Five GardensSamir RautBehold! Here are new trees, new leaves, new branches new flowers, new beau
Five Gardens Samir Raut Behold! Here are new trees, new leaves, new branches new flowers, new beautiful parrots sit on them. New bees humming and birds are singing their tunes. There a new peacocks, parrots, chakoras. New koel is going and producing new notes. Sawai Jaisaha Maharaj Mukatmani has his Jainivas Garden with perennial spring reining therein. There are many temples here… There are wells step wells in Gardens, the Mansagar is overflowing with the river is flowing swiftly. (from a poem by Girdhari- Bhojanasara, 1739) Five Gardens emerges from studies of the several house plans. Material here is explored for both structure and details. The pavilion/house reveals its self to the surrounding landscape, flora and phone out in normal assemblies. The project intimately plays with economy of material, pleasure of craft and lightness of structure. While the pavilion seamlessly connects the outside with the inside, it leads itself to create personalised spaces within its self. #OldAndNew #Approach #Beaut #FiveGardens #Personalised #OutsideAndInside #Pavilion #Architecture #MaterialExploration #Beaut #IndianAesthetic #BringTheOutsideInside #SamirRaut #Architect #WhereIsSpace #Exhibit #JawaharKalaKendra #Jaipur #JaipurDiaries #JaipurJournal #Rajasthan #India #Wanderer #Wanderlust #Travel #Travelogue #TravelDiaries (at JKK-Jaipur, Jawahar Kala Kendra) -- source link
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