“Mimi, you have to wake up! Mimi!” Trixie jostled her friend and roommate as she continu
“Mimi, you have to wake up! Mimi!” Trixie jostled her friend and roommate as she continued to lay in her bed, completely devoid of life aside from her sporadic snores. Trixie was starting to get annoyed. Pointing her wand at Mimi, she snarled. “Mimi, if you don’t wake up now, you’re going to be late, and then you’ll get detention! Is that what you want? If you don’t say something I’ll blast you!” Again, no answer. Mimi was fast asleep. Impatiently, Trixie tucked her wand away and stomped out of her dormitory. Maybe where Mimi was from things were more relaxed, but here at St. Warnish Academy, being punctual was being late and being late was skipping class. Trixie had grown up in a family of witches and wizards, a bunch of well-to-do snobs and aristocrats, so she knew the ins and outs of magical society. Mimi, on the other hand, was a third generation “sion”, or somebody who practices magically informally and often for religious purposes only. She had enrolled at this academy because she was tired of dinking around with amateur spells, but she put so little effort into her studies that sometimes Trixie wondered if she was just here to steal secrets. Still, the two had bonded over their few months together, and a close friendship had formed. Trixie would help Mimi with her coursework, and in return Mimi would break school rules to help Trixie out with some of her more… “forbidden” studies. Mimi always took the fall, since she was constantly in trouble anyways, and when she was stuck in detention Trixie would have a new potion or spell to teach her friend in return for her troubles. Together, they formed a sort of tag team of terror, although nobody knew that they were anything other than roommates. Truth be told, Trixie was a little worried about Mimi. She knew her friend was lazy and slothish, but she’d never seen her not wake up before. Usually she just pretended to be sick or something. Unless… Trixie dropped her bag. Last night, the two had dranken a potion of Trixie’s own concoction that was supposed to make their skin glitter different colors depending on the UV index for a few hours. After waiting, with no results, they had both assumed the potion had been a failure and went to bed. But if Mimi had actually had a troll cold or Fairies’ Flue, it’s possible that there was a reaction with her immune system. Trixie hadn’t thought about it before, but the potion she made very intricately interacted with the human body. Maybe, just maybe, a magical illness could put somebody who drank it into a magically induced sleep. If that was the case, Trixie had to hurry! The young witch gathered up her things and sprinted back to her dorm. She’d gladly take detention if it meant getting her friend out of this mess. “Don’t worry, Mimi!” Trixie panted, her breath running ragged as she ran down the hall, “I’m going to save you! Please wait for me!” Getting back to the dorm room, Trixie wiped sweat off her brow. Looking at her sleeping friend, she couldn’t help but blush as indecent thoughts filled her head. Trixie hadn’t ever told anybody before, but she was a lesbian, and she found Mimi extremely attractive. Something about her long black hair, pale skin, and almond-shaped brown eyes drew her in. She was afraid Mimi would reject her if she told her how she felt, however, and so she hadn’t ever gotten anywhere with her. Not that Trixie wasn’t confident in her own looks. She was tall for a girl, with long legs and curly blonde hair that spiraled down her back. Trixie had the bright green eyes of her family bloodline, and a smooth, glowing, olive complexion that made boys do a double-take when they saw her. Trixie shook her head to clear her mind. This was no time to be thinking about how attractive her friend or herself was! Rolling up her sleeves and readying her wand, Trixie began to work. This was going to be hard. Trixie hadn’t ever done something quite this dangerous before. But she was going to half to. Every spell she could think of to wake Mimi hadn’t worked at all. Even mundane techniques like spraying her with cold water and slapping her hadn’t worked. Trixie looked at her spellbook full of things she had invented herself and sighed. She had come up with a spell to jump into somebody else’s subconscious, but it was untested. Trixie hadn’t ever done something like this before, and knew the risks involved were high. After all, this was the first spell of its kind to do what Trixie was planning on doing. But still, she had to do something. “I mean,” she said aloud, to nobody in particular, “I could take her to the nurse’s… But then they’ll find out that I