Feeling Nostalgic.Back in 2004 the very last picture I saw before I was hacked and gone off line for
Feeling Nostalgic.Back in 2004 the very last picture I saw before I was hacked and gone off line for over 10 years was Andrah and Sheeri done by UrusaiWrangler and as I was using some ref image for my next commissions I remember seeing this old pic of when Andrah helping out Sheeri in a FBB pose. So I was wondering how Sheeri would look 18 years later. If only there was more story and art from good old UrusaiWranglerFor anyone wanted to see Sheeri’s back story head over to UrusaiWrangler old web comic - www.polymercitychronicles.com/Andrah and Sheeri © twitter/UrusaiWrangler -- source link