I finished the positive route of MCLAL Kentin episode 1. It cost me 1130 AP. I got the illustration.
I finished the positive route of MCLAL Kentin episode 1. It cost me 1130 AP. I got the illustration. Here is the summary: You start this episode in the art building. The school day has just ended, and you get a call from Rosa. She and Alexy just finished their school day, and they want to meet up with you. You tell them you can’t because you have to study. But you just got out of the class, it should still be fresh in your mind. Mr. Zaidi gave you a bibliography. You like to read it. They advise you to look up a summary online. You still like to read it. They should compliment you on how studious you are. You weren’t that back in high school. Studious, you have been out with them three times this week, and it is only Thursday. They think you are right. They hope to see you tomorrow with lunch. You agree to meet up with them for lunch. You hang up and walk out of the gate from the university. It has been three weeks since university started. Alexy and Rosa welcomed you with open arms en showed you around. You live in the dorm room with your roommate Yeleen. You two don’t get along quite yet. And you really need some time alone. You dice to take a walk around town. You walk across the cosy bear café. It has changed name since high school. It has been four years since you are back in town. You haven’t kept contact with any of your old friends besides Rosa and Alexy. You are wondering if you would recognize anyone if you run into them. Would they recognize you? You think that you haven’t change much. You would like to see your old friends again. Between the people at the café, there is no one you recognize. You haven’t spoken with Kentin since you two broke up. It broke your heart. But it couldn’t continue as it was going. Will Kentin still think about you. Will he be upset about it, or has he moved on? You know what you would prefer. But there is no change of running into him. He has left town a long time ago. But maybe his parents are still here, and maybe he comes back from time to time. You keep thinking about him since you are back.You walk further to the park. At every corner you look if you see Kentin or Cookie. He could easily come here to walk his dog. You think about all the great memories you had her with him. You tell yourself to stop thinking about it. Kentin could be at the other side of the world. You go sit on a bench and take out the bibliography of your back. When you look up again, you see a silhouette. He says your name. You recognize that voice everywhere. It is Kentin. He has changed, but not too much. You don’t know what to say, you are so surprised to see him. Kentin breaks the silence and asks how you are. You push yourself to say something. You tell Kentin that he has changed, but not too Much. Kentin says thanks and looks a bit embarrassed. It gets quiet again. Finally, you ask him how he has been. He also finds it not an easy question to answers. Kentin starts to laugh. But he is happy to see you again. Kentin doesn’t have much time, but he likes to buy you a drink. He only has to get his kids. Your heart skip a bit. Turns out he was talking about his two dogs. You ask their names. That are named Joker and Siska. The white dog is named Joker because he is funny, and the brown dog is named Siska after the lead singer from Vanilla Ninja. You all start walking towards the café. You ask him if chose their names with a K in it on purpose. He didn’t but now that you mentioned it. You say that the names are cute and coherent. That way, the K is discreet, and you won’t notice it. You walk now in front of the park. You get to pick your outfit. There is only one outfit to pick. You are worried about your outfit and hopes it looks good on you. Kentin looks good. But you think he could wear anything and still look good. You hope he thinks the same about you. You ask Kentin if he moved back here or is here just for a few days. He arrived early, he is here for a week. He is planing to leave next weekend. Kentin came here to visit his parents. He wants to know how your parents are. They are good and traveling a lot. They don’t Ike to stay at the same place for long. Kentin can understand. It is not that he doesn’t like to stay at the same place. He likes more to travel. Anyway, it is wild that you ran into one another. You almost wouldn’t be here and had gone out with Rosa and Alexy. You did turn them down because you wanted some alone time. Kentin asks if you spent a lot of time with them, and you do. You go out with them almost every night. He hopes that you don’t regret saying no this time. You start to blush. You don’t regret it at all, but you can’t say it. But Kentin notice your blush and smiles at you. You smile back. The dogs go sit at the end of the street to wait for you two. Together you cross the street. When you get to the café, Hyun waves at you. You have been here a few times. So you know him. This place remembers you of high school. You like to come here with Rosa and Alexy and watch all the high schooler leaves school. You had so good memories there. Aren’t you a little young to be nostalgic? You are, but you ask Kentin if he doesn’t think about the old times too. He does, but not that often as you. He is further away, and you have more occasion for it. You look at him and think that he thinks more about it than he wants to say. Kentin and you smile again to each other. You see that there is a table free outside and ask Kentin if he wants to sit down. Kentin and you go sit across from