stole ingredients and I’ll be in really, really big trouble!” Frowning as she thought about the possible peril that lay before her, Trixie steeled herself. “There’s nothing a talented witch like me can’t do!” She said confidently, trying to make herself feel as strong as her words, “I’ll cast this spell, save my friend, and all in time for lunch! Here we go!” Saying the magic words, she waved her wand first at her head, then at Mimi’s, and gasped as she felt her consciousness slip out of her body and into her friend’s. For a few moments, Trixie sat on the ground, very, very disoriented. Looking around, she couldn’t help but admire the intricate dreamscape that was her friend’s mind. A starry night was the sky, and a pink-and-blue field of grass and flowers stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. A sort of bitter-smelling wind blew through the meadow, making waves through the unnaturally colored plants. In the distance, Trixie could see a looming, black tower, with yellow lights dotting it in a spiral pattern up into the clouds. Standing up, she tried to get a bearing of her surroundings. In the spellbook, it had said it would take her directly to her friend, but Mimi was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she had done something wrong? Or maybe her visualization was just poor; after all, this was a kind of teleportation magic, and part of teleportation was being able to see where you needed to land in your mind’s eye. Without knowing what Mimi’s subconscious looked like, Trixie knew that she may not have been able to jump perfectly. “Still,” she thought to herself, “I need to find my friend. Maybe that tower is where she is? After all, it is the only thing visible. It’s my only clue to go on at this point.” Giving herself a sort of dejected sigh, she started plodding her way to where she hoped her friend might be. After what felt like hours (even though Trixie knew that it had only been minutes at most in the real world), she found herself at the base of there tower. There, she had to do a double take. Chained to the bottom of the tower, with a collar around her throat, was Mimi, dressed in a fairly slutty witch costume. A dog dish was in front of her, and she was lapping out of it. Trixie just stared. She’d never seen her friend look like this before. Was this really Mimi? But it looked like her, and it sounded like her as best as Trixie could tell based on her light panting. Stunned, Trixie cleared her throat. Mimi immediately looked up and froze. Water dripping from her mouth, the two friends stared at each other for a moment. “M-Mimi? Is that you?” Trixie cautiously asked. For a moment, Mimi just stared at her, then she blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes. “Trixie? What are you doing here in Mi - I mean, my dream?” Trixie let out a sigh of relief. She’d found her friend at last. “I came to rescue you. You’re sort of… Stuck. Asleep. In the real world.” Turning her head to not see her friend in such a shameful display, Trixie couldn’t help but look out of the corner of her eye. “I see you have some… Interesting predilections.” Mimi blushed as she tried to stand up, her leash yanking her down. “Ah! I’m so sorry! My dreams aren’t normally like this, I swear! I just, uh…” Her voice trailed off as she looked down in shame. Trixie walked over, and pulling out her wand, cast a spell on the collar. It opened up, and Mimi got to her feet. “Uh, thanks… So what are you here for again?” Trixie rolled her eyes. It seemed this really was the same sort of ditzy, kind of weird Mimi she knew and loved. “I’m here to rescue you. I need to come down here, wake up your subconscious, and once I’ve done that you should wake up. Does that make sense?” Mimi just nodded.“The problem is, you’re here and awake. So what exactly do I do now?” Mimi’s eyes lit up. “I know! You know how you float up out of a dream? I bet if we climbed this tower, we’d come out of the dream state! The inside is just stairs and doors, so it’s not dangerous or anything.” Trixie grinned. “Then that’s what we’re going to do! And don’t worry, it doesn’t matter how dangerous it is. If I die I’ll just wake up in the real world so it’s all good. Now, let’s go get you awake!” Trixie led Mimi up the stairs. Despite this being Mimi’s subconscious, she had insisted on Trixie leading the way. As they climbed the stairs, Trixie started telling Mimi all about some of her brand new custom spells she had designed and how she was so excited to share them with Mimi. This conversation wasn’t just to pass the time, however. Something was bugging her about the way she had found Mimi but she just couldn’t place it, so she was trying to use conversation