overlyactivepingpongball:kaelio:pantheris: 9ofspades:kaelio:conservatism is, and i cannot stress thi
overlyactivepingpongball:kaelio:pantheris: 9ofspades:kaelio:conservatism is, and i cannot stress this enough, a mother fucking disaster Wh- Dare I ask for the context? Hasbro is removing the “Mr.” and “Mrs.” from their Potatoheads and conservatives are flipping their shit lmao heated potato moment They didn’t even remove the MR and MRS tho they just changed the title of the TOY LINE from MR potato head to just potato head bc they wanna promote the whole family (apparently there’s a family) and the individual potatoes are still keeping the MR and MRS, apparently conservatives think this is the end of the world though -- source link