astralumos: emmastudies:The 100 Days of Productivity Challenge with EmmaStudies!Productivity challen
astralumos: emmastudies:The 100 Days of Productivity Challenge with EmmaStudies!Productivity challenges are a fun way to help boost your motivation to get things done! ‘100 days of productivity’ is one of the most popular challenges when it comes to Tumblr and Instagram. As I am planning to start the challenge, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get more people involved! So, where do we start?What is ‘100 days of productivity’?To put it simply, the challenge is to do something productive for 100 days. It comes from the idea that each day, we can do at least 1 thing that pushes us forward. The challenge is meant to improve your sense of accomplishment and show that with a bit of motivation, you can get things done!What classifies as productive?This is entirely up to you and what you feel is worth recognition. Whilst the majority of study blogs do something study related each day that isn’t a set rule. Some examples could be:studying for an accumulative time of 2 hours a daydecluttering your desk and study spacefinishing all your homeworkdrafting an assessment you’ve been procrastinating onorganising your filessorting through your emails and implementing a filter systembacking up computer files and phoneorganising your monthly plangoing to study or read at the libraryfinishing a book you’ve been meaning to readsetting up a file organisation structure on your computercreating a resume and cover letterapplying for jobs, internships, work experiencespring cleaning your bedroom and study spaceorganising your bookshelfunsubscribing from spam emailscollecting account emails and passwordssorting out your expenses and budgetsdeactivating unused social media/email/etc accountsObviously, this list has just a few options. You can do anything which you find achieves a positive and organised result! Even if you do something small, you can count that :-)Does it have to be consecutive days?It can be, but there isn’t a rule. Most people attempt to do consecutive days but that isn’t always possible. Doing something productive one day after another is great for building your self-discipline, however, you can skip days if need be. If you do, don’t feel bad! Remember to bounce back and continue the next day.Who can join? Do I need to have a studyblr/studygram?It is open to anyone! There are no requirements for joining. You don’t need to have a studyblr or studygram! If you’re looking for a fun way to motivate yourself with the backing of other people, this is a great challenge to be a part of. When do I start?Absolutely whenever you want. Could be the start of a month, the start of your school term or for the new year. For this which I’m setting up as a collective challenge, I am planning to start on Monday 9th October. For anyone who has seen this post before then, you are more than welcome to start the same day! But if you see this afterwards, you can still join and be a part of it - but you’ll just be a few days behind, but that is not a problem! :-)How do I track document my productivity?Most people document their journey through Tumblr or Instagram by posting a photo each day (or every few days). I will be doing this! I will be tagging my posts with #emma100dop which you should too. This way I can see your photos and reblog them too!! As a challenge which I am hoping lots of people can get involved in, having a specific hashtag is great for motivation.Similarly, it is worth tracking your days on paper. I have created a printable set which you can download for documenting each day’s work. *Download link here!*Do I have to share pictures?If you don’t want to, you don’t have to share. For studyblr and studygram accounts this is a good idea because you’re uploading original content but if you don’t have a study account, you don’t need to upload any. You can still document your progress with photos and make a gallery on your phone if you want. As mentioned above, I have a printable which you can download for free to track your progress. If you don’t want to take pictures, you can just cross off or write down what you did that day! I am really excited to start this challenge with you guys! :-) I think doing it as a collective group is a fantastic idea in terms of boosting and maintaining motivation through the whole challenge. With lots of accountability partners, we should all hopefully manage 100 days! Best of luck! Remember to tag me in your pictures on Tumblr and Instagram!! xOther posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop i’m definitely trying this challenge, i hope it motivates me :) -- source link
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