“You ready to donk out?” Jason whispered in my ear.“I think … I’m
“You ready to donk out?” Jason whispered in my ear.“I think … I’m gonna … hawwwww,” I felt the bray escape my mouth before I even knew what was happening.“That’s it, donkey, let it out,” Jason whispered, his arms around me, holding me tight.“I can’t … stop it from … hawww!” I was louder this time, and I felt a tingle over my skin. I was starting to get furry.“You’re a donkey, aren’t you?” Jason said, rubbing my darkening chest.“I’m a HAWWW,” I brayed, unable to stop. “I’m a HEEAWWWW! I’m a donkeeeHAWWW!” I felt my ears stretching, getting hairier, my toes tightening and curling as they became hooves.“Keep going, donkey, keep going,” he said.“HEEHAWWW! HEE AWWWWW!” I couldn’t talk anymore. I could only bray. I could only transform. I could only become his donkey. HAWWWWGet more stories of transformation, power, and control: https://amzn.to/2zuzn1M -- source link