I finished the positive route of MCLAL episode 4.It cost me 1282 AP.I got the illustration.Here is t
I finished the positive route of MCLAL episode 4.It cost me 1282 AP.I got the illustration.Here is the summary: (This summary is the sequel of the summary positive illustration NSFW of episode 3: https://magic-belodie.tumblr.com/post/680505099470127104/al-episode-3-positive-nsfw-route) You start this episode in the kitchen. Lysander and you are eating cold soup. You are thinking back about the amazing 5 days you had here at the farm. You see yourself living here, but in two days it is time for school. Lysander wants to know what your plans are with school. Will you come over for the weekends or are you going to stay at school? You were actually planning on living here at the farm. And drive every day to school. Lysander doesn’t find that a problem, but we are talking about an 8-hour round trip. You will be exhausted after two days, your free time will be gone, and what about your homework. You will do your homework at night or when you have a free hour. But you don’t even have a car. You could lend Lysander’s car, but what about gas prices. You have saved some money, but it is still going to cost a lot. Lysander finds this very unrealistic and complicated. You find that also, but you want to try. You can’t bear to be in the dorm room with a roommate. Especially when you can be with Lysander. You’ve already thought about it and if it doesn’t work you will stop. Lysander finds it okay to try. He will lend you his car on Monday. And you two will talk afterwards. You get up to give Lysander a hug. You have to promise that you be honest when it if it is too much. Lysander and you kiss, and the story skips to Monday. You are in bed in with Lysander and just woke up. You didn’t sleep that well, so you decide to take a shower. When you get back into the room, Lysander is already gone. You find him in the kitchen. Lysander got up to make you some coffee. He even made a thermos flask for on the road. You find him adorable for what he did and give him a kiss. You thank him and tell him that he is the best boyfriend ever. Lysander finds it normal, and he can go back to bed when you have left. You still find it sweet but don’t want him to make a habit of it because otherwise he is the one who gets exhausted. Lysander tells you to not worry about him. You two kiss again, you get your keys and leave. The drive didn’t take too long, you are right in time for your first class. It is the main auditorium given by Mister Zaidi. He tells you who he is, and that Melody is his assistant. You are curious if you will see Melody here on campus. The story will skip until lunchtime. You are having lunch in the dinning hall and listen to some students who are sitting at the next table. The conversation is happening between Reese and Emma. There are both on the same room and just met. You remember that you left your bag in your room in the first episode. Someone else must also now have access to the room. You decide that after classes you get your stuff and takes it with you to Lysander. The story will skip again until you have had all your classes for today. Once you are in your dorm room, there is another suitcase. But your roommate isn’t there. You think that you should tell her what your situation is. But that is for some other day, it is time to go home. The drive home goes quickly. But you feel that you are tired when you got home. You decide to not show it and go to find Lysander in the kitchen. Lysander has just finished cooking. You two go sit together at the table, and you tell him about your day. He asks if you did see any of your friends, and you didn’t. You will text them to meet up tomorrow. Then you ask Lysander about his day. Lysander’s day went fine, but all the animals missed you. Oboe didn’t even want to eat his cauliflower. Probably because he is just used that you give it to him. You suggest that you can give it now to him. But the duck is probably sleeping right now. He will get used that Lysander gives it to him again. Lysander starts looking at the clock. It is not that late yet. But if you go to sleep now, you have 6 hours of sleep before you have to drive again. You agree with Lysander. You give him a kiss and tell him to not get up so early tomorrow. He promises you that he will prepare everything for your coffee right now, that you only have to add water tomorrow. You thank him and go to bed. The next day, you feel tired when you get up. You quickly take a shower and make some coffee. When you get to the car, you notice that you didn’t get your suitcase out last night. You plan on doing that tonight when you get home. You quickly drive to the university. There the morning just skips until lunchtime, you didn’t text Rosa or any of your other friends to meet up at lunchtime. And your phone is empty right now. So you eat alone again. The afternoon skips again until you have to drive home. There you find Lysander in the living room. You both talk about your day and then head over to the kitchen for dinner. There you eat, after dinner you go together to bed to watch a movie. You fall in sleep while watching the movie. The next two days will go the same as the last day. It is finally weekend, but you wake up from a nightmare. It is already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. You enjoyed that you slept in. You get out and find Lysander in the kitchen. He is busy with cooking. You kiss him. And he asks you if you slept well. You tell him that you didn’t and that you had a nightmare. You tell Lysander that in your nightmare, the weekend got canceled. And every day was a school day. You think that this week stressed you out. Then Lysander tells you that the school days of this week aren’t over. It is Friday and not Saturday as you thought. You say that you are very late and have to get to school. Lysander grabs your arm and let you sit down on a chair. If you drive away now, you will come there after your classes are ended. You ask Lysander why he didn’t wake you up. If Lysander had waked you up when he got out of bed, you will still have missed your morning classes. You can’t believe that you had forgotten a whole day. You are about to cry. Lysander hugs you and tell you that it is normal. You are exhausted. Just without your classes, 8 hours driving a day is huge. Lysander is impressed that it didn’t stress you out sooner. You have no reason to blame yourself. And for