Judy had been practicing. She had started small, with food items that were even smaller than that mo
Judy had been practicing. She had started small, with food items that were even smaller than that mouse had been: things like grapes or olives. She would snack on them while watching movies, then pop them in her mouth and swallow them down without chewing. She graduated from that to eggs, usually hard-boiled. That was a little bit harder, but the slick nature and round shape of the eggs made them easier to squeeze down her throat. She hadn’t actually eaten another living animal since that mouse that Nick had brought her. But after seeing him eat a rabbit in front of her, she couldn’t get the thought out of her mind. The cravings had come back, insistent and nagging. Part of her wanted to ask Nick to bring her another mouse, but she rejected that idea: while she wanted to understand where Nick was coming from, she wasn’t a predator. Even if her kits apparently were. So she made do by swallowing other eggs and grapes, sometimes indulging herself by pretending it was another mouse, imagining it squirming down her throat. That had worked for a while, but the nagging eventually came back. Maybe, she had thought, she needed to go with something a little larger. The first time she swallowed an entire carrot, she thought that maybe she had overdone it. Nick didn’t know about this, of course, but she had her phone nearby, with a text ready to send, telling Nick to call emergency services and have them come to her place in case this all went awry. And for a moment, she thought it was going to come to that, as the thick carrot had stuck in her throat, making a bulge she could feel on her neck. But then she had managed to force it down, and had felt it plop into her belly. Of course, the sky was the limit after that. Apparently her lips and throat could stretch pretty significantly. Once she could swallow carrots easily enough, she began moving up, swallow entire oranges, then grapefruits. And just the other day, she had actually managed to stretch her mouth around an entire watermelon, one almost bigger than her. It had settled heavily in her gut, making her feel bloated and heavy. It had caused her belly to bulge out visibly, even with the pregnancy. Why was she doing this? She wasn’t sure anymore. She told herself that it was to help combat the cravings, but did she really need to swallow something that big? What was she fantasizing about eating? Maybe she just needed to get some fresh air. She was cooped up all day while Nick was at work, and by the time he got home, he was often too tired to take her out anywhere. She knew that he didn’t like her going out alone in her state, but damn it, he was just going to have to deal with it. So that was how she found herself on the train. She had put on that stupid “multiplying” shirt (she might think it was dumb, but Nick loved the thing) and had visited a grocery store to pick up some of her favorite soda. Now she was on her way back home. The fresh air had actually been quite nice, and now she could tell Nick that, see, it wasn’t such a big deal for her to run out alone, after all. She just had this train ride and then a short walk back to her apartment. “Excuse me, Ma'am?” The voice shook Judy from her reverie. She turned to look at the source of the voice – and froze. It was that brown bunny she had seen on the train before. The one that had triggered all the cravings in the first place. She was sitting in a seat nearby to where Judy was standing, wearing an outfit very similar to the one she had seen her in before, with a tank top and jean shorts. She was slender of figure, and looked quite a bit younger than Judy – still an adult, but probably still in school. She was currently pulling her headphones out of her ears. “Ma'am, please, take my seat,” she said, hopping to her feet. “You shouldn’t be standing.” Judy took in a sharp breath, her mouth closed, her nostrils flaring. The cravings, which had been a dull burning, suddenly flared up into a raging inferno. Judy felt her stomach rumble, and her mouth was watering. “Ma'am?” Judy shook her head, then swallowed her excess saliva. What the hell was she thinking? “Sorry, just a little distracted, I guess,” Judy said, moving to the now-open seat and sitting down. She had to admit, she really did appreciate the opportunity to get off her feet. “No problem.” The brown bunny moved to the space where Judy had just been standing, gripping the same rail to maintain her balance on the moving train. “So, I’m Taylor. What’s your name?” “Um, Judy.” “Nice to meet you. I’ve seen you on the train a few times.” Judy forced a laugh. “Heh, y-yeah, I’m probably pretty easy to spot right now, huh? I’ve actually noticed you once or twice, too.” Damn it, why was this happening? Why did this delicious-looking bunny have to show up wanting a conversation right now? “Aww, really? I’m flattered,” Taylor said. “I figured that I’m just another bunny, wouldn’t stand out that much.” “Well, that might be true somewhere like