’ve got one of these mixed and ready to go!” She gave the bottle a few shakes, and the other patrons all immediately perked up and looked in her direction. “Dude, watch this girl go…” whispered a stranger in Brad’s ear. “She’s going to drink one right now!” Several very interested men gathered around Allison’s display table as she popped the lid, tilted it to her lips, and chugged the drink back in one slow but unbroken series of glugs. Everyone stared in rapt attention. “Ah!” she said, lowering the empty container. “Tasty! And then you just give it a second to kick in…” She patted her rock-hard stomach, which was making strange gurgling sounds. She quivered, and smiled, and looked up at Brad. “And then… you grow!” she said, flexing her arm again. Her arteries bulged as she activated all her muscles at once. She grinned and gritted her teeth slightly, and some of the regulars started to whistle and cheer. As Brad watched, almost unbelieving, Allison’s arm grew. Her bicep rose like a hill rising out of the earth. Her arm thickened- bicep, shoulder, tricep, all of it. As Allison grunted and grew, it wasn’t just her arm growing. Her shirt grew taut as the V of her bulging lats intensified. The rocks that were her shoulders bulged, bigger and bigger, as her neck thickened. Her abs intensified, growing more and more pronounced on her already hard stomach. Her shorts tightened, as the muscles on her thighs and butt bulged larger and larger. Then, any lingering sense of reality Brad held on to died when she capped off her miraculous muscle growth spurt in the most implausible way of all- she grew taller, rising two or three inches up from the ground. “See?” she said, gesturing to her even-more-huge-than-before-bicep. “Easy!” There was applause, and hooting, as Allison smiled and posed for her adoring fans. “That was the best one yet!” “You’re a goddess!” “You could be a fitness model!” “Oh, stop!” said Allison, brushing aside the praise with exaggerated humility and embarrassment. “I’m not that buff, you guys!” Her upper body was so big she was stretching out her shirt. Even if her pecs hadn’t been massive, her body was inexplicably diverting all available fat stores to her chest- the parts of her shirt not being stretched by muscles were being stretched by a respectable pair of DD-cup tits. “Another drink!” said one man, next to Brad. “Oh, no!” said Allison, looking at Brad to see how he’d react. “I’m not sure… I’m only supposed to have one sample a day…” The store manager immediately told her she could have a second free sample, because she had earned it. And a third, and fourth, and tenth, if she wanted them! “You really don’t mind?” she said, her faux-shy, exaggeratedly girlish manner at odds with her hulking body. “I mean… I am awfully hungry right now…” There were cheers. Brad tried to back away, but one of Allison’s “fans” grabbed him and pushed him back. “And I dot have a special, advance mixture of our new Elite mixture… with almost twice the protein, three times the carbs, and four times the unlisted mystery ingredient…” she teased. There was an immediate chant to drink it. “Okay!” she said. “But this is our elite mixture. None of you should drink this, unless you’re in serious need of fast mass, okay?” She wagged a finger. Everyone made murmurs of assent. “Here I go!” she said, tilting back the second shake, and swigging. There was immediate clapping and cheering. The second Allison swallowed, she started growing again. Her arms bulged, thicker and thicker, almost grotesquely large and bloated with muscle. Her shoulders ballooned in size, stretching her sleeves so tight they started to rip. Her engorging upper body was getting wider and stronger and thicker, every time she swallowed, until it was nothing more than a half-shirt, stretched so tight it was essentially transparent. Her exposed navel swole with hard, rippling, washboard abs. She bobbed just an inch or so taller with each gulp, and Brad could barely believe it as the girl he used to lovingly call shrimp- the girl who used to be 5’3”- rose and rose as she swelled with muscle, until she was several inches north of six feet tall. Taller than Brad- taller than most of the men in the room! His ex was ginormous… she was turning into the hulk, with tits and an adorable little face! “Oh, fuck…” said Brad. Allison opened her mouth to say something, and belched loudly. She dropped the empty bottle to cover her mouth with her hands. “Oh my gosh, excuse me!” she said, turning slightly red. “I never belch like that!” There was laughter, and an assurance it was adorable. “Gosh… are those my arms?” she said, taking in her new body. “Hell yeah!” said someone. “Well… these are almost too big!” she said, flexing