Chapter VIII: The Rise of the Fall (Pt. IV)The rumblings from Angband began as the sound distant thu
Chapter VIII: The Rise of the Fall (Pt. IV)The rumblings from Angband began as the sound distant thunder—the infrequent beating of the soul-less heart. Though nothing came from its depths as before, we were nonetheless well-equipped for battle. As time wore on, we became accustomed to the rumble. Iarûr worried we had become lax in our preparation for an attack from Morgoth. It had been a long period of calm at the borders of Doriath. The Girdle of Melian still protected us from even the subtlest changes in the world around us.There were Men now and they were building kingdoms of their own. The naugrim had more contact with their race it was said whenever they came past our borders. King Thingol remained distraught over the loss of his beloved daughter even as he tried to resume his royal duties. He seemed unaware of the comings and goings of the court—much less of life beyond the gates of Menegroth.We went about our lives with little understanding that our isolation was about to come to an abrupt end.The day began as always—I rose to find myself alone as Mîrwen had let to attend to her duties for the queen. I went about my day in the library with Súlimë. After we finished, we made our way toward the main vestibule where we would part ways until dinner.Before the had our chance, I noticed Eldôr and Oropher standing inside the gates. Oropher said something to Beleg before he went on his way.“Oropher,” I began. “Is everything alright?”“Yes, of course,” he answered. “Nothing out of the ordinary.”“Not this day,” Eldôr added. “I would not presume to know what goes on near the borders.”“I beg your pardon,” Súlimë asked.“He speaks of the wanderings of the naugrim,” Oropher said. “They seem rather busy these days.”“With what,” I asked curiously.“You can never be too sure with them,” he said. “I have never seen creatures so industrious.”“I am sure it is nothing they cannot handle,” I said thinking of Ónarr. “They have tildes they have seen Daeron wandering in the East,” Eldôr said.“Daeron,” I asked. “Was he not with Thingol when receiving Celebrían?”“Yes,” Oropher said. “But she is no longer an elfling, you realize.“Has it truly been that long,” Súlimë asked.“Time passes as silently as it does quickly,” he said.It was then that I realized how wise my son had become. Just as we were to retire for the evening with the setting of the sun, two guards came running toward us.“What news have you,” Eldôr asked.“They have come into Doriath,” one of the said catching his breath.“When,” Oropher asked.“I do not know when but they have journeyed long,” the other answered.“Go,” Eldôr commanded. “Send word to Mablung quickly.”The two elves moved swiftly past us and out of sight.“Of whom do they speak,” I asked.“Lúthien and her Beren,” Oropher answered. “They have returned.”–TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 07-06-2020Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved. -- source link
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