Bunnyburrow,” Judy said, trying to keep her focus on the conversation. “But you don’t see a lot of rabbits this close to city center. What brings you out here?” “School,” Taylor responded. “I’m going to the university here, and I wanted to live close enough that I wouldn’t have a long commute. I miss the family sometimes, but it’s also kind of freeing to be away from them for the first time. You know what I mean?” “Yeah, I do,” Judy said. “I love my family, but they can be stifling. I don’t think you would get lost in the crowd so easily, though. You’re pretty cute.” Taylor blushed and tapped one foot. “Aww, thank you!” The train started to slow, and Taylor had to adjust her feet to keep from falling. It stopped, and the doors snapped open. “Well, this is my stop,” Judy said, climbing to her feet. Thank goodness. Taylor seemed nice – in fact, in any other circumstances, Judy would probably have been disappointed she couldn’t talk to her more – but Judy needed to get away from her. The kits were practically demanding this bunny, and Judy had no way to explain to them that it just wasn’t going to happen. “It was nice talking to you!” “Oh! This is my stop, too!” Taylor said, grinning widely. She took Judy’s arm and helped her down the steps off the train. “Hey, maybe I could walk you home! I could help you carry that.” She pointed at the bag holding Judy’s soda. Oh, sweet cheese and crackers, this was bad. She should just say no. She should just say no. It wasn’t that far to her apartment; she could easily make it herself. She shouldn’t spend any more time with this intoxicatingly delicious bunny than she had to. And yet, when she opened her mouth, the sound that came out was not “no,” but instead: “Sure.” Taylor smiled, reaching out and taking the plastic bag with the soda bottle from Judy. “Okay! Which way?” “Um, this way,” Judy said. She walked out of the train station with Taylor walking along beside her, the younger rabbit practically skipping as she did her good deed for the day. As they walked, Judy couldn’t help but start to fantasize. Would Judy even be physically capable of doing it? Taylor was only a little bit shorter than her, but she was significantly more slender (especially now, with the pregnancy.) And that watermelon that Judy had swallowed had been pretty big. Judy could overpower Taylor, too, if it came to that. She hadn’t been letting her physical abilities atrophy during the pregnancy. She had been exercising as best she could, and Taylor didn’t look particularly strong. Judy was fairly certain that, if she wanted to, she could actually eat this bunny. Of course, the follow-up question to that was “should she?” And obviously the answer was: “no, of course she shouldn’t!” She was talking about devouring another member of her own species, here! They lived in Zootopia: this was supposed to be a better place, a more civilized place! Animals didn’t just eat random animals, especially ones who were as kind and helpful as this bunny! But part of her started thinking back to the story that Nick had told her. How he had devoured the young bunny alive, felt her squirm and kick in his stomach. What would Nick think if she did the same? What would his response be if she told him that she had actually eaten another rabbit herself? Would he be horrified? Impressed? Would that shared experience bring them even closer? Plus, there was the issue of her kits. Given that they seemed to keen on Judy catching this bunny for them, it seemed likely that they were going to be predators, too. Shouldn’t she have at least some experience with being a predator herself? Otherwise, how could she relate to the kits once they were born? How would she raise them? She couldn’t just rely on Nick for everything. No, this was all foolish. It was impossible, anyway. She shouldn’t do it. She wouldn’t do it. It was wrong, it was stupid, it was unnatural, it was risky. And yet… “Um, turn here,” Judy said, indicating a small side street. “Sure thing!” Taylor responded, happily turning the corner. Judy followed Taylor into a fairly long, narrow alley that stretched out between two of the apartment buildings. It was rather dingy, being too narrow for vehicles to pass, and there weren’t any windows on the sides of the buildings. The light from the street could only penetrate so far from the edges of the building, too, making it rather dark. Taylor had made it about a third of the way down the alley before she realized where she was. She started to turn around to face Judy. “Um, Ma'am, are you sure this is the right… ah!” Judy heaved herself bodily into Taylor, pushing the slender bunny back and pinning her between Judy’s large belly and the brick wall. She slammed both paws into the wall on either side of Taylor’s head. The plastic bag with the bottle of soda fell to the ground with a clunk. “M-Ma'am?” Taylor’s eyes were wide with fear and confusion. “What are you doing?” “I’m sorry,” Judy said. “But I can’t stand it any more. I have to feed my kits.” “What do you… mmmph!” Judy leaned forward, her belly and chest