in display of body-builder hugeness. “These arms are bigger than some of y’alls legs!” “We don’t mind!” “Am I too big, guys? I feel like I’m the biggest person in the room… you all look so little to me!” “You’re gorgeous!” “Hotter than ever!” “I love you, Allison!” “All of you seem to like it…” she said, staring down at Brad, gloatingly. “But that scrawny gentleman over there is my ex… I think I’m making him a little big uncomfortable!” The meathead next to Brad instantly squeezed Brad’s arm. “You were dating freaking Allison- and you broke up with her!?” said the meathead. “You monster!” “Be nice!” Allison teased the man acting as her henchman. “He said he liked his women on the petite side… he said it made him feel big…” Sexual lewdness crept into her voice when she said big, and several men looked ready to kill Brad. Instead, they pushed him towards the hunk that used to be his girlfriend. He was acutely aware she was not only taller than him now, but probably in the neighborhood of twice his weight, if not bigger. She could crush him now. “I mean… I like a-a… Spectrum of… body types… and… you know…” stammered Brad. “I mean… you’re so… so much bigger now, and… you know… I um… I like that?” “Oh, stop!” said Allison, gently placing a hand on Brad’s chest. “You’re just saying that!” “No, really!” said Brad, as she gripped his shirt. “If you want to be a giant… muscle… woman… I have… I have no objection!” “Really?” said Allison, effortlessly lifting him the air the hoots and jeers. “You really like me like this?” “Literally anything you want!” choked Brad, waving his legs underneath. “Seriously!” “DRINK ANOTHER ONE!” shouted one patron, audibly crazed. “I don’t know…” said Allison, already picking up another bottle. “If it’s okay with Brad…” Brad did not want Allison to get any more out of control on her little power trip. But he also knew if he said no, the crowd with rip him to shreds, and Allison would probably just drink another anyway. “You could really… stand… to… bulk up a bit!” said Brad. Allison smiled humorlessly at Brad, then blew him a kiss. Then she drained a third bottle, crushed it in her hand, and picked up her fourth. “I’m still hungry!” she joked. “Deadlifting my ex is working up a real appetite!” She drained the fourth bottle. She was already growing so quickly her clothes were tearing. Brad felt himself rising as Allison grew taller. The arm holding him aloft was as thick as a sapling, and rapidly increasing to the girth of a small tree. “Allison!” he said, as his oblivious ex-girlfriend grew and ignored him. “Allison! Getting awfully close to the ceiling… better put me down- oof!” Allison was seven feet tall, massively thick with muscle, and growing bigger by the second. She dropped Brad when his head conked the ceiling. She didn’t care about Brad’s safety- she just needed both hands to start double-fisting protein shakes. Her shorts had shrank to painted on boxer-briefs, which burst as her thighs kept bulging with bigger and bigger muscles. She basically transparent shirt ripped apart, shredded by her rapidly widen chest and back. Her plump tits were held in check by a string-tight elastic jog bra. The muscles on her shoulders were bulging up past her ears. She was truly gigantic now- she was eight feet, then nine feet tall, and still rising. The patrons had taken to shouting “chug, chug, chug!” and passing her more shakes, which she drank quickly and messily with alternating hands. She belched again, but didn’t apologize this time. They handed her shakes, bars, powers, supplements, bottles and jugs of water- she chomped, swallowed, and guzzled greedily, desperate to feet her engorged body as much calories as she possibly could. Her string-tight bra and panties ripped. Her head hit the ceiling, and she bent forward. Her thick, cartoonishly muscular body was unwieldy. Her enlarging glutes bulged behind her, knocking over a display. Her giant arms knocked aside members of her throng as she reached down to grab their vitamin laden offerings. Brad saw bits of the roof start to fall, as her back immense back kept growing bigger, and pressing up against it. “More!” she bellowed, as the offerings dwindled. “I need to get bigger… bigger!” She fell to her knees, shaking the store as her giant monster shoulders started to lift the roof. She was getting so wide and so muscle-laden so quickly her muscles were actually bulging and expanding to fill the store, brushing men aside and occasionally crushing them. Before Brad lost sight of her, her giant arms were lifting a shelf and sliding all the powder containers down, into her gaping mouth. Brad started his car as a huge, bellowing laugh shook the lot, making some of the cars jump. Looking in his