each other. You can’t stop staring at him. You like so much how he looks right now. Suddenly, you notice that he looks back at you. You apologize for staring. It is just that he looks different, but not too much. He thinks the same of you. He remembered that you were very beautiful. Kentin didn’t think you to be more beautiful than you were. You start to blush again. Hyun comes toward your table and ask your order. You introduce Kentin to him and tell that you were together in High School. You realize that it could mean two different things and look away. Kentin orders a hot chocolate, and you order the same. Kentin also asks him if he has a bowl of water for the dogs. Hyun does and will bring out the order right away. Hyun goes back inside. Kentin seems lost in his thoughts. It is true this place brings back memories. From when you two were together back in high school. You are both smiling at each other again. Kentin asks if you are back for your studies. And you are. Your major is art history. Your study is going well. You had to change school. So you came back to a place where everything was familiar. Kentin thought you changed school to come back. You didn’t there weren’t any more spots in the program you wanted where you were. There were spots here and in some other city. Here you wouldn’t have to start all over again and see some of your old friends. It would be easier to come here. Kentin nodded and asks how your study is coming. You love it. It is so interesting to see the artistic trends throughout history. You personally feel like you don’t have a soul for it. But hanging out with the people who make it and seeing the work and everything around it. It is incredible. You stop for a moment and think you are boring. But Kentin doesn’t seem to think that. He likes how passionate you are talking about your study. Hyun comes towards you two and gives you both the hot chocolate. And puts a bowl of water on the ground. Kentin takes joyfully a sip of his hot chocolate. It is delicious. It is not the seasons for it, but it is so good. He could live from this stuff. You also take a sip and think about what you could ask Kentin. There are so many things you want to ask, but before you can start, Kentin asks what your dream is. If you don’t mind, him to tell. But you do, You want to play the mysterious girl. Kentin thinks it is a little too late for that. Since you have known each other from when you were in your teens. You think he is right. But you don’t know what your dream is. You definitely want to work in the world of contemporary art. Maybe in a gallery or museum. Maybe a nice exhibition place for artist, so that people could see it. It could be in a café just like this. Kentin find that last one a good idea. That way, we can enjoy art while drinking hot chocolate. He takes a big sip with leaves some chocolate on his face. He hopes you invite him to your art shows. You love to, but it would be rather chic. Kentin asks you if you think that he can’t be chic. He can be, but he has to wipe his mouth. He tries to take away the chocolate with his tongue. There is still a small piece left. You reach out to take it off his face. It makes him blush, and he was hoping to make a good impression. You tell him not to worry and say that he is making a good impression. You drink up the rest of the chocolate and also get something on your mouth. Kentin wipes it away. While his fingers are around your mouth, you think about kissing his fingers. Before you can make up your mind, he takes his hand away. He says that you look perfect. Kentin start to look at his watch. He has to leave, but he could still walk you home. You like that. It starts to look more and more like a date. Kentin goes inside to pay. You wait with the dogs. Kentin comes back, and you promise that you will pay next time. Kentin is excited. It means that you two will see each other again. Kentin and you start to walking towards campus. In the alley, you ask him if he comes to town often. He regularly does to see his parents. You walk further next to each other. It feels so good with him next to you. You are so happy and wondered why it ever went wrong. But you don’t want to ruin the moment. Kentin breaks the silence and says that he also meets up with Alexy from time to time. You are surprised that Alexy didn’t say anything. You ask if Alexy said something about that you were coming back to town. And he didn’t. Kentin asks why you asked. You asked out of curiosity. Alexy figured that it maybe wasn’t good to talk about the past. If he did tell you were coming, maybe Kentin would have stayed away or would have tried definitely to see you. Well it worked, without Alexy’s help you did see each other again. You two start to walk closer to each other. Kentin agrees with you. He thinks that in a way you two would always have run into each other again. He hoped it would be at the right moment, not too soon. When he has more self-confidence. You think that this is then the right moment. Kentin seems more relaxed than he used to be. He didn’t notice that about him self yet. You tell him that you will send Rosa and Alexy a message that they should have told you. Kentin and your fingers start to rush against each other. After a few times, you finally take his hand in your. Kentin looks at you surprised. Suddenly there comes a guy towards you. And ask what you are doing here. You froze. Kentin lets go of your hand and take a step towards the guy. He asks if we know him. He doesn’t, but you may have something that interest him. Kentin answers with; isn’t it a bit early for