still pinning Taylor to the wall, and opened her mouth wide. In a smooth, practiced motion, she slid her lips around the bunny’s entire head, pushing her tall ears backwards. Judy let out a soft “mmmm.” She could feel the fur of Taylor’s chin on her tongue, feel the bunny starting to squirm and try to pull herself backwards. Judy brought her paws down and gripped Taylor’s arms just below the shoulders, holding her in place. Of course, the head had been easy. Getting the rest of her down would be a different story. Would she actually be able to do this? Too late to turn back now: she was going to find out, one way or the other. Judy gripped Taylor hard, pushing her in and swallowing. She felt her throat bulge out as the bunny’s head entered it, and her lips wrapped around her shoulders. Taylor was really struggling now, and Judy could hear her screaming, but her throat was muffling most of the noise. The bunny was, understandably, not happy. But as Judy had predicted, she couldn’t overpower the older, more experienced rabbit. She wasn’t going anywhere but down. At least, Judy hoped she was going down. Swallowing a live, furry, wiggling bunny was entirely a different matter than a smooth watermelon. And she needed to do this quickly, too: the alley was fairly secluded, but all that needed to happen to make this all fall apart was for another prey – or, perhaps worse, a predator – to look down the alley at just the right angle. So she shoved and swallowed and gulped, using her hands to force Taylor in deeper while pushing her own head down. The rabbit’s slender chest slid into Judy’s gullet fairly easily, but then she reached what she knew would be the real challenge: Taylor’s hips, easily the widest part of her. Judy unbuttoned Taylor’s jean shorts and slid them off – they’d be likely to get caught on her teeth, so leaving them on would be tempting fate. Then she lifted her meal’s kicking legs up, grasping her by the ankles and positioning her bottom against the wall. Judy braced herself, then pushed her muzzle forward, using the wall as leverage to try to shove Taylor’s hips inside. At first, Judy seemed to be stuck. Her lips hurt as they strained to open wide enough. But then, suddenly, Judy slid forward, and her nose bumped the brick wall. Taylor’s hips and fluffy tail popped into Judy’s mouth, and the bulge in her gullet moved down further, starting to disappear behind her chest and swollen belly. Judy’s jaw ached, and she was fairly certain she had split her lip, but she still felt a twinge of relief. She had done it! With the largest obstacle passed, victory was assured. Judy braced herself against the wall with one hand, bringing the other hand up to her throat as she started to slurp Taylor’s kicking legs down. She could feel the bulge moving as Taylor wiggled, gravity now helping to pull her down faster. Judy’s lips slid over her thighs, then her knees, then her calves. Finally, she used her hand to push the large, wiggling toes past her teeth. She tilted her head back, and with one final, huge swallow, felt the massive weight in her gullet shift downward, settling in her gut. Judy dropped to her knees, partially supported by her belly. With both the litter and a full-sized bunny inside her, she was absolutely enormous. Her belly was bigger than she was, and she could see clear imprints of Taylor’s feet, hands, or face as she struggled and fought within, muffled screams and shouts penetrating the layers of fur and flesh. Her skin felt tight as a drum, but thankfully didn’t seem to be at risk of breaking, still managing to stretch with each push and kick from her prey. She had done it! She had actually eaten a whole bunny! Judy assumed she would probably feel guilty about this later, but right now, for whatever reason, she just felt extremely satisfied. Maybe the kits were happy with her offering; maybe this would finally quell that craving. Or maybe, after she’d had a week or so to digest this bunny, she was going to need to have Nick bring her another one. The thought was perverse, crude, but it made Judy smile. She ran her paws over her squirming gut, basking in the sensation of the frenzied movement within. After a few minutes, Judy was sure that the struggling would die down, and her apartment was just around the corner. She would be able to drag herself the rest of the way home, and if anyone saw her, she could probably still pass for pregnant – albeit very pregnant. The only potential problem would be if someone else came down the alley right now, before her meal had a chance to settle – but honestly, the odds were in Judy’s favor. After all, no one had come down the alley so far. Judy felt a bubbly sensation start to move up her throat, and she opened her mouth and let out a small belch. She giggled, covering her mouth. She couldn’t wait to see Nick tonight and see what he thought about the new Judy. Another prednant Judy story. She finally does it!Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee! -- source link
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