today, it is definitely too late. You will have to borrow somebody’s else notes. But you probably need that for all your classes. You didn’t manage to pay good attention in the classes you had this week, and you don’t know who to ask because you didn’t make contact with the other students. You were always in a hurry. It is clear that the organization needs to be different. This rhythm is impossible. And on top of that, you aren’t enjoying anything. Not your life here or at school. If you want everything, you don’t have anything. That is true. You thought you could do it all. Actually, you didn’t want to be separated from Lysander again. Lysander doesn’t want that either, but you haven’t seen each other all week. If you stay at campus on the week and come here in the weekend, you two would see each other more. It is only four nights apart if you drive on Friday and Monday. You two have been apart for four years. Lysander is sure that you can manage four days. Plus, you two can call each other in the week. You don’t think that you two will call much. But you don’t really have a choice. Continue like this is a disaster on both sides. You will enjoy your weekend here and go back on Monday to campus and stay there for the week. Lysander agrees with you, but think that you should look on Sunday how you feel and maybe drive on Sunday. Just only for this week because it was so stressful. You know he is right. Any way, Lysander made lunch. You are not really hungry. Lysander convince you to try and soon as you take your first bite, your appetite returns. And it makes you smile. You ask if there is a secret ingredient. But Lysander can’t tell you because it is secret. You won’t insist, but hopes that he wrote it somewhere. He did, but he can’t tell you where. You hope he remembers where, otherwise the world will lost an amazing recipe. Lysander tells you not to worry. Leigh also knows the recipe. Lysander asks what you want to do this afternoon. See the animals and maybe give Oboe cauliflower. You can give him some, he still didn’t want to eat when Lysander try to give it to him. But first you’re going to take a shower. You take your suitcase out of the car finally and head upstairs. The shower did do you good. You get to choose your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick. Then you run to the kitchen, take some cauliflower and run to the garden. In the garden, you come across Rosa the bunny. This reminds you that you really need to send a message to Rosa. But first you ask the bunny if she knows where you can find Oboe the duck. The bunny hops to the chickens, you follow it and see Oboe coming towards you. The bunny hops further to the pastures. You give Oboe his cauliflower. He is very happy to get it from you again. You walk further to the pastures. Lysander is picking apples. You say hello to all the animals and give them food. When the sun starts to go down, you go back inside. In the living room, you find Lysander. He asks you how your afternoon went and if it did do you good to see the animals. You really missed them. Lysander is happy that it made you feel better, and what do you want to do tomorrow. You maybe want to go to a little charming place or you two could just stay here all day and lay in bed. Lysander wants to do that in the evening with pleasure, but the whole day would be a bit complicated. The visitors are coming tomorrow. Lysander don’t know how many are coming. But if you help, it will go faster. You like to help, you loved doing it the last time. The story will skip until Sunday afternoon. In the between time, you had help Lysander on the farm and had fun with him. It is time to leave for the university. You will stay this week at the dorms. You and Lysander say goodbye, and you drive to the university. The drive went quickly. You have to find your room and meet your roommate. Once you enter your room. You meet a girl who tell you to should have knocked. You tell her that you are sorry and didn’t think of that. She tells you that there is no harm done. You tell her that you are roommates. You study the same subject. She noticed that you fall a sleep the other day in class. Her name is Yeleen, and she likes diligent, hard-working people. There is no need to ask her for her notes if you haven’t taken any. You weren’t going to ask. Good, she is sure you two will get along. Yeleen has to leave to meet some friends. You stay in your room. Put away your things, make some homework and talk with Rosa through the phone. The next day starts. You are able to follow your morning classes actively. Then you have lunch with Alexy and Rosa. Alexy thinks that Yeleen is a little annoying. You haven’t been in your room for a while. Maybe it will work out fine if you get to know her. Rosa still thinks it is better to have a roommate you get along with. Rosa asks Alexy how it is going with his roommate Julien. It was his roommate last year. They weren’t able to get the same room this year. But they still see each other for fun. Rosa thinks you should try to get to know Yeleen. You will try the next time you see her. The story skips until Wednesday night. You are in your room. Yeleen comes inside singing a Crowstorm song. You start talking with her about Crowstorm. She would love to meet Castiel. You tell her that you know him. Yeleen is surprised. You saw him last weekend. You are dating one of Castiel’s friends, who sometimes write songs for the band. Yeleen doesn’t want to believe you. You tell her that you could introduce her to Castiel. She wants to some time, but she highly doubts that you tell the truth. You have no interest to convince her. She gives one surprised look and leaves the room again. You haven’t talked with Lysander on the phone yet. He always forgets his phone, you don’t like that. You start to really miss him and the farm. The story skips to the next day. You have some more problem in class focusing. You also feel sleepy. The loneliness is waiting on you. You had nightmares tonight. You think that Lysander doesn’t miss you. At least not enough to check his phone. The story skips to lunch, you are talking about it with Rosa. She thinks you are imagining things. Of course, Lysander misses you. He is not very good with distance, and you know that. That is why you didn’t want to be apart again. But it didn’t work last week. Rosa doesn’t see what else you can do. Alexy agrees with Rosa. You can’t do all the things in one day. So accept the half week