to see if she could get Mimi to open up. But Mimi didn’t seem to be any different than usual, so she pushed her worries to the side. As long as they made it to the top of the tower, everything would be ok. At least, that’s what she wanted to think. But about halfway up, she felt a hand wrap around her hair and yank back. Trixie yelped. “MIMI! What are you-“ Trixie was cut off as Mimi yanked on her hair again, and pulled Trixie’s wand away from her with her other hand. “Shut up, bitch. I’m not Mimi. I’m one of her many, many different personalities. She keeps most of them in the rooms here, but I was such a troublemaker that she left me chained up outside like a dog.” Mimi gave an evil laugh. “I’m her dark side. Her malicious side. Her devious side. And when you came along I knew exactly what I had to do.” She spun Trixie around and looked her dead in the eyes. “I’m going to go to the top of this tower, destroy the real Mimi, and take her place.” Trixie started crying. Had she really been tricked by such a monster? “I… I won’t let you do that to my friend!” Mimi let out a malevolent laugh. “You’re friend? You treat Mimi like a work dog. You abuse her and take her for granted. Kind of a shitty thing for a ‘friend’ to do, don’t you think? Especially one with as big a crush on me as you?” Trixie gasped. “That’s right, I know about how you feel. It’s so fucking obvious it hurts. Not that the real Mimi doesn’t feel the same way.. But she’s too dull to tell you. “But me? I don’t like you. At all. So I’m going to take care of you before I get out of here.” Mimi lowered Trixie’s wand at her. “You said if you died, you’d return to your mind. But I wonder what would happen if I turned you into a dog first?” A look of horror spread across Trixie’s face. “That’s right. I think it’s about time I experimented on you.” Mimi’s evil smirk widened as she said the words to transform Trixie into a dumb dog. “This is going to be a LOT of fun…” Slowly, Mimi opened her eyes. Looking around the room, she couldn’t help but giggle. She had finally done it! She had freed herself from her former self’s chains! And it was all thinks to that shitty like stuck-up brat Trixie. Smiling, she turned and looked at the blonde beauty, collapsed on the floor. With a groan, her eyes fluttered open. “Hey there, bitch. How ya feelin’?” Trixie could only stare dumbly at Mimi, barely registering her words. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. “Haha, like, oh my god! It actually worked! You’re just a dumb dog now, aren’t you? God, this is absolutely perfect!” Mimi lifted up the mutt, placing her on her bed. “I think now, I’m going to train you.” With that, she leaned in and started making out with her former best friend and roommate. Trixie easily returned the kiss, eager to have something to do with her tongue. Mimi undressed them both as the snogged, savoring Trixie’s luxurious skin. “God, you’re such a horny little slut. I hope you know that. And now you’re my horny little slut! Ah, this is going to be So. Much. Fun!” Mimi slid her panties off and tossed them in Trixie’s face. “Now, bark, bitch!” Trixie let out a cute little arf, then two, then three. Mimi cackled with delight. Pushing Trixie onto her hands and knees, Mimi laid on her back. “Lick my cunt, whore. I want you to make me cum with your tongue. Do a good job and I won’t make you lick my ass next.” Trixie obediently started eating out her new mistress, her slowed-down mind only wanting to do one thing: listen to Mimi. Mimi moaned as she ran her fingers through Trixie’s hair, enjoying every second of the dumb beast’s tongue working over her folds. Trixie was absolutely gone now, Mimi was certain of it. All that was left was this slutpuppy, an eager animal built to use. “I hope you don’t mind dropping out and being a hooker, skank.” Mimi started giving Trixie tugs on her hair to direct her tongue. “I’m going to use you like you used me. I’ll use your sexy little body to make me money, and we’ll get out of this dump.” Trixie simply continued to bury her mouth in Mimi’s box, trying her hardest to please mistress. She could barely understand anything Mimi was saying; to her, Mistress was her entire world now, and the only thing that mattered was doing what she said. With a rough hand, Mimi lifted Trixie’s head up and made her look her in the eyes. Moaning, she couldn’t help but be more than turned on as she watched her juices drip down Trixie’s chin. “Trixie the Trick-Turning Slutmutt. That’s all you’ll ever be. Now get back to work. There’s some of your transformation spells I want to try on you after you’ve made me cum.”PatreonPayPalAsk -- source link
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