stewybooks: Why was she so damn unsettling… Something about the way she always been loo
stewybooks: Why was she so damn unsettling… Something about the way she always been looking at me lately… There was a creepy hunger in her eyes… Ever since my wife passed away a month ago, it only got worse. She couldn’t get it through her thick skull that I was in mourning. The neighbor’s daughter had always been fond of me. It started out innocently. I was friends with her father and when they first moved in, she was so young. I would always encourage her to do well in school. She had always been a little “strange” and awkward, but she was like family to me. Now, 5 years later, she was all grown up. I had never expected what had happened. She had gotten… bigger. In all the right places. She continued to develop all-throughout school. I imagined her “experimenting” with some of the boys her age. Testing out her body, seeing what she could do to them. Sometimes lewd thoughts about her would enter my brain, but I would always push them out, and never dwell on them. She would always be Anna to me, my little Anna. Three weeks ago, I had stopped visiting John and his family. It was getting to be too much. I mean, Anna’s body was the stuff of fantasy now. From time to time, I would see her walking around outside, her eyes veering towards my house more often than I’d like. One day, I saw her staring through my window at me and our eyes made contact. I panicked and I’m sure she noticed. I was so stupid. Now she knew that I was afraid of her. Things were about to get so awkward. *knock knock knock* “Hello?” A man’s voice called out. “Yeah, John, I’m just sitting in the den.” I called out. My neighbor John would often stop by. I set the novel I was reading down on the desk beside the la-Z-boy chair I always sat in. “Do you want something to drink?” I offered, about to get up. “No no… I’m fine.” he replied, holding up his palm in a gesture to stop me from getting up. “I won’t be long actually.” He told me, his head shifting side to side, checking the window nervously. “Something the matter?” I asked him, sensing his anxiety. “Well, yes actually. I’m not sure if I have much time to talk to you… she might…” he stopped himself from continuing. “She might…???” I repeated his words inquisitively. “Who, your wife?” I asked, thinking that maybe he was having another fight with his wife. “No, Karen and I are fine. Ok just listen.” he began. I nodded as John helped himself to a seat. “It’s about my daughter…” John began. “Anna?” I asked, not knowing really why, we both knew her name. “Yeah, well… she’s been… I’m sure you’ve noticed… developing lately…” he spoke, his body very tense. He was obviously uncomfortable having this conversation. “And well, she’s bigger than us now and…” he swallowed hard. “Not sure where this is going John.” *Rustling noise followed by a clunk coming from outside* John lept up from his chair at the sound, like a scared dog. “Heavens John, are you sure you’re alright? You seem awfully jumpy for some reason. I’m sure it was nothing.” With fear in his eyes, John slowly lowered himself back into his seat. “Listen, you have to promise that you’ll never tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. Seriously…” John looked at me with deathly seriousness. “Sure sure… jeese.” I replied, confused by the intensity of the discussion. John and I were always shooting the breeze. “James, my daughter… I snuck into her room while she was gone and I read her diary.” Now it was James’ turn to be uncomfortable. “Why would you do a thing like that?” James asked, curiously. Now he was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable too. That was a serious invasion of privacy. “Listen, just listen. You might not believe me, but… my daughter…” The tension in the air was palpable. You would have been able to hear a pin drop. *long pause* “She’s… she’s disturbed James.” “Excuse me? Little Anna?” It felt weird even calling her that anymore. “She’s not right in the head James. She is plagued by dark obsessive thoughts. And they are…” I tilted my eyebrows to encourage him to go on. “They are really… strange.” “I fear she has done something to herself to cause the changes in her body, but I’m not sure what.” “I mean, you hear how you sound right now.” I told him, fearing that it was John that was the one that had lost his mind. I mean, women don’t just grow and change willfully. What was he suggesting anyway? Black magic? Chemical engineering? Genie in a lamp wishes? Or even worse… plastic surgery? “James SHUTUP.” he said, snapping a bit, his head darting left to right, looking out the window again to make sure nobody was watching or listening. It seemed to me like John had lost all his marbles or something. He was like a different person entirely. I wondered what had taken place in the last several days in his house. Something had gone down. “It’s you James.” “She thinks she’s in love with you… it’s… it’s bad… it’s like an obsession or something. You have to read what she wrote. It’s extreme James.. and worse yet, she has plans to… to…” *DING DONG* the doorbell rang. John once again shook and quivered in surprised in his seat. The look of human fear on his face was very real. He seemed nearly paralyzed in his seat. James got up and went to the door, turning the knob, and slowly opening it. Expecting someone shorter, his eyes looked right into the stomach and center of the most beautiful woman he had perhaps ever met. Struck by the daunting beauty before him, James craned his head up, and up, and up, past two tremendously large breasts, and up into the foxy exotic Asian eyes of the young girl that he used to know, little Anna. She was wearing a sleeveless black ribbed tank-top and a jean skirt that didn’t even go halfway down her thighs. Her big tits jiggled subtly and deliciously as she shifted her weight along with her hips from one side to the other, emphasizing her curvy figure dramatically and yet very casually, like it was the most natural thing. “Hi James, I haven’t seen you for a while!” she spoke with the widest grin, her cheeks lifting in an unfakeable smile. “Haha, yeah Anna, I guess I’ve been keeping to myself a bit lately haven’t I? How have you been?” I asked calmly. “Like, really really great. Better than ever actually.” she said, grinning ear to ear. Before I had to say anything to keep the conversation going, she asked a question. “Say, have