minqy-art: minqy-art: The Full Collection of Pride Pun t-shirt designs to date I’d like to add
minqy-art: minqy-art: The Full Collection of Pride Pun t-shirt designs to date I’d like to address a few things in light of all the reblogs this post is getting. I’ll DEFINITELY be making t-shirts to sell out of these designs. I hope to have a shop open around mid November. I’ll be adding more identities to this collection including Genderqueer, Gay and Androgynous/Androgyne.I’d also like to thank those of you who adressed some individuals misinformed on the intentions and subject matter of this post. I wholly appreciate you and it makes me incredibly happy to know I have such strong supporters. If other misinformed comments are made in an insulting or hurtful manner, I encourage you to ignore them. You are wonderful, and I will gladly answer any legitemate questions about this post. I feel your support and I don’t want you to have to suffer any heat from other bloggers because of this post.I’ll post more updates on designs as they come. Thank you! -- source link