One my game proposals. Lemme know what you think! Vote on them here:
One my game proposals. Lemme know what you think! Vote on them here:’s the BIG POST:’s the others:Little Magic Bake Shop: Are Hungry: the handwriting is kind of rough, I’ll transcribe the text here:EAT THE DUNGEONA group of adventurers challenges a huge dungeon where every monster, trap, and obstacle is made of food.GAMEPLAYEat the Dungeon is a simplified dungeon crawler. Each floor has a number of “rooms” which are a (randomly selected?) group of enemies, obstacles, and traps. Once everything in the room is eaten, the party moves on to the next room. To perform an action, drag a character to another unit on the screen. If its an enemy, they will use their attacks to damage and eat the enemy. If it’s an ally, they will use any support abilities they have on them.CHARACTER STATSA) Action timer: Can act if less than 0. Resets every time an action is performed. Some characters have faster or slower timers.B) Attacks/Abilities: Attacks are used to reduce enemy defenses and eat them. Abilities help allies.C) Favorite Food: Attacks do x2 damage if the target matches the character’s favorite food.D) Fullness: Dealing damage gives you an equal number of fullness. Attacking while over fullness limit can increase your limit, but it also has a random chance to KO you until your stomach empties. Fullness drains at a rate of some % of fullness limit per second, which adds to your weight.E) Weight: Fighting in the dungeon will have an impact on your waistline. As weight increases, the attack timer’s maximum value will too.Different versions of character art to reflect fullness and current weight.ATTACKSAttacks don’t have any special properties, just find the one that matches your target’s defenses.Weapon: To harm enemies vulnerable to physical damage.Armor: To tire out and outlast brutish enemiesMagic: To hurt enemies susceptable to sorceryFaith: To dispel magical creatures, enchantments, and the undead.Sneak: To disable traps and assasinate otherwise invulnerable creaturesABILITIESUsed on allies, these have benficial effectsHeal: restores attacks that have been reduced by enemey attacksBuff: boost all attack that ally hasENEMY STATSA) Attack Timer: when it reaches 0, the enemy uses the next attack in its attack list.B) Attack list: this describes the type, targeting, and strength of the enemies attacks. The icon tells you everything you need to know: Strength: Red reduces this stat by this much. Green increases it. Targeting: Red targets enemies. Green targets allies. Pointer up targets highest w/ this stat. Pointing down targets lowest. Duration: This is how long the stat is affected. If there’s no black number, its permenant!C) Defenses: Attacking an enemy lowers the strength of any defense by the strenght of the matching attacks. Reducing ANY defense to 0 defeats the creature. Attacking when you have no matching attacks will deal a small amount of damage to their single highest defense.GRETEL & RETURNING TO TOWNBetween every floor you can return to town and get upgrades from your brilliant assistant, Gretel. She has many wonderful magical inventions that will be invaluable in your crusade against the Dungeon.Extraction: Adventures become slower the fatter they get. Most parties could not get a dozen floors in before eating themselvs to immobility. Fortunately, Gretel has perfected a (mostly painless) method of rapid weight loss. What’s more the collected fat can be sued to power her other magics. Fat is literally just stored energy!Mobility Enchantment: Enemies in the dungeon are only going to get bigger and more fattening. The mobility enchantment reduces the attack speed penalty of being fat. It can be upgraded many times.Level Up: Gretel is also responsible for leveling up your heroes, which makes their attack/ability values increase.Receiving anything from Gretel takes time, so any character selected cannot participate in the next level of the dungeon. The cost of mobility & level up scales with the total number of upgrades of both types received.FLOOR SELECTHere you pick a floor and assemble your party. The panel underneath your selected party displays defenses and foot types common on that floor of the dungeon.ONWARDSWe can add lots of new advetnurers and monsters to the game w/ the mechanics currenctly described. I also want to explore expanding the food type system. Maybe eating too much of one type can give a penalty? Or maybe there are monsters who can change these briefly?ANALYSISPersonally I am very excited by this idea. Screenspace is almost completely dedicated to character art, and the mechanics allow for some relatively complex interactions. I am worried that the mechanics are too weird and abstract for players to understand easily. And there’s a lot of tricky number balance here, especialy w/ character progression. -- source link
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