you seen my father around anywhere? He’s been acting a bit off lately and I’m worried he might not be feeling well.” She was already scanning the room inside my house before I let her in. She was looking for him. “Oh yeah, we were just having drinks together actually.” I said, feeding her a half truth. I was having a drink, but John was not. “Oh great! I’ll just have a word with him in private if you don’t mind. I just wanna make sure he’s ok.” she told me with an authority I wasn’t used to coming from Anna. After all, I was so much older than her. There was something different about her. “Oh yeah, sss… sure Anna.” I said, stumbling over my words very briefly. She winked at me in a friendly and sexy way as I backed up and let her in. I marveled at her size as I realized she was significantly taller than me now. “How in the world?” I thought to myself, gawking at her newly developed size and form. “Ohhhhhh dadddddddyyyy?” she called out in a sing-song voice. “Wheerrrreeeee aaaarrrreeeee youuuuuuuuu?” she sang out again, giggling to herself, heading into the den where he had been sitting. “Oh THERE you are…” she giggled again. The next thing I knew John was being led out of the house by Anna, her hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him by the arm. “I’ll give him right back to you in just a minute, I promise James.” she told me as she passed by, winking at me again. “Was that really little Anna?” I wondered again. I couldn’t fathom how much she had changed, in both body and mind. “What had happened to her?” I thought to myself. Regardless, it seemed to me like John really had been not himself lately. Babbling and rambling nonsense about his own daughter. I couldn’t make any sense of it. Anna took her father out into the middle of the yard. I could briefly glance at the two of them talking as I walked by the window of the den on my way to sit back down, opening up my book again. John’s daughter was towering over him in a way, standing much too close to him. Her facial expression did not look happy. Her lips were tight and angry. I couldn’t hear a word of what was being said, but it was strange to see, because it was almost like she was scolding him. A minute or two later, the two of them came back inside, Anna was clinging to her father, holding him closely. It almost seemed like she was controlling himor something. The dynamic between the two of them was so odd today. Then, in a lifeless and almost robotic tone. John spoke. “Sorry I bothered you today James. I haven’t been feeling myself lately. I think I might be getting sick. I think I’ll go home and rest now.” he told me. “Sounds good John. Don’t worry about it. Everyone gets sick from time to time.” I told them, though keenly aware of the awkward change in John’s behaviorafter having a talk with his daughter. “Say James, why don’t you stop by for dinner later! Mom is making beef stew! It’s been in the slow-cooker almost 5 hours already. It’s gonna be great.” she said with a grin and a happy smile, bouncing a little bit on her calves, causing those huge breasts of hers to jiggle and quake. “I…” was briefly stunned by the raw sexuality in Anna’s bodily appearance. This was going to take some adjusting too. Her size was actually even a little bit intimidating. I wondered how tall she was. “Great! We’ll see you later then!” she said, grinning ear to ear at me as she turned and ushered her father out. I caught a huge breathtaking view of her rear-end as she turned around, the curves of her butt stretching the material on her jean skirt, thrusting outward with zero effort, beckoning the male eye. Anna looked over her shoulder and gave me one last smile on the way out. It was almost as if she knew I had looked. That made me uncomfortable. I was not ok at looking at little Anna like that. The whole thing had been strange. “What a very strange day.” I told myself as I watched the sway and undulation of Anna’s hips on her way out of my house. “Beef stew sounds great though.” I realized. -=3 Hours Later=- Checking my watch, I saw that it was about that time. *growl* My stomach was empty. Opening up the door, I headed over to the neighbor’s house. I could feel myself tenser than usual. That discussion with John earlier today was the strangest ever. *knock knock knock* I knocked on the front door. My heart started beating rapidly almost immediately as I stared straight ahead into the neck and chin of little Anna, who could no longer be described as little. Anna’s pink sweater-knit dress left her chest and cleavage open for all to see, her soft straight black hair dangling in tendrils. She smelled like vanilla. Those tits were big big big. It was hard not to stare. But it was little Anna, and I never saw her that way, so I was going to exercise a lot of willpower. “Heeyyyyy Anna, long time no see right?” I joked, mimicking the same conversation we had 3 hours ago. I was always joking with her. Anna cracked up laughing. Her creamy white tits jiggling and quivering before me. Gosh, how had she grown so damn big? Looking straight ahead I was staring at her luscious pink lips. “Yeahhhh right?” she joked along with me. *The wafting smell of beef stew* *sniff sniff* “Smells amazing!” I declared as she stepped femininely aside, allowing me entry. “Where’s John?” I asked non-chalantly as I walked inside. “Oh, I’m afraid John won’t be joining us this evening. He’s not feeling well.” Anna told me, following closely behind. Something about her newly enlarged presence set me at unease as she loomed closely behind. “Oh, that’s too bad.” I commented, pretending not to care. “Well, Martha must be almost done in the kitchen I suppose.” I spoke, heading into the kitchen. It was empty. No one was home. No one, but me and… Turning around I saw Anna leaning down, dangerously close. “Actually, my mom left in a hurry for some reason. She got a call from her sister and said she had to go.” she told me, shrugging her shoulders, causing her tits to heave upward and then jiggle back into place. “Looks like it’s just you and me James!” she told me, winking at me teasingly before slowly raising herself back up to her full height. She held her hands behind her back, squaring her shoulders, and making sure her chest thrust out proudly, emphasizing her shape and size perfectly. *Gulp* I swallowed hard. I was in for a very long dinner. -- source link
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