Tales of the Sex-League: The champion, Tania Alvarez vs. Dakota Demarco The two fi
Tales of the Sex-League: The champion, Tania Alvarez vs. Dakota Demarco The two fighters arrived at the stadium amid a chorus of fervent cheers from their supporters. The building had been a large, nondescript factory complex which had been abandoned decades ago to rot amid the corpse of the small company-town which surrounded it. Bought by the State Sex-League just a few years ago the exterior of the building still held the look of a ruin, however once one had entered the well-guarded doors and passed through the layers of hard-muscled security personnel, a new world opened up before them; a world of glittering crystal champagne glasses, bright Swarovski chandeliers, and crisply dressed servants to cater to a strictly upscale crowd. The third floor of the building was given over to a sparkling bar and dinner area. Dozens of well-dressed couples sat about tables covered in the whitest of linen sharing their whispered conversations as long-legged women vied to out-do each other with the fullness of their breasts and sensual glimpses of exposed skin. Each battling fiercely to keep the roving eyes of their men firmly centered on themselves.The second floor of the building had been removed to create a cavernous chamber out of the first. The walls were lined with red-seated balconies and darkly hidden private boxes. Built in the center of the first floor was a large glass vault of a room. Within was a simple round bed covered in rich red satin while the floor was covered in thick white carpeting to soften falls and provide a comfortable environment for the merciless battles that would be waged within. Amid the crowds, sedately dressed yet exquisite serving-girls went about taking bets from the patrons; some casual wagers and others astronomical sums which would buy and sell nations. The champion, Tania Alvarez, entered first amid a storm of cheers, raves, and applause. She had ruled this event for nearly a year now, beating down a dozen rivals with her superior skills and far superior breasts. Her gold-streaked hair shone across her robe of purest black, the satin shimmering under the lights that lit the glass room that would soon become her battlefield. Patrons strained to catch glimpses of her long smooth legs as she arrived, which came in teasing flashes from the edges of her robe as she strode her kingdom to the lust of the men and the utter jealousy of the women. Her challenger, Dakota Demarco, dressed in a similar robe of hunter green, entered afterwards, again to the cheers of her own hopeful followers who had filled the blog-ways with boasts of how she would easily unseat the Queen. Unlike the champion, her rival was not as composed nor as patient for the start of their match. The tuxedo-clad referee had just sealed the door to the room as she turned to face her opponent.“If you are a real champion, then show me,” taunted Dakota, removing her robe and letting it pool to the floor at her feet, revealing her perfectly toned body to the lustful sighs of the crowd. “So far I don’t see what everyone says about you. Just another aging bitch as far as I see. Come and fight me woman to woman… if you can.”Dakota’s bared breasts frightened Tania at first. They were huge, maybe even larger than her own. The girl’s challenge was clear enough, but she was the champion and her own breasts had never been defeated. She smiled as she removed her own robe, displaying her breasts and her perfectly sculpted body for all to see. Dakota swallowed visibly when she saw the woman’s proudly standing weapons revealed. She had not expected them to be so large or so firm and she could not help to compare them with her own set. “Don’t fool yourself, little girl. My tits are better than yours and they will grind your pathetic meat-bags flat!” the champion grinned confidently. “There is no woman who can beat me.”Dakota narrowed her eyes. Her tone was not as calm as it previously was, as if a sliver of fear had found its way into her voice. “I’m going to destroy you“, she growled, ”I’ll crush those bags of fat you call tits. I’ll crush you and leave you crawling away in fucking tears and then I’ll be champion!” Tania’s eyes widened at the thought of giving up her title to this cheap slut that dared to challenge her. She didn’t think twice about throwing herself at the bitch in one mad assault. Dakota was far from ready for such savage aggression and fell back a few steps as their chests collided. Both pairs of firm breasts crashed together with a loud slap and the approving roar of the surrounding crowd. The women gripped each other’s arms digging sharp, manicured nails into each other’s flesh, tits smashing together, their bodied trembling on impact as they began to grind their breasts heavily into each other’s flesh. Tania’s breasts mushroomed a little to the outside, but they didn’t seem to surrender at all to the younger woman’s tits. Each of the fighters reached out to grip their opponent’s shoulders, then began to slowly push their tits against each other with every ounce of their strength. The