bimbolexicon: It had started off innocently enough. Newly single, having been dumped by your (quite
bimbolexicon: It had started off innocently enough. Newly single, having been dumped by your (quite frankly loser of a) boyfriend, you got back into the dating scene. But after over a year of only seeing one guy, your game was off. Nobody was paying attention to you. Every night you went out, and every night you bought your own drinks and watched as guy after guy ignored you, going for trashy sluts and loose women instead. What did they have that you didn’t? First of all, the makeup. You knew you didn’t actually have to be trashy, you just had to look it. And after weeks of no success, you’d settle for even a one-night-stand at this point. So first you started with the lip gloss. Light and pink, you knew this would catch a man’s attention. And sure enough, after another week, you had exactly one drink purchased for you. You had to go further if you wanted to be noticed. Next were your eyebrows. Then your foundation and blush. Mascara, eyeliner, eyelashes. You covered up your homely freckles and styled your hair. You noticed you were getting much more attention. Sure, it was mostly men objectifying you, but it felt good to be noticed. To be wanted. Well, not wanted exactly… Every time you thought you had it in the bag, you’d open your mouth and talk about something you found interesting and the guy would walk away. What were you doing wrong? Soon you learned to just nod your head and listen. It was easier that way. If you pushed any of your own thoughts to the side and just let the men look at you and talk at you, they were more interested. If you pretended like you didn’t understand they were enthralled, eager to explain things to you, you pretty little thing. You noticed this attention start to come in at work too. So you picked up the act there as well. Every time you had a client come in looking to buy, you asked them to explain everything to you in cripplingly painful detail. You let your knowledge of the market fade so the hot young men eager to make a name for themselves could groan and explain more to you. You loved being talked down to. You loved how it felt to be simple. Your job was suffering though, and you still hadn’t been laid. Despite all of this you didn’t seem able to get a guy to take you home. Almost every man who approached you was married and you weren’t a homewrecker, not that you really cared at this point. They just couldn’t take you back to their place. Then, in a rare burst of intelligence from your now dull, docile mind, you realized that you could kill two birds with one stone. You started closing deals and getting fucked: your clients, dissatisfied with your ineptitude, were perfectly happy to let you take their case on and switch to someone more competent later, in return for getting their dick wet. You let them fuck you however they wanted: in the ass, on your desk, against the window… It didn’t matter. You were finally getting the attention and the cock you’ve been craving for so long. Your boss took a vacation. Now that you were a measly secretary with no real responsibilities besides managing a digital, automated calendar, when your boss went on holiday so did you. You decided to use this time to up your sex appeal even further. Getting implants and plumped up lips, you returned to work an absolute symbol of sex and lust. You were always wet and down to fuck now. Addicted to the attention you got, having all eyes on you, made you willing to do anything for more eyes and more cum. After a long day of work pleasing your boss with your luscious new lips, you went to the bar for a drink. There, you ran into your ex. He sat down next to you. Started talking. You couldn’t remember why you were mad at him. He said you were so hot now, so sexy. The compliments got you even more horny than you usually were. You two started kissing. You took things back to his car, then back to his house, where he fucked you long and hard. You felt the last bit of your old self drip out of your needy cunt as your ex fucked you doggy style, making you his slutty bitch in heat. And you were too lost in ecstasy to even notice it happening. —– Like this story? Want to read more stories like it? Then check out my Patreon at where you can read the longer stories I’m working on! -- source link
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