Daily Weather, 4.30.21Sun conjunct UranusToday the planet of sudden change joins the heart of the Su
Daily Weather, 4.30.21Sun conjunct UranusToday the planet of sudden change joins the heart of the Sun in Taurus. The transiting Sun shows us where our energy focuses its attention and creates itself into being. Normally, when the Sun is in Taurus, we feel a pull towards embodied stability and steady creativity. With Uranus, this earthiness becomes a desire for an open road, for new ways of doing things, for freedom. What is currently holding us back is untenable. What we normally expect to occur in certain situations is thrown out the window. This transit is all about how we accept and metabolize change. In Taurus, we have to take care of our bodies in the midst of disruption and ground ourselves enough so the change lasts. The last part of us to shift with new information or new habits is the body. But the body is also where change, once sunken in, truly makes a home and lasts. Taking place in the second decan of Taurus, called the “linga-yoni” by Austin Coppock, the Sun and Uranus do best when the change is taken in steady bits, or there is time for rest and recuperation between downloads. The Kozminsky Symbol for the degree of the conjunction is “A monk on a rocky road giving drink and food to a poor traveler who has fallen by the way. A rayed anchor above his head”. Kozminsky calls it the “Symbol of Deliverance’’ and signifies an individual whose belief in humanity leads him on his path. The tarot card associated with this part of Taurus echoes this magnanimity: It shows a well-dressed merchant giving coins to two beggars. By giving back, in other words, we join the flow of the world and are never really out of place. So, take time to let whatever disruptions occur today truly sink in. Don’t rush action or understanding. Read on for your own way. [image by John Baldessari] -- source link
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