champion was the first to grunt, followed by a deep moan from her opponent. Neither of them seemed to want to give their rival the satisfaction to see their reaction to the erotic agony that was being visited on them by the other’s heaving rack. Dakota’s breasts held up well, curving only slightly as she met the full assault of the queen. After the initial attack, they both slid their breasts over each other, forcing each pair to move and bend before reshaping themselves under the force of the rival pair. There were no visual signs to determine which pair of breasts had more strength. Dakota tried several times to slide her tits over Tania’s in order to get enough room for a side-ways swipe, but the champion held firm, wrapping her arms around her opponent to continue the crushing torture. Breathing deeply, the younger fighter arched her back and pushed her tits out, pushing Tania’s huge breasts into her chest. The champion grunted with surprise and pain as her rival’s hardened nipples drove into her flesh. She gritted her teeth, not believing she was in trouble right away. She arched her back, pushing back into her rival’s attack, her own diamond-hard nipples digging spear points into the girl’s breast meat.“Face it! I’m flattening those weak and saggy tits of yours!” Dakota wailed out.“Are you blind as well as stupid, bitch?” replied Tania with an angry hiss, “I can already feel your empty bags bursting against me.”Dakota grunted in surprise as Tania thrust her left breast hard against the young woman’s tit. Dakota returned the favor a moment later, hitting the champion’s right tit as hard as she could. Both women broke away a bare few inches before slamming their breasts together in one mighty ‘Slap!’ along with the savage cheering of the crowd. Each of them clenched their teeth, fighting back their screams of anguish as their flesh burned and bruised under the punishment. The challenger slid her hands over Tania’s arms, positioning her as she made to continue grinding her tits forward as before. But her opponent slid her breasts down before she could consolidate her grip and threw herself upwards in a brutal uppercut. The champion’s tits punched the lower part of Dakota’s breasts, sending them flying upwards in agony. The woman wailed at the sudden impact, obviously in pain.“You see, bitch?” asked the champion while slamming her chest upwards again, watching Dakota’s once incredibly firm breasts flying towards the girl’s face bruised purple under the assault, “Your weak little breasts can’t stand up the strength of my stronger tits and you fucking know it!”Now at the advantage, Tania continued with her attack, slamming from left to right and violently twisting her hips. Her right breast slammed against Dakota’s right side, making her breasts fly to the left. The younger woman swore loudly, her face twisted in pain as she suffered through enemy’s breast-bursting assault."Did you really think you could compete with me, bitch? My big and powerful tits are destroying your pathetic breasts without wasting a drop of sweat!” Tania laughed loudly between savage slaps of breast-meat, “I think it’s time to accept the truth! I have the better and stronger tits, and only I can be the Champion!”Still struggling to deal with the pain slicing across her breasts Dakota growled furiously and violently pushed forward. Their breasts were pressed together again, locked against each other without either being able to gain advantage over the other pair. But this time, their breasts didn’t have enough time to rest and regain their firmness before the two women crashed together again. They grabbed each other once more, each taking the other’s arms, as they slowly ground their tits together. Neither showed signs of hesitation nor surrender, as sweat began to make their breasts shine under the overhead lights.The gathered crowd watched in awe as the champion’s huge breasts bent sideways, then swelled, regaining once again their perfect shape. Dakota’s powerful breasts did the same as they spilled out from the side of the champion’s attack. With each collision, the slap of wet meat filled the room inspiring gasps of awe and not a few heated crotches from the crowd. Not a few seats had been emptied as their occupants sought the privacy of one of the many side rooms to satisfy their aroused lusts, their own moans and shouts filtered to the main room to add to the terrible sexuality of the battle.The faces of the two fighters contracted in agony as the struggle continued, with both women failing to hide the agonizing pain tearing through their mushrooming racks. Dakota, tired of the continuous grinding, took a step back. She bent to her knees, rising immediately to raise her big tits suddenly in a powerful uppercut. Tania quickly stepped back to avoid the threatening blow, smiling."You don’t think that I would fall for … FUCK!” as the words died in her throat.The champion had fallen into her rival’s trap. As soon as she had taken a step back, Dakota reached out and grabbed her upper arms immediately. The young woman slammed forward on her toes, driving forward, hugging her opponent when her breasts pressed in over Tania’s trapped breasts. “You’re mine, slut.” the young woman whispered, smiling venomously.Tania found herself fighting desperately against the surprising strength of the young woman. She groaned as Dakota’s breasts slammed down repeatedly on her own, punishing her sore nipples with each hit. Her breasts flattened for a moment while her young rival redoubled her assault. The champion groaned and narrowed her eyes at the pain whenever she felt her enemy’s tits squeeze down to crush her breasts.