Title: Farm TherapySquare Filled:C5 - Therapy - Card B019 - @buckybarnesbingoArtist: CaitiRelationsh
Title: Farm TherapySquare Filled:C5 - Therapy - Card B019 - @buckybarnesbingoArtist: CaitiRelationship: Bucky Barnes & Darcy Lewis & Clint BartonRating: TNote: Should any of my mood boards prompt a fic, please link me so I can enjoy and brag! But please - take this as permission to write it!!Warnings: Mood board, Alternate UniverseSummary: “Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.” Daniel Webster -- source link
#bbb2022#bucky barnes#darcy lewis#clint barton