rear view mirror he saw Allison, thirty feet tall and rapidly growing bigger, grow up and out of the roof for the mini mall. Rubble sloughed and bounced off her impossibly large body. With every breath, her pecs seemed to widen several feet. Her arms were giant mounds of muscle, which almost looked too big to move. Allison flexed, grinning wickedly as she looked back from one rapidly inflating arm to another. She kicked away more of the roof, looking down into the store for any surviving fans. “You’ve all been so, sweet to me!” she said, huge, earth-shaking voice still somehow lilting and girly. “I could never have grown this big without all your help!” She bent down and scooped up a fan in each hand. She was fifty feet tall- they looked like toys. They didn’t looked scared- if anything, they were thrilled Allison had picked them, like an insanely ripped Queen Kong. Her tummy growled. “I mean it, I love you guys so much… thanks for helping me get back at Brad!” Her tummy growled again, even louder and more demanding. “But I think I need more protein!” She opened her mouth and swallowed them, one after the other. Each time she swallowed, she grew visibly bigger. She was more than sixty feet tall now, with no sign her growth would stop. As Brad sped into the city, he saw her lock eyes on his car and watch him drive away. He drove almost 80 in a 40 mph zone, but a few turns and double-backs later he thought he’d lost her between the city’s biggest buildings. Naturally, the moment he started to relax, he turned and corner and drove right between Allison’s giant legs. “Shit!” said Brad, as his 120-foot ex laughed, bent down, and picked up his car. “There you are!” she said, ripping the roof off his car and pulling him out with two fingers. “I was meaning to have a final word with you, but you ran away!” There was a cracking and grinding noise- as Brad looked around, he realized Allison’s insane body-builder shoulders were growing so huge they were too wide for the street, and starting to grow against the buildings on either side of her. She was 150 feet tall, and still growing bigger. She was already taller than some of the buildings, and creeping up on the rest. “Listen… I’m… so sorry I dumped you!” said Brad, squirming and wriggling helplessly. “I just… listen… if you want me back… no problem! I’m yours! Brad and Allison, together forever.” “Oh, Brad… I hope you didn’t get your hopes up!” she said. “I’m a lot… I mean a lot stronger than I was when we broke up!” She giggled, and flexed slightly. Her muscles were so big they finally pushed over the buildings on either side of her. She was 200 feet tall, and steadily growing up past the sky line. “I just wanted to let you know I’m over you… I’ve outgrown you… and I hope you’re okay with that!” “Uh… sure!” said Brad, looking down at ground as it got further and further away from him. “You’re right! As always! Time to move one! We just don’t need each other anymore!” “Well, hold on!” said Allison, patting her stomach, with abs bigger and harder than compact cars. “Just because I’m over you doesn’t mean I don’t need you!” Her giant stomach growled. Allison giggled and licked her lips. “Allison! No!” he screamed, holding up one hand. “It’s me! Brad! We can still be friends! I’m your friend! Please!” Stomach still growling, Allison lifted Brad over her head and giggled. She was least 300 feet tall now. “I’m sorry, Brad!” she laughed. “I mean… I guess I can still be your friend… but I’m a big, strong girl… I want to get even bigger and stronger… and to do that… mama needs her protein!” “Allison! Stop!” he squealed, helpless. “Bye, Bradley!” she said, closing her eyes and tilting back her head. “No! NO!” he screamed. Brad used to open jars for Allison, and carry her from class to class on his back. Now he was dangling over her open mouth. “Aaaahhh!” she said, letting Brad go. His screams tickled, all the way down. Allison patted her rock-hard stomach with her freakishly thick arms until Brad finally stopped tickling her. She was 400 feet tall. Most of the buildings only went up to her waist. She flexed, admiring how big she was. The swell of her bicep was bigger than the house she grew up in. Every muscle was a boulder, and hill- she was a towering mountain of muscle. Nothing in the world was as big and strong as she was… But she could get even stronger. She could grow even bigger than this. All she needed was a bit more protein… She ripped a building the size of a dollhouse off the ground, and shook it over her open mouth. The delicious, protein-packed people came tumbling out, and she gulped them one after another. In seconds she was growing again. -- source link
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