“Do you feel it? Do you feel my better tits crushing your fucking balls of fat?” Dakota asked with a cruel grin as she continued to push her tits down. “I’m going to ruin them. I’m going to leave them flattened purple bags forever. You’ll never recover from this!”Tania grunted as her breasts were slapped down by another blow. She could feel herself weakening, her knees turning to rubber beneath her. The face of her young opponent practically beamed in triumph while her lips had drawn into broad and smug smile. Dakota pushed her breasts forward and the champion groaned in misery as she felt her breasts being pushed outward by the young woman’s firm tits. She was breathing heavily, fighting to find the strength to go on. She felt her own grip slide from her opponent’s seat-slick shoulders down to her arms.“Just look at how your tits flatten and spread against my own!” Dakota boasted, sure of her imminent victory. “Your old, sagging breasts are more pathetic than I thought!” Tania looked up at her with seething hatred in her eyes. The young woman was dominating her. She, who was the champion. She who stood unbeaten since the moment she joined the League. No, she couldn’t allow it. Tania glared fire into the young woman’s eyes, and Dakota stopped laughing when her opponent suddenly gripped her behind the neck and slammed her breasts upward. Both pairs of breasts exploded in pain, but this time it was Tania’s tits that took the best of the attack. The pain that burst through her breasts was unbearable, but neither was Dakota unharmed by the brutal assault. The young woman groaned in agony when her breasts met those of her rival once again in a brutal, forward grinding confrontation.“Nooooo…” Dakota groaned, tossing her head back in utter misery.Tania laughed, her mind now numbed to the terrible agony, her body beyond mere exhaustion, banging her tits against Dakota’s again and again. Dakota trembled under the assault; her flesh being pounded raw with each hit as the champion’s mad laughter filled the glass room. She tried to back away, but the champion grabbed her bruised upper arms and held her close. The champion’s tits slapped into her own, moving like a machine as the young woman’s breasts were hammered flat. Suddenly weak, Dakota felt her legs give out under her and, with a scream, the young woman fell to the ground.Tania took a few steps back, admiring the defenseless young woman as she struggled to take in gasps of air. Her breasts were on fire and it took all she had to resist cradling them in her arms and giving into the agony with her hot tears. Instead she stood above her falling opponent smiling. Powerful in her victory. All around her the crowd erupted in applause, giving her the lusty adulation she craved straight down to her bones.”Looks like I’m the best after all, bitch,“ the Champion taunted, standing with her fists mounted proudly on her hips. “Back to the sticks for you.”"Fuck you, you old whore,” Dakota replied as she tried and failed to pull herself up from the carpet. A carpet now stained with their combined sweat, “I’m going to destroy you completely the next time we meet!”“You’re finished, bitch!” Tania replied, reaching down a bit too shakily in order to gather her robe from the floor, “Next time we meet, and that is if there is a next time, I’m going to insist on a full-on sex-fight so I can finish you once and for all.”The roar of the crowd was heard as Tania made her way to the now open door. The League referee stood there, holding out a dozen red and white roses for her as helped her down the few shallow steps and walked her through the admiring crowd. Along with the cheers of acclaim came the well-mannered requests for a private meeting and the less mannered offers of a private fuck. But her husband was waiting patiently in her dressing room to dress her and to take her home. He knew just what she needed right now, and heaven knew it was not a fuck. When the door finally closed behind her and the noise of the crowd drowned off, she fell limply into his embrace as he pulled her down into his lap like the smallest of kittens. He stroked her sweat-soaked hair tenderly and whispered silent words into her ear as he rocked her softly in his lap. And his whispers were not about hard fucks or her big, round tits or how fucking hot she was. They were about warm baths and Epson salts and warm cuddles and sleeping in until Tuesday afternoon. Tania smiled, drifting off to sleep, her agonies slowly forgotten. Yes, the man definitely knew what she needed. -- source link
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