here and half week at the farm as compromise. Or you have to choose between them. Rosa says that you can’t leave Lysander just now you found him. You look at her, but Alexy isn’t wrong. You rather stay at the farm with Lysander then be here. But Rosa and Alexy agree you can’t leave school in your last year. You have come so far. You agree with them. But you don’t know. You can’t concentrate good enough in your classes because you miss him. If that continues, you will not be able to get through this year. Rosa and Alexy want you to think good about it, but they will support you whatever you decide. Maybe there is still an option you haven’t thought about. Rosa will try to talk with Melody about it. She will let you know if she found out something. Turns out Melody won’t be available until next week. You will see her on Monday. That night, Lysander still hasn’t answered any of your text. You hesitate to go to him. But you aren’t going to miss another Friday. If you decide to stay or Melody finds a solution. You have to be at those classes. One day more and you will be with Lysander again. You fall a sleep and the next day starts. The classes could have interested you, but your mind was already at the farm. You weren’t able to pay attention, and you spent the lunch alone. The story will skip until you can finally drive home and see Lysander. The drive home goes quickly, you find Lysander in the garden. You both run towards each other and you kiss. You missed Lysander, terrible, and everything about this place. Lysander missed you two. You hug him with all your might. Lysander hugs you back. He wanted to send you messages, but someone chewed up his phone charges. You look at Rosa the bunny. It is still early enough to say hi to all the animals. Lysander will start cooking. You go to the pastures. You greet all the animals and realize that you have no desire to go back to the university. It is good that you left your suitcase there. It will give you a reason to go back. Once the sun starts setting down, you go back inside. Lysander is the kitchen. Dinner is ready, you two sit at the table to eat. Lysander asks you how your week was. You tell him it wasn’t great. You had a hard time concentrating. Lysander asks if you were tired from last week. But you weren’t you couldn’t stop thinking about this place and Lysander. He asks if you saw Rosa and Alexy, that must be fun. You did, and that sure was, but you only saw them twice. Plus, your roommate isn’t friendly. It is probably just a first impression. But you don’t get along with her yet. Maybe it will get better after some time. But you also have trouble to be interested in your classes. In finding sense in all of it. Lysander understands what you mean. But it will go by faster than you think. It will be only for a few months. Actually, you are thinking about stopping with your school. You prefer your life here. You thought that you could have both. But you have to choose. And then you will pick Lysander and the farm. Lysander doesn’t agree with you. You can’t stop with school. You have worked so hard this past years. Lysander and you stayed apart for four years. So you could study. Stopping now is in Lysander’s mind the worse decision. You start at him, how can this be the worst decision. Lysander apologizes, he didn’t express himself well enough. He has nothing to say in it. It is your decision. But he thinks it would be a shame and the wrong solution. Rosa and Alexy said the same thing. And it is true, but there is no point in insisting. You are not even listing in class. You spent your time thinking about this place and Lysander. If you continue, you probably won’t pass. Lysander can’t be the reason for this. Lysander chooses to life like this, and he can’t impose it on you. But he isn’t, you want this. He can’t be imposing if you refused. But there should be another solution. You will see if Melody finds out something on Monday, or you will talk with Mr. Zaidi. Lysander is surprised that you go back. But you explain that you left your suitcase to force yourself to go back. He takes your hand in his. Lysander didn’t realize that you didn’t want to continue. You really don’t, unless there is another solution, you will stop. You want things to be clear. Lysander still thinks it is a shame. But it is not his choice to make. In any case, if you want to live here. There is room for you. You really need Lysander to be with you on this. And Lysander is always there with you. The story skips until Monday, you are having lunch with Melody. Rosa already told her a bit what happened. Melody has a solution for your problem, it is called distance learning. Basically, you register, and they send you your coursework. The exams are at distance too. You’ll still need a thesis director at the university. So you will have to come back from time to time to meet them. But for your daily life, you can live where you want. You are surprised, you never heard about this before. But it can be set up really easily. Melody will send you the documents, she only requires your address. You give it to her, and it will be soon all in your mailbox. You thank her. Melody has to leave to meet Mr. Zaidi. You are so happy, you can go back to Lysander. You go to get your suitcase out of your room. When you walk inside, you see Yeleen. She asks you if you want to do something together, because her plans got canceled. You explain to her that you won’t be roommates anymore and that you go home. Yeleen and you say goodbye and wish each other the best. You get your suitcase and leave to go home. You find Lysander in the bedroom. He just came out of the shower, his hair is still wet. You jump in his arms and tell him the good news. Lysander is so happy that you are going to be able to stay here and follow your studies. You tell Lysander Ainsworth that you are going to live with him, if he finds that good. Of course, he finds that good, if it doesn’t interfere with your studies. You tell him not to worry and that you will make sure you finish it and get your degree. It will be much easier for you to study here. He believes you and is deeply moved that you want to live with him. He was really worried what would have happened if Melody didn’t game with this solution. The story skips a few weeks. You talk about your routine and how happy you are at the farm. You get your illustration and the episode ends. -- source link
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