the guy’s little show? You take Kentin’s arm to make him sure you should get away. The guy takes a step towards you. Kentin whistles and the dogs come stand in front of you. The guy backs up and say it was a mistake. He walks away. Kentin turns around towards you and put his hands on your shoulders. He asks if you are okay. His hand slay down to hold your hand. You were a bit scared, but feel better now. You ask if Kentin feels alright too, and he is. He has met scarier guys than that. It is always good to have dogs. Maybe he should give you pepper spray. So you can defend your self. You two walk further towards campus hand in hand. You both want to get out of the alley. After you have walked a bit, you start to feel better. The moment was really scary. But here with Kentin, it all feels good. Kentin asks again if you feel alright. Your heart is beating normal again. Kentin is surprised that this the first time this happens to you. Kentin has had this moment before. Back when he was in high school. You don’t remember Kentin talking about it. Perhaps he didn’t tell you it. Not much happened, a guy came up to him and started to act sly. Back then, Kentin was lacking confidence and the guy took out a knife. Cookie showed up to defend him. And the guy ran away. You say sorry and ask where Cookie is. Kentin’s asks if Cookie were with us right now, if he got lost. He wasn’t you don’t really understand. You explain that you said sorry because you didn’t dear to ask. If something had happened to cookie, it could bring up back memories. Kentin was just joking. You try to let him promise you to never do that again. Kentin can’t, you looked so cute. You have to promise to never be so cute again. But you can’t, it comes of natural. You are both laughing, and you try to be even cuter. Kentin Says that he can never be as cute as you. But you let him promise to do something else to make it up to you. He promises you he will find something. Now you want to know where Cookie is. Cookie is with Kentin’s dad. Kentin left Cookie there when he moved out. Cookie didn’t like to travel a lot. Cookie is a house dog. Kentin finds the health of his dogs important. Every time, Kentin left with his dog. It broke Cookie’s heart, and Kentin’s dad wanted him to stay. You thought Kentin’s dad didn’t like dogs. At first that was so. But Cookie charmed him. Every time Kentin left, everyone was upset. So Kentin had to face the truth and leave Cookie behind. But Cookie is very happy every time Kentin is comes back. Plus, he now got these two dogs. You really like how passionate Kentin talks about his dogs. You try to ask what Kentin does because it sounds like he lives on the road. But it is already late and Kentin has to leave. You don’t want Kentin to leave. But he promises to tell you about it some another time. Maybe you too could have a real date. He asks for your phone number. You ask if he didn’t keep it. It was you who changed your phone number after you two broke up. Now your number belongs to someone else. You want to hear the story. But Kentin will tel you about it on your date. You give him your new number. Kentin and you are both hesitating to leave. Kentin says that he will call or text you. You ask him to text tonight, so you have his number. Kentin is surprised you didn’t keep his number. You had to change phones, that is why you have a new number. He asks why you didn’t ask your old friends for it. You didn’t because you didn’t know they were still in contact. Kentin and you are both still hesitating to leave. You tell him that you really had a nice time. You get your illustration. Kentin says he did too. The dogs start to bark. They want to see their friends again. Kentin says he will call you, and he really had a good time. He leaves and you stand there frozen. You have all butterflies again. You stand there for a while, enjoying the moment. Then you go to your room. When you walk in, you see Yeleen. She asks if you had a good day, because you look like you do. You ask if it is that obvious. But you don’t smile that much when you see Yeleen normal. And she is right. You feel guilty that you normally don’t seem so happy to see here. But Yeleen doesn’t care, she has friends that are happy to see here. She wants to know what makes you so happy. You ask here if she had a relationship when she was back in high school. Yeleen didn’t know you were already so good with each other to ask that kind of things. But she figures out that you did see your ex. Yes, you did. You saw Kentin. You didn’t tell Yeleen about him before. Yeleen asks if you shouldn’t call Rosa. You were planing on, but you ask her if she doesn’t want to hear more. And she doesn’t. She got her answer and is satisfied. Yeleen leaves to meet with some friends. You stand there a few seconds surprised. Then you think back about your great day. You can believe it, and you were just thinking about meeting Kentin again before you saw him. You take out your phone and call Rosa. It goes to voicemail. You tell her to call you back. In the between, you start to the study. It gets dark, you get yourself some food and slide in your bed. You start to think about your next date with Kentin. Where could it be, what are you going to do. Would you two kiss? Your phone starts to vibrate. It is Rosa. You decide to answer it tomorrow. You want to keep thinking about Kentin. Your phone vibrates again. It is Kentin. He messages you; that now you have his number. You go back, thinking about your upcoming date. The episode ends. -- source link
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