Yesterday I celebrated #revengeofthefifth with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Fifth, which fe
Yesterday I celebrated #revengeofthefifth with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Fifth, which features three #janeaustenbingos ⭐️ Ewan MacGregor, Frank Churchill in Emma (1996) AKA the Gwyneth Paltrow Version, as Obi-Wan Kenobi ⭐️Jimmy Smits, Daniel in the Jane Austen Book Club, as Senator Bail Organa. ⭐️Oliver Ford Davies, the doctor in Sense and Sensibility (1995), as Sio Bibble. #janeaustenrunsmylife #janeaustenfan #ewanmacgregor #emma1996 #emma1996akagwynethpaltrowversion #jimmysmits #thejaneaustenbookclub #senatorbailorgana #siobibble #oliverforddavies #senseandsensibility #senseandsensibility1995 #doctor #starwars #emma #starwarsfan @starwars #starwarsepisodeiiattackoftheclones #starwarsattackoftheclones #attackoftheclones -- source link
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