! DEAD POETS SOCIETY MASTERPOST THING ! What will your verse be? some NEAT-O dps stuff i’ve co
! DEAD POETS SOCIETY MASTERPOST THING ! What will your verse be? some NEAT-O dps stuff i’ve come across on the World Wide Web, includes fics, mixes, fanvids, edits, etc. compiled so we can share the pain & heartbreak lol :~) I Am Sorry I Just Love This Movie thanks Carpet Demin WOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!! tl;dr @DPS FANDOM U ARE ALL SO TALENTED PETER WEIR IS A GOD !!!! fanfics LITERALLY THE BEST CHARLIE/MEEKS FIC IN THE WORLD how to live like a dead poet by headintheclouds13 (u will laugh) (rated t) cameron’s cousin by corky the quirk (non-slash charlie) (rated m) these are what we stay alive for (t) by whiteskydays (author summary: Snatches of poetry, beauty, romance, and love, as witnessed or experienced by Charlie Dalton.) A N D E P E R R Y O'CLOCK (deserves its own section) Apo Koinou by Ashura for kiitos (rated t) A sentence with one subject and two predicates, moving two directions at once. Todd was in so very much trouble, and thought Neil Perry might be both the best and worst thing to ever happen in his life.Over the Rooftops of the World by syllic (rated m) Poetry Personified by gentlemindedlostgirl (rated t) Anderperry AU: Neil lives, and is allowed to return to Welton when he recovers. Plot: The boys of the Dead Poet’s Society try to return back to normal after Neil comes back from The Incident. However, there is a large elephant in the room: Todd has realized that he is in love with Neil, and has no idea what to do. Title and certain lines based off of a lovely edit by tumblr user honey-realitybites. In Motion by littledust (rated g) Neil Perry is not, in fact, a very talented poet. It is rather intimidating to find out that his roommate is.two roads diverged by Aramley (rated m) A fix-it story.Hypothetically by dontchasethesheep (rated t) “Y-you know, what… what if?”Even Rotten Apples Have Their Uses by Ornament_of_Rhyme (rated g) “You didn’t tell me your brother was Goliath.” mixes 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 (((these are collections on 8tracks someone else made bc i am Extraordinarily Lazy but they include some truly great playlists))) the movie soundtrack videos anderperry fanvids: skinny love // on my own // drops of jupiter // only hope // how to save a life // i would have loved you anyway // i’ve been here before other fanvids: hallelujah // nara // time after time // smokin’ in the boy’s room // we’re marching on // tribute to charlie dalton // dare you to move // im still here // eden voyage // mad world // fix you // listen to your heart // no rain // lightening bolt (charlie dalton) scenes: final scene // a sweaty tooth madman (todd anderson’s poem) //conformity // right after neil’s suicide // god’s calling // carpe diem //understanding poetry // desk standing // desk set // knox reading his poem to chris // poetrusic DELETED SCENES HOLY CRAP original trailer awesome typography videos: 1 // 2 edits there are literally so many amazing dps edits i dont even know how i would begin to find them all (same goes for all of this tbh) but these are some of my personal favorites ya (wp) dps + textposts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 cool one word adjective thing flower crown edits !!!! pls bring these back They Are <3 !!! hq charlie dalton gifset todd anderson neil perry knox overstreet (((also this made me screech))) steven meeks ((i couldnt find one of those meme things but it is the Super Adorable gifset of him and pitts dancing))) gerard pitts mr. keating actually just please look at any of this persons edits and this persons this is Art dps + color palettes drunk texts from welton ugly sobbing (it’s anderperry) neil looking at todd tagged by creator as “#SHUT UP THIS WAS ONE OF THE GAYEST SCENES IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE“ blogs (i tried to find blogs that were active + dps content only, so i am sure they are dozens more than these) http://fyeahdeadpoetsociety.tumblr.com/ http://genderfluid-toddanderson.tumblr.com/ http://askthedeadpoets.tumblr.com/ (roleplay) http://travestyhorrordecadenceexcrement.tumblr.com/ http://masterofrevels.tumblr.com/ (roleplay) other stuff A TRUE MASTERPIECE (((it’s one of those powerpoint things ))) basically an essay on charlie dalton the script list of poems used/mentioned in the movie look at this website please also check out this page (fun questions to ask on dates and at parties !!!) an interesting website on "realism and romanticism in dead Poets society” this is cute and i bet it will make u smile dps pinterest boards: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 HOW TO START A CHAPTER OF THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY image credit -- source link
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